Create A New Dress

Third Peson's POV

The next day everything went very well. Everyone finished their work and went to their home peacefully.

On the other side; there is a show in the S&M company. They are launching their new products for the summer saison. Everyone love their products. The show went very successfully.

*** The next day, 27th April, Design Department, In Mr. Kaison's office ***

Anna just came out from the elevator when she heard a scream. The scream seemed to come from the Design Department work room. Anna rush to the work room.

*** In The Work Room ***

Anna: What happened?

It was Marina and other co-workers, who has screamed. Alexia is also here, looking at piece of paper. Anna looks for kaison and find him at the desk looking devastated.

'This is my first time seen him like that. He's always full of confidence. There must be something real awful must've happened! What I heard from other that, Mr. Kaison never shows his emotions. He is a leader who always stay strong to show the way to his team. So if he does such a defeated face, it must be serious. Maybe something really bad happened.' (Anna thought)

Anna: Alexia, what happened?

Alexia looks at Anna with a pale face and pushes the piece of paper into Anna's hands. It's the newspaper. On the first page of the newspaper, There's an article about the show which is hosted yesterday night by the S&M company. Anna starts to read the article. "It's also says that the show was a great successes for the company. And everyone loved their new products. It's also says that the products that they launch this year are extremely creative than the previews products." In the end of this article there are some photos that shows their products. After watch the photos, Anna asks...

Anna: Isn't this our designs?

Marina: That's a press release from S&M company, the competitor of our new brand. But they have our designs that we are going to launch at the show.

Anna: What?! But how?! It's impossible to design an identical dress. There must be something fishy...

Alexia: There isn't anything fishy... They stole our design.

Marina: But it's impossible. How can they stole our design? Did they sneak in our department and stole the design and nobody notice it?

Anna: It isn't! Nobody can sneak into our department. Because we have very tight security. It's impossible for the outsider.

Alexia: Do you mean, it's done by insider?!

Anna: Maybe!

Marina: What are you trying to say Anna. That one of us done this.You can't blame us like this. Why would we?

Anna: I didn't blame anybody. I said maybe someone insider. But right now it's not the main problem. The main problem is what are we going to do now? We've got one day to create a new design.

'She is right! We've got only a day to create a new dress. But what kind of dress I'll design. I couldn't find any ide... Why didn't I think about it. So now it's time for action. I hope she'll love my new dress.' (Omkar thought)

Omkar: You're right Ms. Cooper. We don't have enough time before the show. So we can't just stay like this and wast our precious time.

Marina: But what are we going to do?

Omkar: Simple! We've just go to make new dresses.

Listening to Omkar, everyone let out sighs of despair.

Omkar: Listen everyone, I know that our team won't have the time to create a collection as good as the first one but to present an identical dress or worse, NOTHING would be a disaster for the brand.

Alexia: But we spent so much time on that dress...

Marina: We've even place orders for the fabric...

Omkar: Moon!

Alexia: Y-yes sir!

Omkar: Bring the patterns we tossed out one more time. We'll reuse them if we can.

Alexia: Yes sir!

Omkar: Armet!

Marina: Yes!

Omkar: Call all the designers on vacation. Tell them it's urgent.

Marina: Yes!

Omkar starts giving out the directions at a furious speed. When Alexia's phone ring.

Alexia: Excuse me please!

Alexia excuse herself and went out to attend the call and meantime Omkar keep giving instruction to the other co-worker. Then...

Omkar: Cooper!

Anna: Yes!

Omkar: Go to Shaven for me

Anna: Mr. Shaven?

Omkar: Yes, we're changing fabrics. We're gonna borrow Shaven's contacts.

Anna: OK!

Omkar: And then for the mo...

Omkar trying to say something but cut by Alexia who rush in and says....

Alexia: We've another problem. Our main model fallen sick. She is in the hospital now. She can't make it tomorrow evening.

Omkar: WHAT?! Oh God! We didn't have solved a problem, and there's another problem has come.

Alexia: What are we going to do now sir?

Anna: Don't worry about it. I know someone who can help us.

Alexia: Are you talking about her?

Anna: who else?

Alexia: Do you think she'll make it; Aren't her schedule full?

Anna: If she can't then she'll send someone best for sure?

Omkar: Are you sure, You can arrange a model.

Anna: Don't worry Mr. Kaison! I'll handle this.

Omkar : Ok! Then everyone go back to the work and quick.

Everyone: Yes sir!

Then everyone went out from the work room and start to do as Omkar says.

Anna first call Shaven...

Henri: Hello!

Anna: Mr. Shaven, this is Cooper.

Henri:Oh, Ms. Cooper, how are you?

Anna: Mr. Shaven, there's been... how to say? Somebody stole our design! We can't present it anymore for the show and the press conference.

Henri: What?! Who stole it? What happened exactly?!

Henri voice become grave as Anna give him a brief explanation.

Henri: I understand. And what's Kaison saying?

Anna: He was saying we need to order some replacement fabric...and that we need your contracts.

Henri: OK! Can I talk to him

Anna: Sure wait a moment please!

Anna went to the meeting room where Omkar and the other currently having a meeting about this current situation. Anna knock on the door and...

Anna: Mr. kaison, It's Cooper.

Omkar: What is it?

Anna: Mr. Shaven's on the line. I've filled him in briefly.

Omkar nods slightly and puts the receiver to his ear.

Omkar: Hello!

Henri: Do you really want to remplace the fabrics?

Omkar: Yeah... that's right.

Henri: Do you know that what kind of fabric you are going to use?

Omkar: We've already picked out the new fabrics.

Omkar and Henri discuses about the fabric for a moment, then...

Omkar: I'll email you later, OK?

Henri: OK, bye!

Omkar: Bye!

After Omkar brief talk with Henri, Omkar stays silent for a while.

Anna: Is everything allright?

Omkar: Yes! We just need to find a way to cope. The fabric is taken care of. After we get the cloth we'll start right away...

Once again Omkar shoots directions, and everyone in the Design Department starts working immediately.

Omkar: Thank you!

Omkar says as he passe the phone to Anna. And after receiving the phone when Anna try to went out from the meeting room, Omkar stops her.

Omkar: Co-cooper!

Anna: Yes!

Omkar: Sorry but can you try a fitting again?

Anna: Sure, why not?

Omkar: And....about the model, have you find one?

Anna: No, I'm going to call her right now.

Omkar: Ok! Tell me when you got any news.

Anna: Sure!

Anna went out from the meeting room and...

Anna: First one is done; now the second one, I hope she isn't busy.

Anna dial the number and wait passionately for the person to answer.

Anonyme: You really dare to call me?

Anna: What have I done?

Anonyme: It's been 2 weeks that you got your promotion and you didn't treat me a meal.

Anna: Aren't you busy at that time?

Anonyme: So? You know very well that I've always free time for you.

Anna: Are you free tomorrow evening?

Anonyme: Why?

Anna: We've got a problem. Tomorrow we're going to launch our new products and our main model can't going to make it, so....

Anonyme: So you want me to do it, right?

Anna: If you are free.

Anonyme: When it'll start?

Anna: At 7 in the evening.

Anonyme: Tomorrow evening I have an interview and it'll finish at 6:30 in the evening. If it finish early then I'll come or not I'll send someone.

Anna: OK, It'll be great.

Anonyme: Tomorrow I'll call at 5:30 to 6 pm to informe you.

Anna: OK, Thanks!

Anonyme: Don't thanks me. Just treat me a large meals.

Anna: OK. Tell me when you are free.

Anonyme: Tomorrow is my last day.

Anna: How many of days you've got this time?

Anonyme: It's not days... It's a hole Month. I've a whole month vacation.

Anna: Ha ha ha! I'm happy for you. You really deserve this vacation.

Anonyme: I know! Ok bye! I've to go, they are waiting for me.

Anna: Bye! Take care!

Anonyme: Bye!

After finishing the call Anna again went to the meeting room to informe Omkar.

Anna: Mr. Kaison?

Omkar: Yes!

Anna: I've talk to my friend. She said, she'll try to come if not she'll send someone.

Omkar: Are you sure? Is she a professional?

Anna: Don't worry Mr. Kaison. I trust her, she is a woman of her word.

Omkar: Ok then, I'm trusting in you.

Anna: Thank you.

Omkar: By the way Cooper!

Anna: Yes!

Omkar: As you know that it's gonna take a while because we're making the dress after the material arrives. So you might not make it home tonight.... is that OK?

Omkar says as he stares at Anna intently....

Anna: Of course.

Omkar gives Anna a big smile as she answer.

Omkar: Perfect.

'It's not that I had nothing planned. But I couldn't go home and leave him and everyone else at work. This isn't necessary work that a secretary needs to do, but I can't leave my boss and my co-workers alone in this situation. And the good thing is my baby went to a trip and going to came back this Saturday, So it isn't a big problem for me to stay in the office all night. I hope everything will be well.' (Anna thought)

*** Design Department, 11:30 pm, In The Trail Room ***

At this time Anna was told the dress was ready for fitting. Anna went to the work room and found a dress even more beautiful than before.

'It's a white cream chi chi London satin midi dress with extreme high low in floral. It's simple, beautiful, elegant and... and everyone can wear this dress in every occasion....' (Anna thought)

Anna gives Omkar a confuse look not knowing what to say....

Omkar: Thanks to you, tomorrow's presentation got saved. If there wasn't your idea I don't think that I could came up any better idea in a situation like this.

Anna: You...

Omkar: And if I'm not wrong, Isn't it you who suggest me your idea?

Hearing Omkar, Anna couldn't stop herself to give Omkar a big smile.

Anna: You welcome.

Then Anna went to try the dress and didn't find any problems trying on the dress, but team are going to make final improvements on it. So before they work on it Anna suggest them to have a dinner. Because of this problem nobody haven't their meal properly.

And after having dinner at 12:30 am Omkar and his team went to finish the dress, Anna went to do some leftover work until there's nothing else to do and others to their own works.

*** 2 am In The Morning ***

Alexia came to Anna....

Alexia: What are you doing?

Anna: Um... finishing the leftover work.

Alexia: Do you know what time is it?

Anna: What time?

Alexia: It's 2 in the morning. Aren't you felling sleepy?Everyone went to sleep.

Anna: What?!

Anna looks outside of her cabin and saw some people here and there started using their chair as beds to sleep.

Anna: I must admit that, like everyone else; my head feels very heavy and I can't think clearly anymore. But I can't, because Mr. Kaison is still working. And as his secretary I've to be there to help him.

Alexia: That's true! But it doesn't mean that you aren't allow to take a little nape, right?

Anna: I can't take a nape but I can take some rest. So let me finish this first then I'll take some rest.

Alexia: Ok! As you wish. But I'm going to sleep, I feel sleepy...

Anna: OK! Good night!

An hour later Omkar went out from his room and saw that everyone was sleeping. Then he went to Anna's cabin and saw that she was sleeping on her table. Anna try all her best to not sleep but without knowing when she fell asleep even she didn't know. When he came near to Anna's table he notice that Anna's has done all her leftover works even the works which are for the next week.

Omkar: So you're sleep.

Omkar says as he slowly push the hair from her faces which are disturb her to sleep...

Anna can hear Omkar's voice in the distance but sleepiness gets the better of her that she can't even response...

Omkar: You know what's gonna happen... if you don't wake up?

Anna: Mmmph.

Omkar: You're so naive.... You're so...

'She looks just like a sleeping kitten...'(Omkar thought)

Without his Knowles Omkar reaches out to Anna as she sleep peacefully. He is looking at her cute, beautiful sleeping face closely... when his phone rang and he jolt away from her.

Omkar: What am I doing?

Omkar asks himself confusedly and before went out from Anna's cabin he put his jackets on Anna to cover her and went out from here as he answer his call...

*** The Next Morning, 7 am At The Design Department ***

Anna wake up in a jolt because of the dream she had at the night.

'I think I had a ferocious dream. I think I heard Mr. Kaison whisper into my ear. How embarrassing to have a dream like Mr. Kaison do such things to me... What's wrong with me.' (Anna thought)

Anna sits up as she think about her dream, when she hear something fall on the floor. Wondering what it is, she pick it up...

Anna: Mr. Kaison's jacket...

'So it wasn't a dream...He covered me with his jacket while I was sleep. Jeez, I fell asleep while he was still working until late. And he even came to give me his jacket. I'm his secretary, I should be the one looking after him, not him!' (Anna thought) As she hold his jacket tight in her arms. Then she jolt up from her chair and...

Anna: There isn't any time to wast. This evening we have to present our dresses so now it's time to go back to work.

Anna says as she went out from her cabin.