Sounds Like Another Purge Is In Order

(Manami POV)

I dragged the half dead piece of trash behind me to the second floor of the inn, stopping at one of the doors.

"Ufufufu~ Is it this one?"

The trash glared at me, opting to spit on the floor instead.

"Ara, ara? It seems like you haven't had enough yet?"

Kiyomi tilted her head at me, "Dear sister… Is that really necessary?

I gave her an innocent smile, "Oh, my dear sweet little Kiyomi, whatever do you mean?"

"I meant leaving something like him alive. If we wanted an incentive to get that trash to talk, the threat of torture would be enough."

"Ufufufu~ My darling little Kiyomi~ You are still new to this, let your big sister take care of it ok?"

She sighed but did not rebut my comments.

I nodded to the currently headless body she was dragging behind her, "Mmhmm, just remember what to do with that ok?"

"Yes, dear sister…"