Poking The Vacationing Dragon


"And they succeeded, just like you said, Master Lin," Elder Gong nodded towards the entrance to his courtyard.

I placed the tea that I had been sipping back onto the saucer in front of me, just in time to see four dripping wet, gasping and worn out students stumble back into the courtyard.

The illusions that had been chasing behind them disappeared into mist the moment they stepped foot inside.

Strolling up to them, I waited for them to catch their breaths before dropping the prepared bottles of water before them.

All of them made grateful noises while trying to drown themselves in their drinks.

"I didn't think… Ha… Ha… They would… Throw each other at us…" Brendan gasped.

Well yeah... Under normal circumstances they most likely won't. But the four of them were doing so well that I decided to bump up the difficulty a little at the end.