The 30th anniversary party of the company II (Edit)

Omkar's POV

I'm Omkar Kaison and I'm famous fashion designer and I am 28 years old, and I am still single. Yes I know it's hard to believe that at the age of 28 I am still single. But it isn't my fault that I am single. Ever since high school girls have been hitting on me, but I never went out with them. I don't know why? But there's one thing that I'm sure that whenever I'll meet my ideal dream girl, my heart will tell me that this is the girl who made for me. Only for me!

Today evening we are going to celebrate our company's 30th anniversary. I don't believe this, it's been one week that we lose our owner Mr. Benson and his daughter Riya. Mr. Benson was like a father to me. When I was a high school student, he came to our school as a special guest, he saw my work and offers me to learn and do a part time job in his company. He is the first person who recognizes my talents, and after my graduation I worked here permanently. Now it's been 10 years that I am working in this company. When I first met Riya, she was only 10 years old. And she was just like my little sister. And she also respected and loved me like a big brother. I lost my parents in a car accident when I was 12 year old. I haven't got any relatives so I'm staying with my forester parents, If I want I can leave them when I turn 18. With my forester parents I have never feel like I am staying with a family, they were always busy and they didn't have time to talk with me or stay with me. They only feed me and the other expenses it's spent by the money my parents left for me. So when I turn 18 I left them. Mr. and Mrs. Benson took care of me like his son! Now I am who I am all because of them.

Today I don't want to go to the party but I'm going there just for Mrs. Benson. I have to encourage her because after the dead of our company's owner and his daughter, we need a new CEO to run our company. It's very difficult for her to handover the company to someone else. The next week we have got a general board meeting to select the new CEO of our company. I hope everything will be ok.

***In the evening at the ceremonies***

In the evening there are lots of people who came to celebrate the party, everyone was happy they didn't feel sad for Mr. and Miss. Benson's death.

This scene makes me feel sick, I want to leave the party immediately but I can't so I went to the washroom for freshen up myself. It took 20 minutes to calm myself down and when I went out from the washroom I saw Mrs. Benson is standing there with a smile.

Om: How come you keep smiling in this situation?

Mrs. Benson: "Om, the past is past and the future is the future. ( she said with a smile). You can't let your past bother your future. But you have to learn something from your past for make a bright future and try to not make the same mistakes that you have done in your past."

Om: "Yes I know but..."

Mrs. Benson: "No but... if you think positive everything will be positive but if you think negative everything will be negative. So think always positive... OK!"

Om: "OK! ( I said with a small smile) . I'm going to the balcony to get some fresh air..."

Mrs. Benson: "OK!"

After chatting with Mrs. Benson I went to the balcony .Gladly There are no one in the balcony and the are no noises. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and enjoying the fresh air and let my all negative thoughts flow away. After doing this I feel much better, Mrs. Benson is right, think positive and everything will be positive and think negative and everything will be negative.

But unfortunately all my positive life is last longing when someone call me from the other side of balcony. When I turn around, I saw that woman...

'OK the rest of my evening will be worst for sure.'

Anonymous: Omkar I am not going to leave you until you become my boyfriend.

Omkar : Leave me alone. I don't love you and by the way there is a girl that I like and I want to be with her.

Anonymous: "Omkar I am not going to leave you until you become my boyfriend."

Omkar : "Leave me alone . I don't love you and by the there is a girl that I like and I want to be with her."

After saying all of this I run from the balcony. And the woman also run after me. After saying all of this I leave the balcony immediately for escape. And she also keeps cashing me. At that time I pray to god that he send someone to help me.

During praying to god I felt, I bump into someone.

Anonymous : "Aah!"

Omkar : "Oh...I'm sorry."

Anonymous : "What do you think you're....?!"

Anonymous : "Mr. K-Kaison?"

Oh god please don't let her someone one of my or her fan or admiratrice.... please god, please...

Omkar : "Shh." (He presses his finger against her lips.)

Anonymous : "Hm?"

Omkar : "Can you just...stay like this a bit more?" (He says this as he embraces her.)

Anonymous : "Can you let go now?!" (She says this as she pushing him.)

Omkar : "Please, you gotta help me"

After I say that, She chin up and our eyes meet. her eyes are so dreamy, that anybody can get lost in them. And I must say I have never seen someone like this. I look at her up and down. She's 100 times better than Susan...She has small pink lips, big deep blue eyes, natural nose, silk jet black long hair and perfect body with fair skin....

I don't know why after looking at her, my heart starts to beating fast...This is the first time I am feeling something like this to a girl.

Then I hear some noise that coming closer. I looks in that direction and clicks my tongue.

Omkar : "Just listen to me"

Anonymous : "If it's really that urgent..."

Omkar : "Good." (He whisper, and hold her in his arms.)

Anonymous : "I'm only helping, OK…Don't get the wrong idea."

Omkar : "Of course not. I wouldn't want that to happen either." (He squeezes her even tighter.)

I squeeze her even tighter that I can feel her heartbeat against me. I slip my right arm around her waist. She can't move one bit, being held so tight in my arms. She must be irritated because she's unable to move. So she tries to move and when she tries to move, I can't help but chuckle at her ear.

Omkar : "Sorry, it won't be long."

I whisper softly in her ear. And that's when it stops right in front of us...and as she stands behind me, she takes a deep breath.

Anonymous: "Found you!"

She stares at me with bloodshot eyes...and her angry face completely drains all the beautiful features of it. If anybody see her in this form then they couldn't believe that she is Susan Mais.

Susan Mais! She is a fashion model and TV personality, she gaining popularity especially among young, working women. But nobody knows that she is a two faces woman. She is very sweet and innocent in front of the public but in reality she is smart and dangerous women. She is "I get what I want and if I didn't get what I want then nobodies can get it" type person.

At first we were just friend... and little by little she starts to show her true colors. When I get to know what type of person she is, I start to keep distance between us. The last month she proposed me to be his boyfriend but I rejected her politely. She can't take "no" for an answer. So she keeps chasing me and she separate the rumors that I am a playboy who charges girls like a tissue paper.... But gladly my friends, Riya, Mr. and Mrs. Benson always trust me and believe me.

Omkar: "I don't want you. I'm with her now, so leave."

Susan: "Oh I see how it is. So, you're into girls that are dumb and fake now?!"

Anonymous : "Are you talking to me?"

Susan: "No, I am talking with the air! OFF COURSE I AM TALKING TO YOU!"

Anonymous : "And do I know you, who are you?"

I don't believe to my ears, she said that to her...

Susan: "How comes you don't know who I am?" (She asks with shock expression)"I am the famous Susan Mais."

Anonymous: "O, ho ho ho, So You are that person?"

Susan: "Yes, I am that person" (she said that proudly with diva smile).

Anonymous: "I have never heard about you."

After hearing her response I can't stop myself. There are a little laugh skip from my mouth. She's definitely a interesting person. Because nobody never! Ever! Talk with Susan, like that. And for that Susan becomes angrier and starts to scold her.

Susan: "You bitch, how dare you? How can you talk to me like this and …"

And when she is scolding her and blabbing to her, she took her phone out and started filming her and when She notice that what is she doing...she stopped and asked her

Susan: "what are you doing?"

Anonymous: "Recording you! And I really want to know how your fans will react when they saw this video!"

Susan: "Stop that, Sto..."

When Susan tries to stop her, she cut her out and said...

Anonymous: "No you stop. Stop bothering us and leave us alone..... And if you keep bothering, I won't mind to send the video to the internet. Your career will be finished if I send this video."

After her treating she didn't say a word and leave the corridor and leave us behind.

She really is amazing girl, nobody mean NOBODY have ever shuts Susan's mouth like this.

I need to thank her. She really saved me from her today. If she didn't help me then I am a dead-meat for sure.

Omkar: "Thank You and I am very sorry for the situation I put you in."

Anonymous: "It's ok but you need to find a solution for this matter because I don't think she will let you go that easily."

Omkar: ....

Anonymous: "Ok goodbye!"

After saying that, she left the corridor and left me behind.

I stay there still for some time and start thinking about that warning that she gave me. She was right that Susan won't let me go that easily. And she can hurt the person who is near me. And maybe she can hurt that girl who just helps me...I really need to do something.

After that I went back to the hall to my 2 best friend Henri and Hugo. Henri Shaven, the Sales strategy Department manager. He's tall and handsome with light brown hair and brown intoxic eyes, that can melt any girls heart, clean cut face, natur lips with light athletic body. He's the biggest playboy in our company. And Hugo Martin, the CEO of the H&M groupes of company. The devil himself. Why because of his decent, innocent blue eyes with black smooth hair and handsome face, nobody can tell that what is his true color. He's good for the good one's but worst for the bad one's. If you mess with him, then he'll make your life a living hell. He is also one of our biggest investor.

Hugo : "Where have you been?"

Omkar : "Don't ak!"

Henri : "Please don't tell me, it's her again."

Omkar : …

Hugo: "I don't think, she will leave you that easily."

Omkar : "I know! I've to do something and very soon."

Henri : "By the way… What's this?" (He's pointing at Omkar's shirt button)

I noticed that there's a necklace which is hanging on my shirt button. I think it's belonging to that girl. I think it remove from her neck when I hug her tightly. It's a very beautiful silver necklace, in an angle wings form; you can wear this every clothes.

Henri : "SPEAK!"

Omkar : "I bump into a girl when I was running from Susan. And I ask her to help me."

Hugo : "And she help you?"

Omkar : "She did help me and she made Susan be quiet."

Henri : "You must be kidding with me, right?"

Omkar : I'm serious. And I think this necklace belong to her.

Hugo : "Aren't you going to return the necklace to her?"

Omkar : "Well I want to. But…"

Henri : "But?"

Omkar : "But the problems are I don't know how is she, what's her and where did she live?"

Henri : "Dude! You must be kidding with me! You don't know the name of you survivor?"

Omkar : "Well I didn't have the time to ask her name. Before I can ask her name, she left!"

Hugo : "So what are you going to do ? How will you find her?"

Omkar : "I think she work in our company."

Henri : "How do you know ?"

Hugo : "Oh come on! This party only reserved for the Business partners and the employers."

Henri : Oh! Ok! So what are you going to do?

Omkar : "I'm so tired to think about anything right now. I want to go home and have some rest and I'll think about it."

Hugo : OK, then see you next week at the board meeting.

Omkar : "Yeah! See you."

Hugo : "Goodbye buddy!"

Omkar : "Good bye!"