In The Trial Room

Third persons's POV

***In The Conference room***

Henri: What happen to you Omkar? What are you thinking about?

Hugo: His crush!

Omkar and Hugo look at Henri in shocking expression

Omkar: What rubbish are you saying?

Hugo: Wait what happen? Is there something that I don't know?

Henri: Our Omkar have crush on his secretary!

Hugo: What?!

Omkar: Don't listen to him. He's talking nonsense! I didn't have any crush on her.

Henri: Are you sure?

Omkar: Yes I'm!

Hugo: Will someone explain me what's going on?

Henri: Well there are some rumors in our department that Our cold heart Omkar rescue his secretary from the cameraman, like a hero saving his heroine.

Hugo: What, really?

Henri: Yes! But it turn out that he was saving the cameraman from his secretary!

After hearing this from Henri, Hugo look at Omkar with emotionless...

Omkar: It's true!

Henri: Truth to be told, It's not the cameraman's fault. Anybody will try to hit on her.

Hugo: Did you try to hit on her?

Henri: I got rejected before I can hit on her? I must say, she is really something else.

Omkar: She is from good and decent family.

Hugo: In this two day, you have known in which family she's from?

Henri: He is right Omkar. You know, what happen with Your friend Susan Mais.

Omkar: Please, stop mention her. I really don't want to talk about her. Because of her I put Anna in dangerous situation.

Hugo: Anna?!

Henri: His secretary!

Hugo: Oh!

Henri: And what do you mean by, because of her you put Ms. Cooper in dangerous situation?

Omkar: In the last week party, I use her as a shield to escape from Susan.

Hugo: What?! And was it her necklace, that hanging on your shirt button?

Henri: And was it because of that she said, "You also did the same thing as him. At the party didn't you?"

Omkar: Yes!

Hugo: Do you feel guilty tordre her?

Omkar: I don't know! She didn't take my help to dealing with Susan and also she show Susan her place and shut her mouth!

Hugo: When can I meet her?

Omkar: Didn't you got a wife the last week?

Hugo: Don't mention her!

Omkar: Why? What happen?

Hugo: She is hanging out with my nephew!

Henri: Does she know that he's your....?

Hugo: No!

Omkar: Then I can't blame her!

Henri: Me neither!

Hugo: I know it's not her fault! But it makes me angry!

Henri: Angry like an angry bird?


Henri: Sorry! bad joke!

Omkar: You think? And by the way I've to go and prepare for this Friday.

Hugo: Didn't you already finish it?

Omkar: I did! Just need to trail it!

Hugo: OK! But be careful! Anything can happen in the last moment.

Omkar: I know what are you trying to say! Don't worry, I've already plan it.

Henri: Let's go now, your crush maybe waiting for you outside of the room.

Omkar: Shut up!

***Outside Of The Conference Room***

Alexia: Are you ready for this Friday?

Anna: Why do I've to be ready?

Alexia: Don't you know this Friday we have a show for publish our new brunch.

Anna: Oh! Yeah! right!

While they are talking, Omkar, Henri and Hugo came out from the conference room and went to them silently.

Alexia: It's Mr. Kaison's design. I'm so excited! Every design Mr. Kaison did was extremely beautiful, elegant and gorgeous. I'm sure this time too he did something special.

Anna: I'm sure he did.

Alexia: By the way what do you think about Mr. Kaison's design?

Anna: I think he's amazing! But...

Alexia: But, what?!

Anna: All of his designs are based on the party theme.

Alexia: So, what?!

Anna: It's such a wast.

Alexia: How come it's such a wast?

Anna: Because the dress cost a lot and the one who buy the dress wear it in an event or parties just for showoff. And after show offing the person never at dress at last time and buy a new dress for anther event or parties. So I think it will be better if he design something casual but stylish that everyone can wear. for exemple in working place, an occasion or daily life .

Alexia: Well that's true but they are rich. So it's normal for them. And it's Mr. Kaison's choies to design the dresses on the party theme. So we can't do anything about that.

Anna: You know what, I really pity the designers. Because of this rich they have work hard.

Alexia: That's true! By the what kind of dress you like?

Anna: Me?!

Alexia: Yes!

Anna: Well I like the dress which is simple and the same time elegant. Which is confortable to wear. And I think it will help you to create a new design in the futur Mr. Kaison.

Anna says the lest part as she turn around and look at Omkar with a smile. Omkar, Henri and Hugo got shock because they came to them silently without making any noises and Alexia got shock because she see them behind her suddenly. And before Omkar can ask, He ask to Anna.

Henri: How do you know that we are behind your back Ms. Cooper? We didn't make any kind of noise.

Anna: You are right! You didn't make any noise but the door did when you open it and close it.

Hugo: Impressive!

Anna: Thank you!

Omkar: Ahem! Cooper come with me. I need you help for this Friday.

Anna: Ok, Let's go!

Alexia: Then I'am leaving too!

Anna: 4 months!

Alexia: No, What I meant to say is I'll accompagne you and help you.

Anna: Well, you have to!

Hugo: Good by Ms. Cooper!

Anna: Good by Mr. Marin! And Good by Mr. Shaven!

Henri: Good by!

*** In The Fitting Room ***

Omkar: Ms. Moon Can you give the white box please!

Alexia: Sure! Mr. Kaison. Here it is.

Omkar: Here Cooper take it.

Anna:What is it?

Omkar: The dress for this Friday show. I need someone to wear this for the finishing touch.

Alexia and Anna look at each other silently.

Omkar: What are you waiting for? Go to the changing room and change it. And Ms. Moon you... you go to the office and bring back my sketches.

Alexia: Yes sir!

Without wasting anytime Alexia leave the room and Anna went to the trial room to change in the new dress. There is only a curtain between them.

'This is crazy! I don't like this kind of situation. It feels really scary to taking off my clothes like this.W hen My boss is other side of the curtain'(Anna thought.)

Anna: Don't turn you before I say so! And don't enter!

Omkar: OK!

'I must say he really is talented. He know how to chose clothes. This dress is really confortable to wear. And it's perfect for the summer party occasion.' (Anna thought.)

'This is really crazy! Why my heart is beating so fast? This isn't the first time that someone trying my dress then why? Will she like the dress that i made or not? I don't know what is happening to me? I don' know how will she looking in my dress? Wait! WAIT A MINUTES! Why I'm thinking like this! Oh God I really want finish this as soon as possible!' (Omkar thought)

And as Anna try to reach for the zipper on her back, she can't reach it. She struggle as she reach and strain her arms but fail.

Anna: Em... Is Alexia came back from your office?

Omkar: No, why?

Anna: Nothing!

Anna keep trying to reach for the zipper and a moment later...

'What's take so long?' (Omkar thought)

Omkar: How're you doing?

Omkar entered in the trail room and Anna got scared by his sudden movement...

Anna: Aaaah! Do you want me to have a heart-attack! And what are you doing here? Didn't I told you to not enter?!

'I must say she look so beautiful in this navy blue with silver and ivory palette dress. I can't take my eyes away from her. She looks so perfect! If she was already ready then why is she taking so time' (Omkar thought)

Omkar: You are taking times!

Anna: Obviously I'm taking time! I can't reach to the zipper. (Anna says in angry voice)

Omkar: Is this why you ask for Ms. Moon.

Anna: Obviously!

Omkar: Then why didn't you call me?

Anna: Do you really think, I'll call you for this ?!

Omkar: You don't have any choies so let me help!

Anna: No don't!

Omkar ignores Anna and reaches forward and...

Anna: Don't you dare to look! Look at my eyes!

Omkar: Look at your eyes? How can I look when you stand before me?

Anna: By... By mirror!

Omkar: Mirror?!

Anna: Yes!

Omkar: OK!

By mirror looking at her eyes, Omkar try to put the zipper up. But he couldn't do that; because without looking at her back, he can't find the zipper. So he keep trying to find the zipper and by mistake his cold hand touches Anna's back....

Anna: Aaah! What are you doing? Why are you touching my back?!

Omkar: Sorry! But without looking I can't find the zipper! Let me try again.

So can I?

Anna: OK!

Omkar tried it again and accidentally touches Anna's back again...

Anna: Aaah!

Omkar: Oh! Come on. It's just work, stop over-reacting

Anna: I'm sorry for over-reacting! But your hand are too cold for my skin.

Omkar: Oh! I'm sorry for that But I can't do that without looking. So can I?

Anna: NO!

Omkar: Just a little glance!

Anna: Hmm....

Omkar: Do you want to stay like this!

Anna: ... Fine! But just a little glance, Ok?!

Omkar: OK!

Omkar take a little glance at Anna's back and fond the zipper and right after he found the zipper he look away to hide his shy face from Anna and put the zipper up.

Omkar: Couldn't pull it up on your Own?

Anna: N-no!

Omkar: We designed it so that you could... Maybe you're just stiff?

Anna: Excuse me! If I move much more than this, then I'm afraid that your dress will be tore Mr. Kaison.

Omkar: If you say so. But I guess for people like you...

Anna: Hmm...

Omkar: People who are inflexible, having the zipper here might be a bit hard... Anything else? Is it difficult to move around in it?

Anna: Um... everything is fine but the arms are a bit too tight.

Omkar: Hm? Maybe the size was a bit too small for you.

Anna: I don't think so....

Omkar: Hmm... Let me see... A bit too loose here...

Omkar takes a needle and thread out.

'Is it just me or is he enjoying this? Uhh... I think that I need to give up and just do as he says.' (Anna thought)

'Looks like she is finally gave up. Normally I don't like to argue with anybody and I don't like when they go against me and don't do everything I say. But with her... I really enjoying all of this with her. At first I really wanted to finish this as soon as possible but now i want to finish this as slow as possible.' (Omkar thought)

'By the way why me? If he want he can do this with a model. My look and figure are very classic, Then why me?!' ( Anna thought)

Omkar: Aren't you thinking, why me?

Anna: Yes! Wouldn't you want people with better figure for things like this?

'Are you kidding with me? After looking at you wearing my dress I can't think that anyone have a better figure than you.' (Omkar thought)

Omkar: Better figure?!

Anna: You know, to highlight the dress... A person with the grace of a model would be more appropriate, don't you think?

After hearing Anna's answer Omkar sneers.

Omkar: Why wold that matter? Putting our dress on people who don't actually wear our clothes. How would that benefit anyone?

Anna: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to....

Anna try to talk but Omkar cuts Anna off.

Omkar: AB group of companies going to be a brand that's closer to the people. Instead of the luxury fashion brand we've been aiming to become, we're transforming into a fast fashion brand. But not just any fashion band.... The one with the best design and quality out there.

Anna: I had no idea that AB group of companies was completely changing its business strategy.

Omkar: Well we prefer to keep it as a corporate secret.

Anna: So you are not angry about what I said early in the morning?

Omkar: NO! Why would I? What you said are absolutely right. But it's not me who always wanted to create dress for parties. I also wanted to created formal dresses, but the problem is there are no one who can inspire me to do it.

Anna: Then who inspire you to create party theme dresses?

Omkar: Riya Benson.

Anna: Mr. Benson's daughter?

Omkar: Yes.

Anna: Is she...

Anna is trying to ask something but cuts by Alexia....

Alexia: Mr. Kaison are you here? I've brought your sketchbook!

Omkar: Yes! Wait a moment!

Omkar and Anna both came out from the trial room.

Alexia: Oh My God! Anna! You look so fabulous!

Anna: Thanks! By the way, why are you so late?

Alexia: First of all, Mr. Kaison here is your sketchbook.

Omkar: Thank you!

Alexia: And I was late because I had to attend an emergency call.

Anna: Oh Ok! Umm... Mr. Kaison can I change?

Omkar: Sure!

Anna: Alexia, please help me!

Alexia: Sure!