Chapter 6: Facing Mr. grumpy boss

Madi's POV:

It's 10:30 on my wristwatch, when the intercom in Sandy's line buzzed. She immediately rushed towards my office to tell me that Mr.Grumpy... I mean Mr. Wilsons needs another cup of coffee and the documents that needed on his next meeting.

"Okay, I'll do it." I said standing up.

"But Madi----"

"Sandy, relax. I also want to talk to him. I want to clear this things. He should have told me directly or at least call me. I am his PA and not you. And this job is supposed to be mine. If he doesn't want me any longer as his PA, then so be it. I'll go."

She just sighed and I walked. passed at her. I'd make first his coffee before I got the papers that he needs.

I take a deep breath before knocking on his door. I already practised my speech.

When I heard his voice inside, I pushed the door and walked towards him. He's not looking at me so I can watch his facial expression. His eyes were focussed on the computer screen.

"Good morning Mr. Wilsons, coffee Sir." I just greet him when I am exactly in front of his desk.

He immediately looked up when he heard my voice. Maybe he wasn't expecting me to bring his coffee.

"And the documents you need for your next meeting." I informed him putting the folder in front of him and wearing my professional smile.

"Where is Ms. Aguilar?" he asked and he looked back again to the monitor. "I clearly instructed her to do that."

I really wanted to roll my eyes but all I did was smile.

"Ms. Aguilar is currently checking the meeting room, Sir. So I took all the documents and made your coffee as part of my duty as your P.A. And excuse me, Sir. Thank you for letting Ms. Aguilar in helping my work... I appreciate it. But, I think she has some other works to do, so I'd love to take it back again. Honestly, Sir, thank you."

I showed him my 'fake' smile of appreciation. Note my sarcasm. I know he really made it on purpose.

He looked at me again and I smiled as if I don't have an idea of what he is doing.

"Take that coffee. I won't drink that."

-'What the'- This time I raised my eyebrow but still asked him calmly.

"But Sir, you said you want coffee. So I made one for you."

"I said take that coffee out and throw it. I won't drink that and I didn't asked you to make me. I don't need that."

Maybe if I were Sandy, I'm sure. I am now shaking with fear and nervousness. But no... since I am Madi, I have a better idea.

"Oh, that's a kind of waste. There are lots of people who can't drink coffee and even buy their own food because of poverty." I said calmly with a shrugged. "Anyway, since you don't want to drink this I think I will have to....."

I paused purposely and wait for him to look up and he did... waiting for my next words. I smiled inwardly as I continue.

"I think I will have to drink this, instead."

And I smiled at him. I didn't miss the spark of amusement in his eyes but he masked it immediately with his signature cold aura.

"Anything else you need, Sir?"

"Call Ms. Aguilar and tell her to make a 'new' cup of coffee."

And he really emphasized the word new? Huh!

"Ohh.. but I already made you a coffee. You want another cup of it... or... you don't want me doing it?"

For the first time when I entered his office, he looked at me... intense and directly.

"Ms. Davis, you said you're going to drink that, so it's now yours. And call Ms. Aguilar to make me a new cup. And you're the one who check the meeting room."


An annoyed smile formed on my lips and I decided to show it to him.

"Excuse me again, Mr. Wilsons. But I haven't informed that we're going to switch our job description. Why are you doing this, Sir?"

He stopped what he is typing and smirked at me.

And my breath almost stacked in my throat just because of it.

-'Forgodsake, why does he need to be so hot?-' I gulped as I mentally shake the naughty thoughts in my head.

"Is this something connected with what happened last Friday? Because if it's true, I think it's a bit of unprofessional, Sir."

And his smirk instantly vanished from his face as he stared at me coldly and intensely that makes my nerves shivers deep down my spine.

"So, you're really the one who's telling the word 'unprofessional' Ms. Davis? I hope you didn't forget your position as 'just' my P.A. What happened last week outside this office was completely out of topic, Ms. Davis. And bringing it inside again is what you can be called 'unprofessional'." he said emphasizing twice the word unprofessional and the word "just' for my position.

"I clearly understand what "only' my position in this company, Sir. Well, I just don't understand why did you have to ordered Sandy to do my job? I mean.. I am doing it well and she has her own work to do."

"Are you questioning me, Ms. Davis?"

-'Is he seriously listening to me?'- my blood's running up to my head.

"I am not questioning you, Mr. Wilsons. I am just asking."

"Really, Ms. Davis? But I think it's just the same."

"No Sir. There's a difference between them." I said standing straight and proudly. "Asking is to request information or an answer to a question while questioning is the act of challenging, doubting and interrogation."

He stared at me in a challenging stare and I didn't back down.

"I'm just asking, Sir." I repeat again.

"Well.. let me tell you this Ms. Davis, for once and for all. Let me remind you again whom are you talking with and whatever you may call it, asking or questioning... I have all the rights to give an order to anyone with or without your permission. Is that clear to you, Ms. Davis?"

And he arched his eyebrow. He freaking arched his eyebrow.

"Of course, Sir. I clearly understand. Yeah.. if that's what you want, then who am I to disobey your order? Good morning, Sir. I'm going to call Ms. Aguilar."

I said in my sweetest 'fake' smile. I know I can't win this discussion. I am not in a place to ask him anything because for him.. he is our arrogant, jerk, and cold boss.

And I take the cup of coffee and bring it outside to my desk.