Two Sides Stories

After the show, Anna, Sophia and Roma went to Anna's apartment; Omkar, Hugo and Henri to Hugo's mansion and everyone went to their home.

*** At Anna's Apartment/ Sophia's side story***

Sophia's POV

I and Roma freshen up and went to dining room to have dinner.

Sophia: Mm... Smell nice.

Roma: What we have for dinner?

Anna: We have Chicken curry, Egg salade, Vegetable soup and some fried rice.

Sophia: That's all my favorite! Did you cooked them or order them?

Anna: I didn't cook them neither order them. It's from Mrs. Jackson.

Roma: Ow... How sweet of her. But how did she know that we're coming?

Anna: By seeing our live show obviously!

I and Roma turn around and going to the balcony and Anna asks...

Anna: Where are you two going?

Sophia and Roma: To Say Thank you.

After went to the balcony I And Roma shouts...

Sophia and Roma: Thank you Mrs. Jackson for your meal.

Then Mrs. Jackson shouts back from her balcony...

Mrs. Jackson: You are welcome my dear!

Then I and Roma went back to their dining table where Anna was waiting for us....

Anna: Are you guys done?!

I and Roma node to Anna as a yes...

Anna: Can we start now? I'm starving!

While eating Anna and Roma continuously glaceing at me but I ignore them and enjoying my dinner. At some moment Anna and Roma stop eating and glare at me in serious expression. And finally I stop eating my dinner and asks them innocently...

Sophia: Why are you guys looking at me like an Angry birds.

Roma: Because we are.

Sophia: An angry bird?

Anna and Roma: WHAT?!

Sophia: Didn't Roma said 'Because we are'.

Anna: What she meant to say is that yes we are angry... actually disappointed in you.

Sophia: Why? What have I done? What are you guys talking about?

Roma: You know very well that what are we talking about?


Roma: And do you know Anna, at the backstage I heard Mr. Maison to say something about you being married woman and have husband.... He even force a kissed on her.

Anna: WHAT?!

Anna and Roma stares at me to tell them the truth. And I also want to tell them the truth but I didn't got courage to tell them. I don't know how to start. But Anna and Roma understand my situation and says...

Anna: You know, we're always there for you no matter what.

Roma: Yes! So don't worry, take a deep breath and open it up to us.

I know very well that no matter what happen they will never betray me. So I smile to them and take a deep breath and start telling them what's going on with me...

Sophia: It's all because of them.

Roma: What they did now?

Anna: Roma you stop. Sophia you tell and tell us from the start.

Sophia: OK! It's happen the last Friday the 21st April. The same day when you invite me to attend your company's anniversary party.

Anna: But You refuse to came because...

Sophia: Because the same evening we are also held a party to celebrate our last day of our film shooting.... It was in The Royal Hotel. Everyone invited their family and friends.

Roma: And guess who came from her family?

Anna: Your grand parents are now in France and your your uncle,aunt and their children are out of town. Then the rest are your father and them. But where are you at that time Roma?

Roma: I was there. But when I was there they didn't did something suspicious. Maybe they did something they when I left.

Sophia: You are right.

Roma: But how? I strictly told the guard that not to let them go near you and keep accompagne you before you went to your room and never let anyone know your room number when I'm not there.

Sophia: You did and they did their job perfectly, but....

Anna: But?!

Sophia: Well the party going on till late night, so my father and my dear step mother went back to their home but her sweet little daughter and her son-in-law stay to the end of the party. I didn't drink so much but somehow they manage to drug me.... As you know I don't drink much when they are near me or Roma, my assistant and the bodyguard aren't near me. So when I take my second shot, my body starts feeling hot and I get it that I was drugged so left the part and went to my room.

Anna: So they didn't do anything to you right?

Sophia: They didn't but someone else did.

Anna and Roma: Who?! and When?!

I take another deep breath and says...

Sophia: When I went to my room, the drug starts his work and because of that I didn't have time to on the light and lock my door properly. And out of nowhere someone came from my behind and force himself on me.

Anna: WHAT?!

Roma: Is it that bastard?

Sophia: At first I also thought that it's him but it wasn't him. It's someone else who was also drugged.

Roma: How do you know that it's not him, it's someone else?

Anna: Yes!

Sophia: The next day.

Anna and Roma: How?

Sophia: The next morning when I woke up, he wasn't there. He was already gone, So I also went to my house to know what's going on? And I when I entered to my house the mother and daughter are already there and when they notice me...

NOTE: I'll introduce the characters family background in the next chapters little by little. But for now I'll present them like: Step sister, Brother-in-law, Step mother, Little sister, mother etc....


Step sister: You're back?

Sophia: ....

Step sister:Was it's fun last night?

She says as she came to me and push my hair back. As she see the hickey that I got from the last night, she shouts...

Step sister: So it's really was! It's really a good trick. You dare to seduce your brother-in-law last night.

Sophia: Yesterday it's was you who gave me the drug right?

Step sister: Yes!

Sophia: How can you do this to me?

Step sister: If not because I'm unable to give birth to baby, do you think I'll give you this chance?

Sophia: You....

Step mother: Oh come on Sophia, even if she is not your blood related sister but for the humanity can't you just help her to birth a baby?

Sophia: I'll tell my father everything. He will not let go both of you.

Step sister: Really? Then go and said it. Aren't you the most filial child of the Smith family? He'll have a heart attack when he'll learn that you did something like this with your brother-in-law.

*** Flashback End***

Roma: How dare they?

Anna: Roma calm down and let her finish.

Roma: OK! Then what?

I give them a smirk and says...

Sophia: Then my knight of shining armor means my step brother-in-law came from behind and without seeing me he shout...

*** Flashback ***

Step brother-in-law: I didn't found in which room Sophia went the last night!

Sophia: ...

After hearing this I turn around and my step brother-in-law got shock seeing me in front of him. 'Thank god that it wasn't him but who was that man?' (Sophia thought)

Step mother: What? Where you went the yesterday night and who was that wild man? (She shout as she come to Sophia) You are the daughter of the Smith family, how can you sleep with some random man?

Sophia: Watch your mouth!

Step mother: Don't be angry Sophia. I'm saying this because I care about you. If your father and grand father learn about this, then they will kick...

Sophia: You out of the family.

Step mother: Oh my god, You starts to understand me.

Sophia: I think you didn't understand, what I'm trying to say.


Sophia: What I mean is they will kick you out of our family.

Step brother-in-law: What nonsense are you talking about? You are the one who slept with a random man. Then why they will kick us out?

Sophia: After hearing the recording of the conversation that we have right now. (Sophia say as she show her phone)

Step mother: You...

As my step mother try to snatch the phone from me, Some men in the black suit and glasses came in and asks for....

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Ms. Sophia?

I turn around and says

Sophia: Yes?

Step mother: You... Who are you guys?

Sophia: Stay out of this and mind your own business!

Step sister: YOU....

Step mother: Stop, she is right. If we mess with her right now, she'll send the recording and then we're finish. So be quite and let her do her own business. (Step mother whisper)

Step sister: Yes mother! (whisper back)

Sophia: I'm sorry but I don't know you. Why are you looking for me?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Ms. Sophia please come with me, you will know.

Sophia: Sure let's go.

I came out from my house with the men with black suits and glasses and went to their car.

Sophia: Where are we going?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: To the Civil Affair Bureau.

Sophia: What?! why?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: My boss said, he need to take responsible for you. Now go to Civil Affair Bureau to registered and get married.

Sophia: It's him? I want to meet up with him, right now!

Man in black suit and glasses 1: He is very busy.

Sophia: Yesterday's night, I was the victim and I'll not merry him.

Man in black suit and glasses 1: You must married him. And no one can go against his order.

Sophia: You... forget it!

Man in black suit and glasses 1:


Man in black suit and glasses 1:

I got angry but clam myself down and start think about this matter carefully....

'To think carefully, he's begin honest and doing as he said. I think it's not a bad idea as long as he leave me alone and let me do my work peacefully. But how will I tell about this matter to my family and friends?' (Sophia thought)

***Civil Affair Bureau***

Lawyer: Here you go, sing in the end.

I take the paper and sing as the lawyer says.

Sophia: Here I signed it. Now tell me where's he?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: He is busy!

Sophia: If he's busy then who will handle the following matters?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: I'll handle the following matters. You can go back to the car and rest now.

Without saying anything i went back to the car and sometime later the man in black suit and glasses 1 came back and start driving....

Sophia: where are you taking me now?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: To boss's villa.

Sophia: And who is you boss?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Boss will tell you personally.

Sophia: OK! Then how old was he?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Boss will tell you personally.

Sophia: What he do?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Boss will tell you personally.

Sophia: The Can i at last see his photo to know who my mysterious husband is?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Boss will personally meet you.

Sophia: Then what's your name?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Boss will.....

Sophia: ...

Man in black suit and glasses 1: Ahem.... My name is Zain Dawson.

Sophia: And what are you to your dear boss?

Man in black suit and glasses 1: I'm his assistant.

Then suddenly the car stop in front of a white and blue duplex house.

Zain: Here we are.

Sophia: This is your boss's villa? He is quite rich.

Zain: As rich as you.

Sophia: I'm just a small actress.

Zain: It's because you are very generous. Please come in.

Sophia: Sure!

After I came out from the car there a man who is early 50 open the door and welcome us.

Zain: This is uncle Liam. He is the house keeper of this villa. If you need anything, you can ask him.

Sophia: Hello, uncle Liam. I'm Sophia.

Liam (house keeper): Hello, Young lady. How are you?

Sophia: I'm fine. And please call me Sophia.

Zain: So I'm leaving now. I've worked to do. Good bye Young lady and Good bye uncle Liam.

Sophia: What about your boss? When can I meet him?

Liam (house keeper): Young master will be back in three days.

Sophia: Oh, OK.

Liam (house keeper): You must be tried. It's the second room on the second floor is your bedroom, young lady.

Sophia: Thank you, uncle Liam.

Liam (house keeper): You are welcome.

*** Flashback End***