The General Body Meeting

***25th April, 8:30- In Front Of AB group of companies***

Third person's POV

Repoter1: Mr. Benjamin Benson had no heir. Due to his death, all his company's shares have fallen down rapidly. The company worth 10 billion is of only 3 billion now.

Repoter2: The company which once boasted as one of top notch company of the world; Today its future is questionable. The most important question now is... who will again soar this company to its heights.

Repoter3: Very soon the general body meeting.....of AB group of company is going to be held. Where it will be decided, who will be the next CEO of the company?

Repoter4: The whole world is watching AB groupe of companies now. People even want to know.....who will be the next CEO of AB group of companies.

At that moment, a man age of early 50, with round face, Receding Short Straight grey hair, blue eyes, straight narrow nose and naturel lips; wearing glasses and grey wight suite came out from the company's main door with some employs. It's Mr. Bennett, He is one of bord's members.

Reporters: Sir! Sir! Sir, can you please tell us something?

Mr. Bennett: Clam down please! Today's emergency meeting by the board of directors...has chosen Mrs. Iris Benson as the interim CEO. Till we don't appoint the new CEO, at the general body meeting....Iris madam, will work as CEO. You will be soon as the date for the general body meeting is fixed. We want to console our investors, not to worry but trust us. We will reach the heights again. We will soon call a press conference. thank you. Let's go!

Repoters: Sir! Sir! Sir, please one question. Please, Sir!

*** 9:00- In The Conference Room ***

Mr. Bennett: The worth of the company is decreasing rapidly. We have to choose a new CEO as soon as possible. Our investors are very scared. We need someone like Benjamin.

Mr. Hill: Listen to me, before the value decrease, perish it. Then we will start a new business.

Mr. Brook: Let's rent out 20 floors out of the 25. Start a super market on the rest of the floors.

Mr. John: What the hell are you two talking about?

Mrs. Benson: You are advising according to your thinking. You both were worth to do this type of work. But Benjamin made you'll the director. And you want to sell his company. I will never let that happen.

Mr. John: Then who will be our new CEO? Do you have anyone in your mind?

Mrs. Benson: Yes! I know whom to choose for the new CEO. It will surely not be one of you. Ungrateful! (She said while glare at Mr.Hill and Mr. Brook)

Mr. Hill: Mind your language.

Mrs. Benson: You are traitors.

Mr. Bennett: OK! OK! We must think practically. Only Adrien Bennett's daughter Rachelle has the capability of becoming the CEO. Because She has increased the companies oversees business up to 20%. If he becomes the CEO, the investors will increase their faith in us. I want her to become the CEO. And Benjamin has passed away, 15 days ago. So we should hold the general body meeting after 3 months. Till then I will speak to Rachelle.

Mr. John: The why not Omkar? He also won lots of inter national award and also oversees our product and our clothes.

Henri: What do you think about this Hugo? After all you are our biggest investor and also business partner.

Hugo: Rachelle and Omkar are both good candidat for the CEO's post. But first we need to know about their opinion right?

Mr. Brook: You are right Mr. Martin. So Omkar, tell us what do you think about the proposition?

Omkar: I've my own plan, so ask Rachelle.

Mr. Bennett: All right then, Benjamin has passed away, 15 days ago. So we should hold the general body meeting after 3 months. Till then I will speak to Rachelle.

Mr. John: In between, what if the property rates fall?

Mr. Hill: If it didn't happen in 3 months then we start a small super market.

Mr. Brook: If we can't become the CEO, then the company will be lease. We will be free from daily troubles.Now stop talking and call the agent.

Mr. Hill: For how long will we wait? What if someone's steals our idea?

Mrs. Benson: Benjamin has toiled very hard, and made this company, with his blood and sweat. That's why The new CEO, will be someone who has the qualities like Benjamin.

*** At The Same Time Outside Of The Conference Room ***

Anna: what happen Alexia? Why are you sobbing?

Alexia: .....

Anna: You left or him?

Alexia: Me?

Anna: Let me gusse, got dumped in love?

Alexia: Sob... Sob...

Anna: Did he did something behind your back?

Alexia: No...

Anna: Then why are you burning your lungs?

Alexia: Here look by yourself.

Alexia passe her phone to Anna to read the messages.

Anna: We will marry whether today or tomorrow. But before that I need to do business....

Anna stop reading and look at Alexia.

Anna: Are you kidding with me?

Alexia: .....

Anna: How much?

Alexia: 5 million!

Anna: And where were you get them from?

Alexia: ...

Anna: SPEAK!

Alexia: I took 5 million advance from the company loans and...

Anna: And gave it to your boyfriend, right?

Alexia: I lied to Mr. Hill and and took a loan of 5 million. I told him that I'm buying a plot for my family.... Now what will I do, Anna? I've got 4 months... In this 4 months, how can I arrange 5 million dollars? Even if I sold myself a 1000 times, I couldn't repay it.

Anna: How many times? How many times I told you that he's not good for you? But you didn't listen to me.What did you say? No, he's not like that.... You didn't have any boyfriends so you don't understand the relation between the couples... Now what?

Alexia: I'm sorry! I did mistake, now help me, please!

Anna: OK! OK! fine, don't cry. I will do something.

Alexia: Thank you very much.

Anna: By the way do you know, when the meeting will be finish.

Alexia: I don't know, It's been 20 minutes that that meeting has started. And today's meeting is very important meeting, I think it will going at last 2 to 3 hours.

Anna: 2 to 3 hours?! Then why everyone coming out from the conference room, for brake?

Alexia: What!? How come it's finish in 20 minutes ?

Anna: Who knows?

Mr. Brook and Mr.Hill are the first one who went out from the conference room....

Mr. Brook: Alexia I'm going home with Mr. Hill right now. If you have nothing to do then you can leave first.

Alexia: Ok. Thank you sir. And have good day, Sir!

Anna: Have a good day!


Alexia: I don't believe that I....

Anna: Don't you dare think about this. You are staying here and help me with my work; if you want my help with your stupid ex boyfriend.

Alexia: Anything for you sweetheart. Oh my god I'm so happy...

Alexia is hugging and cuddling Anna, when Mrs. Iris Benson came out from the conference room. And Alexia gapes.

Anna: What append?

Alexia: Mrs. Iris Benson. Mr. Benjamin Benson's wife. She is extremely strict.

Mrs. Benson walk pass by us and stop. She take her phone out and put it to her ear and says...

Mrs. Benson: The work is over. The next general body meeting will be after 3 months. Is it enough ?

Anna: Alexia, don't tensed about the time. you have got 4 months, right? 3 months are enough. I'll get your 5 million back from your ex.

Alexia: Ssh... Ma'am.

Anna: Oh sorry.