The Best Model Of The Show

Third Person's POV

*** 6 pm, The Design Department ***

Omkar and his team are already in the venue with the designs they prepared, and waiting for the model. Anna starts to panic because it's already 6 pm and they didn't even called.

Anna: What's wrong? Why didn't she calling?

When Anna was waiting for the call, Alexia came to Anna ans asks....

Alexia: Anna where are they? Everyone are waiting!

Anna: I don't know either. She told me, she will call between 5:30 to 6 pm. to informe that she is coming or she is going to send someone.

Alexia: But it's already past 6 pm.

Anna: I know! I know!

When Anna and Alexia are discussing about the model; Henri, Hugo, Omkar and his team came from the venue asks...

Omkar: Cooper, Where the model?

When Omkar asks about the model to Anna; the other co-workers gathers together with them and looks at Anna in questionable way... Anna gather her courage and says...

Anna: I'm waiting for their call.

Marina: What do you mean by waiting for their call? The show is going to start in an hour, Anna!

Omkar: She is right, Ms. Cooper! Are you even sure that they are coming?

Anna: I don't need to be sure Mr. Kaison. I trust them! They'll come.

Marina: What if they didn't come? What if they didn't make it at the last moment? What are we going to do? (Marina said an angry voice)

Omkar: She is right Ms. Cooper! I trusted you because you told me to do. But right now I can't keep trusting you.

Hearing Omkar everyone murmuring about it....

(Female co-worker=FCW; Male co-worker=MCW)

FCW1: Can we trust her?

FCW2: She is new here, I don't think she will arrange any model.

MCW1: If they didn't come, What will happened?

MCW2: I don't think they will come in short time.

FCW3: What are we going to then?

MCW3: I don't know.

FCW4: If we didn't make it, it will be her fault.

Hearing the co-workers murmuring, Anna starts to panic but she didn't lose her calm. She take a deep breath and said confidentially...

Anna: I know they will come.

Omkar: How can you be so sure?

Anna: Because... It's been 5 years that we know each other. In this 5 years our friendship became so strong that nobody can tear that up. They know very well that this show is very important for us. So if they didn't came or didn't make in the last moment, I'll end our friendship in here. So I believe in them that they wouldn't put our friendship in danger.

Anonyme: Ow.... That's so sweet!

Hearing this everyone and Anna looks at her behind surprisingly and shocked. There are two girls at the age of early 30 are standing right behind them. One of them are wearing big hat, black sunglasses, a scarf which is covering her mouth with simple pink shirt, black jeans and black shoes. And the other one has light skin with short light brown hairs, brown eyes and pink lips. Wearing blue top with black jean jacket with black jeans and black boots.

Everyone looking at them surprisingly and confusingly... Then Marina asks to them...

Marina: Who are you guys? And who let you in? Where are the security guards?

Anonyme 1: They are faint.

Omkar: What?! And How?

Anna: She did it.

Omkar: Do you know them.

Anna: Yes! I'm waiting for their calls but didn't know that instated of calling me they will appear here.

Omkar: Do you mean to say that they are the model?

Anna: Well...

Henri: I'm sorry Ms. Cooper but their apparence they dosent looks like a model.

Anonyme 2: If you are talking about Roma then you are right. But if you talking about me; Are you sure?

Anonyme 2 says as she remove her hat, sunglasses and the scarf that cover her face...

Everyone got shocked when she remove everything from her face. She got fair skin with round face, dirty blond hairs, big round green emerald eyes and small pink lips.

Then one of the co-worker yell and says...

Co-worker: Oh My God! It-it's Sophia Smith! The famous actress and also a famous singer!

MCW 3: Yes! She is the famous actress. What is she dong here?

FCW 1: OMG, I don't believe this! The Sophia Smith is here! I'm her biggest fan!

MCW 4: Is she is the one who Anna is talking about?

MCW 1: I think so.

FCW 3: How they know each other? When they became friend?

The co-workers keep murmuring. Omkar and Henri looks at Hugo with questionable look. Anna stand there silently and staring angrily at Sophia and Roma and Alexia nervously try to clam Anna down when Sophia asks Anna with interrupt everyone...

Sophia: Why are you staring at me like this little kitten?

Anna: You know very well...(Anna said angrily)

Alexia: Anna please calm down...

Anna: Shut up Alexia! (Anna yell at Alexia) Do you know it's been (Anna watch her watch) 40 minutes that I'm waiting for your call. But you didn't call, Why? And you said that you have an interview and it will finished at 6:30 pm. Then what are you doing here at this time?

Sophia: Well I've finished my interview at the noon. So I thought I'll give you a surprise. And for your kind information I reached here at 5:50 pm. but...

Anna: But, What?

Sophia: Because I wear all of this to cover my face, they suspect me as a bad person and try to drag us out; then...

Rome: Then I knot them out and went in.

Henri: All of them?

Roma: Yes!

Henri: How?

Roma: What do you mean by How?

Henri: What I mean is, How come a single girl like you knot out all the guard?

Roma: Excuse me! What do yo...

Roma was busting out on Henri but Anna cut her and says...

Anna: She is a FBI officer and also Sophia's personal bodyguard.

Henri: oh..!

Alexia: Um guys it's already 6:20 pm.

After hearing Alexia, everyone came back to the conscious and went back to their work but Omkar, Henri and Hugo stay there with Anna, Alexia, Sophia and Roma...

A moment later Omkar says...

Omkar: Thank you Ms. Smith for your help.

Sophia: Please...! Don't be. Because I'm not doing this for free.

Henri: Sorry!

Sophia: Yes! If you want me to help you to launch your new products, then you have to let me promo my new film by doing a little performance.

Omkar: OK.

Sophia: Are you sure?

Omkar: Yes I'm! Because it will beneficial for both of us. And I really want to 'Thank you' Ms.Cooper. Because if you want, you can bring any model to do our show; but you didn't. You asks Ms. Smith to do our show as a model. Because you knew it'll beneficial for the both of us, right?

Anna: Right!

Henri: But... one thing that I can't understand that how come you two know each other and how you guys became friends?

Roma: Anna and I got the same martial art professor.

Sophia: And at first we were just the friends with benefit. But later when we became true friends that even we also don't know.

Omkar: Ok guys! let's go back to the work.

Omkar says as he,Henri and Hugo went back but Alexia, Anna, Sophia and Roma stay there and....

Sophia: But anyway! Little kitty, it's been so long! (Sophia says as she hug Anna)

Anna: Yes, it's been so long Drama queen! (Anna hug Sophia back)

Then Sophia went to Alexia and hug her, Alexia also hug her back...

Sophia: Hi Alu! How are you?

Alexia: I'm fine and you

Sophia: I'm also fine.

Then Roma came, and greet Anna and Alexia then went with them to the green room to get ready

*** An Hour later ***

It' been half an hour But the show hasn't started. Because the guests keep coming continuously. All these people are here to see his new design.

Anna is helping out the reception.'I start feeling dizzy as I help out with the reception.' (Anna thought)

Just as the mob of people starts to settle off, the announcement say in 15 minutes the show will begins.

Announcement: Ladies and Gentlemen, The presentation will start soon...

'I wish I could go in the main hall to take a look at how hings are going but I can't really do that. I can't let my colleagues down. I really want to see how will everyone react when they'll saw Sophia in the new dress. But no, I should be grateful that I was even allowed here.' (Anna thought)

Just as Anna asks the others here to start cleaning up, Omkar came and then...

Omkar: Cooper!

Anna turns around at the voice calling and find Omkar there.

Anna: Yes, Mr. Kaison!

Omkar: Come over here!

The girls at the reception with Anna get excited at his sudden appearance.

'A expected every young ladies get all excite to see me.... excepte Ms. Cooper.' (Omkar thought)

Then Anna excuse herself from them and...

Anna: Sorry, excuse me for a while.

Anna leaves behind their envious voices and follow Omkar.

Anna: Mr. Kaison, Where are we going!?

Anna asks but Omkar didn't turn around. He keep walking. And finally they reach the corridor to the venue and standing in front of a heavy door, where low bornes of music where murmurs of the crowd escapes slightly. And then out of nowhere Omkar grabs Anna from behind, and...

Omkar: ...

Anna: Hun... What are you doing?

The smell of Omkar's perfume and his tight grip around Anna's body. He's holding her tight in his arms. Then Anna asks to Omkar...

Anna: What's come over you?

Omkar: I'm trying to relax.

'I don't know what happened to me. When I came in front of the door, suddenly I became nervous. I don't know how to calm myself; so out of nowhere I grab Ms. Cooper from behind. My body is trembling.' (Omkar thought)

After a moment later, Omkar breaths heavily serval times and let's her go.

Omkar: Sorry... I let emotions take the best of me.(Omkar says as he shakes his head and tries to look away)

Anna: It's all right. It's absolutely all right.

Then Omkar goes on to gently cup Anna's neck with his warm hands and gently pull her over to him and starts speaking to her as if nothing happened.

Omkar: All right. Here we go.

And the door open up in front of them, shining light onto their faces. The low tone of the music playing in the background and the huge sea of people. People after people. There's so many of them, all focused on the stage. In the few minutes the models are going to walk the runway in the dresses that Omkar produced.

A moment later they announce the show to begin, The music becomes louder and one by one models are coming and showing the dresses....

***At the same time, Out side of Sophia's Green room***

Sophia came out from her green room wearing the white cream chi chi London satin midi dress with extreme high low in floral, with simple diamond bracelet and earrings, high bun updo and simple make up. She is waiting there for the call when it's her turn. When suddenly Hugo came there from her behind and asks...

Hugo: Did your husband know that you are here Ms. Sophia?

Sophia: It's none of your business, Mr. Hugo.

Hugo Pull Sophia by her hand and pin her on the wall and kissed her roughly. Sophia try to push her but he didn't move a bit. A moment later when Hugo notice that she is out of her oxygen, he let her go to catch her breath.

Hugo: Ms. Sophia, let me remind you that you aren't single anymore. You are now a married woman. So please behave yourself.

Sophia: Yes, I know that I'm a married woman and My husband give me the permission to do whatever I want to do. And for your kind information I didn't cross my limite, but it's you who cross your limite.

Hugo: ..... (Hugo narrow his eyebrow)

Sophia: You know very well that I'm a married woman. And even you knew that I'm married, you keep flirting with me and even kissed me forcefully. As a respect man I didn't thought you can do something like this... Just because your help me, it doesn't mean that you any right to do something like this with me...

Hugo: You....

Hugo try to say something when he was cut by the announcer...

Announcer: Ms. Smith please come. It'll be your turn very soon.

Sophia: Ok, coming!

Sophia says as she went out from there without giving Hugo a glance back.

*** In The Venue ***

The other's designs are presenting right now. Omkar's design will be present at the end. When Anna is enjoying the presentation Omkar came near to her ear and says...

Omkar: Even if you're doing it for work, you can't just flash at anybody at reception.

Anna: Huh?!

Anna couldn't hear him too well because of the noise. She try to ask him to repeat what he says but he instead points at the runway. And at the instant, the venue turns pitch dark. And then the light spark in the center where Sophia came from wearing the dress that Anna wore earlier. Everyone yell and applaud excitedly as they saw her. Then Omkar asks Anna...

Omkar: Familiar dress?

Omkar slips his arm on Anna's waist as he says this.

Omkar: You looked better in it.

Anna looks up at him as he says. And her eyes lock with his. Anna looks at him intently, to try to spot any trace of mockery on his face. But he seems quite serious. So she shift her eyes on the stage and says...

Anna: Please... stop messing with me.

And turn away awkwardly, not knowing what to do. But Omkar shoot back...

Omkar: You should know I'm not good at flattery by now.

Anna: Huh...

Anna pretend that she didn't hear him and focus on the show. After presenting all the dresses, Sophia present a little performance by singing a song from her new upcoming film with her beautiful voice to entertain everyone and also to promoted her new film. The show went successfully and everyone loved Omkar's new design.