Two Sides Of Stories

At The Same time

***At Hugo's villa/ Hugo's side story***

Third person's POV

Omkar, Henri and Hugo are now in the Hugo's personal study room. After the show everyone was very tired so after fresh up and having dinner they went to the study room....

And after a while Hugo broke the silence asks Henri...

Hugo: What going on with you Henri, What 's happen to you?

Henri: Why do you ask?

Omkar: Because it's been an hour and you didn't say a word.

Hugo: And you aren't the kind of person who can keep silent more than 1 minutes. If there aren't any serious matter.

Henri: Hmm... You are right Hugo. There is a serious question that bother me since this evening. And if you don't mind, can I ask you Hugo?

Hugo: Yeah, sure! What is it?


Omkar and Hugo: WHAT?!

Hugo: What rubbish are you saying Henri?

Omkar: Yeah, exactly!

Henri: Do you think I'm CRAZY? It isn't even a week that you married with a woman that we don't know who she is and you already cheated on her?!

Omkar: What's going on Henri? How can you even say this?

Hugo: Yes Henri, what happen and why are you badmouthing me?Why are you doing this?

Henri: Because you kissed Sophia Smith! The Sophia Smith! The super star! Behind your wife's back.

Omkar: WHAT?! What how can you do this to your wife Hugo?

Henri: Yes! If you don't love, forget love if you don't like her then why did you married her in the first place? Out of nowhere, just like that?

Omkar: Yes I remember, Saturday the next day of the anniversary party, in the afternoon you call us and said that 'today I got married' and before we can asks you anything you said 'don't asks with whom? don't asks how? don't ask when? and don't asks where? Later I'll tell you guys everything in details.'

Henri: Yes! Now can you tell us what's going on and why did you kiss Sophia Smith?

Omkar: Yeah!

Hugo: Wwwweeeeeellllllllllll...

Henri and Omkar: We are waiting!

Hugo: OK! I

Hugo takes a deep breath and starts saying...

Hugo: As you know, I had meeting with my clients that my big brother arranged for me at the same evening as the companies anniversary. So a moment after omkar leave the party, I also take my leave from everyone and went to the place where the meeting held....


***The Royal Hotel/ Hugo's POV***

As I entered to the hotel the receptionist took me to the dining room where the meeting had held and give me the room card where I'll stay at the night.

And as I entered to the dining room there 4 middle aged men who are Mr. Shea, Mr. Shaman, Mr. Katie and Mr. Assam with their sons and their secretaries. I know all of them except one young lady who was stand beside Mr. Shea...

Hugo: Good evening everyone!

Everyone: Good evening!

Mr. Shea: Mr. Maison, please let me present you my daughter Tiara. She's also study in business and working as an inter. And today came here as a office member.

'Are you sure that she came here as a office member. Because the way she came here, nobody can't tell that she is from good and decent family. Everyone would have thought that she's a slut who came here to seduce rich men or having one... forget it. I will be glad if she don't masse with me. (Hugo thought)

As Mr. Shea introducing her daughter, Tiara came forward with a seducing smile and give me her hand to shake and said...

Tiara: Hello Mr. Maison, nice to meet you.

She said this like she is trying to seduce me.

Hugo: Oh! Hello Ms. Shea, nice to meet you too.

I said as I shake her hand. And after that we all have our seat, and starts our dinner and continue our meeting. And after finishing our dinner and meeting every starts having a drink for the tossed. And keep asking me have another drink with them but I said No. They respect my decision and keep having their drink. And while they are almost drunk Tiara came to with a glass of drink and asks me to have a last drink with her. I thought what will happen if I take another drink, it's not like I'll be drunk in two glasses. So I share the last drink with her and after having the drink I came out from the dining room and when I went to the elevator I started to feel dizzy and having a headache. And when I was falling on the ground for the dizziness and headache, out of nowhere Tiara came and hold me and at that time I understood that I got drugged by Tiara.

Tiara: Oh, Mr. Maison! It's looks like you got drunk. Don't worry I'll help you. Let me take you to your room.

Hugo: N-no Tha-thank you. I-I can go there by my-myself.

Tiara: Oh, please! let me help up because I'm the only one who can help you to get ride of the drug.

Hugo: I said NO THANK YOU. (I said as I push her hard)

She fell on the ground and I went to the elevator and before she can enter in the elevator closed. And as I reached to my floor, the drug had started working and I can't control myself So I went to my room hurriedly.

And as I entered to my room, there is someone already there... And without thinking anything I attack her from behind. At first I thought that She is one of them But later during our hot makes out session I understood that she isn't one of them but she's also a victim like me and it's her first time. So I told her that...

Hugo: Be a good girl. I'll take your responsibility.

***Flashback End***

Henri: OK! So you married the girl, because you took her first time!

Omkar: And give your first time!

Hugo: YES!

Henri: That I understood. But.... WHY DID YOU KISS SOPHIA SMITH?!

Hugo: BECAUSE. The next day, I send my people to investigate who is she and what's her background. And guess what did I found?

Omkar: What did you found?

Hugo: I found out that she isn't guilty but I'm.

Henri: What do you mean?

Hugo:I'm the one who went to the wrong room BY MISTAKE.

Henri and Omkar: WHAT?!

Hugo: Yes. My room number was 306. And the one I went was 305. And guess what, for whom the room 305 was booked for?

Henri: For whom?

Hugo: See by yourself. (He says as he passe a file to Omkar and Henri)

Omkar: What's this?!

Hugo: The information of the person for whom the room 305 was booked for?

As Omkar and Henri open the file and look at the information they got shocked. And give me a blank look, and again they look back at the information and finally Omkar says...

Omkar: It's this a jock?!

Henri: Yes Hugo, what's this? Because there's no away I'm going to believe that YOU SLEPT WITH SOPHIA SMITH. THE SUPER STAR SOPHIA SMITH.

Hugo and Omkar: ...

Henri: Tell me it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie...


Henri: No I can't. OH MY GOD! I don't believe this! You married with Sophia Smith. THE SOPHIA SMITH!

Hugo: At first I also thought that, There be some kind of mistake but after watching the security footage...

Omkar: Security footage? Where is it?

Hugo: There a USB in the file and here the laptop. Watch by your self.

As they watch the video they got more shocked than before.

Henri: Wait! I understand that you went to her room by mistake because you were drugged but whats she's doing there at the same night.

Hugo: She was celebration the last day of her film shooting with her crews.

Henri: Oh, OK! So when are you going to introduce us with her?

Henri: Wwweeeellllll...

Omkar: Say it!

Hugo: She doesn't know that I'm her Husband.

Henri: ...

Omkar: How come she doesn't know that you are her husband?!

Henri: Because I didn't told her.

Omkar: And why?

Hugo: Because I want to know her well first then I'll tell her.

Henri: But didn't you know everything about her already? There are every detail in this information.

Henri says as he starts to read the information.

*** In the Information***

Name: Sophia Smith.

Age: 26

Date of birth: 01/05/19XX

Education: Business management.

Occupation: A class actress, model and singer. Starts acting at the age of 6 in publicity for food and games products and also do some guest appearance in some series and

movies as a child actress. At the age of 10 she did her first main role in the famous child

serial "Meet the world". After the serial she also starts acting in movies as supporting role

and main role. Then starts singing and wright lyrics for movies and series. She won 15 aware and 3 Oscar for her best performance and for the best movies. She also do charity.

She give 10 million donation to an orphan every years. And also worked in as a model in

AB groups of companies 5 years ago. She also help Mr. Benson to do distribute clothes to

the Homeless persons and the Orphan for free as a charity work. She also help her father

in his company. In her hole life she didn't date anyone.

Father: Emit Smith, a well know businessman and the president of the Smith groups of


Mother: Amara Smith, a also A class actress and singer. But died in a car accident when

Ms. Smith was 15 years old.

Step Mother: Tanya Smith. She get married with Mr. Smith 2 years after Amara Smith's


Step sister: Mrs. Stacy Wood. 3 yeas older than Ms. Smith. And His husband is Mr. Ryan Wood. And it's been 7 years that they get married and don't have any children. And....

Hugo: OK, stop I know all of this already.

Omkar: If you knew, so then?

Hugo: I want that, we know each other personally, not by some piece of paper.

Henri: OK, as you wish, but dose your family know that you got married?

Hugo: Yes, I explain everything to them. They canceled the deal between us and Mr. Shea and give them a warning. And...and my father going to do a partnership with Mr. Smith next week.

Omkar: WHAT? Are you sure?

Hugo: Yes. He said that he wanted to know my in-laws personally.

Omkar: But do you think that Ms. Smi..., sorry I mean Mrs. Sophia Hugo Maison told her family about the marriage.

Hugo: I don't think so. Because, my men told me that her relationship with her step mother and sister aren't very good. So maybe she don't want them to create some misunderstanding about this matter between her and her family. I think she'll tell them, when the right time will come.

Henri: And also she is a superstar, so if the news get leak ,the media will create a story by them self and it'll ruins her reputation.

Hugo: Yes.

After a few moment of silence Henri asks me...

Henri: By the way, why didn't she came home? It's already this late.

Hugo: This morning she told uncle Liam that today night she's going to stay at her friend house.

Omkar: And this why you brought us to your home, right?

Hugo: Yes, because this is the last time, you guys can enter to my house.

Henri: Cause the next time your wife will be here and you don't want to expose yourself to your wife!

Hugo: Yes!

Omkar: OK, so back to the topic. What happen after you got married?