Chapter 7: The reason of him being grumpy

Madi's POV:

I am shaking my head as to what would Sandy's reaction if I tell her what has the jerk said.

I take a sip of my 'now' coffee before dialling her number.

"Madi?" she asked on the other line.

"Hi. Where are you? Are you still in the meeting room?"

"Yes. But since it's all set, I'm going back now. Why?"

"Because our boss wants you ta make his coffee again." I rolled my eyes with this bullshit idea.

"What? I thought you already gave him?"

"Yeah. But you know what he said.. 'i won't drink it and I don't need it. Call Ms. Aguilar to make me a new cup'"

"What the fuck, Madi? What is happening to him? Had you already asked him about this?" I can hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Yes. And he said he doesn't need my permission as he is the CEO and I should know my place as his PA. He also wants me to check the meeting room instead of you."

I can feel my blood running up to my head.

Well, as they say there is the right time for everyone.. maybe this is his time, and I can't wait to have mine.

"My goodness!" I bet she slapped her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Sandy." I apologized because I know this is really something connected with what happened last Friday.

"No. It's not your fault. He's just really being an asshole!"

I chuckled as I sip again my coffee.

"Okay, just hurry up before the lion inside turned more grumpy and eat you up."

"Haha. Funny. I hate you for this." she complained and I laughed again.

After ending the call, I made a decision to tell Sandy what happened between us with Mr. Wilsons last week. I think she needs to know about this because she's the one who's suffering the consequences for me.

Whether he denied it or not, I know it's the possible reason why he suddenly give my job to Sandy.

Honestly, I don't understand him. He was the one who told me that it's being unprofessional bringing those topic inside the office. But hello... although he didn't say anything about it, but the way he ordered Sandy to do my job, it clearly shows this is connected with it.

What.. he can't also accept that I declined his deal? Isn't this a childish act?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Before our lunch break, since I have no longer work to do, I cornered Sandy in her office. I need to tell her right now as I have something planned for it.

"Wow, for the first time you're the one to call me for lunch." she raised her eyebrow and I smiled.

"Yeah, there's always a first time for everything. And because I don't have much work to do, so I decided to call you." my smiled widened when her eyebrow dropped and her look turned to glared.

"Uhuh... you don't have much work to do," she repeats nodding. "You're enjoying this, don't you?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't?" I teased her more.

"I hate you!" she huffed and I laughed again.

"Actually, I have something to tell you."

"About what?"

"This is something about me, and I need you to listen."

"Whoah, wait! Don't tell me you have cancer? A brain cancer?Blood cancer? Breast cancer? Cervix------ ouch!"

I slapped her forehead.

"Forgodsake, Sandy! What are you thinking? You want me to die a virgin?" I narrowed my eyes on her as she laughed.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay fine. I'm just trying to joke, okay?"

"Haha. Wow... nice try."

She rolled her eyes. "So, what is it about?"

I sighed and settled myself on the chair in front of her desk.

"I think I know the reason why he's trying to switch our job and why is he so grumpy like what you said."

"Really? And that is?"

"I think it's because of what happened between us last Friday." and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh my God, no!" That's not what I mean." I instantly corrected her thoughts.

"But you said, there's something happened between you two-----"

"Yes, but it's not the way you think. My God, Sandy. Can you at least think of something without related to sex?" I whispered-yell at her.

"Excuse me.. can you blame me? I'm just basing on your words."

"You're crazy!" I glared at her. "What I am trying to say is that we talked. We had a talk last week."

"What? What do you mean you had a talk? what kind of talk?"

I now get her full attention.

"Okay, listen. Last Friday, he asked ordered me to have a talk with him. It's something not related to my work, so he sent his driver to pick me up and you know where did we go?"

"Where?" her eyes shines in interest.

"To my restaurant. To my first restaurant."

"What? Seriously?"

I nodded.

"Oh my! How about your staffs? And what about him, does he knew it already?"

"Well, about my staffs, I immediately called Noelle to brief them. All of the employees as much as possible not to greet me or acknowledge me inside. And about him, I think he still doesn't know about it and still oblivious until now."

"Uhuh.. okay. So, what about 'the talk' what have you talked about?"

I sighed as I looked at her.

"He asked me to marry him."


"Shhh! Lower your voice!" my right hand automatically covered her mouth. It's exactly what I am expecting.

"Wait.. wait!" she takes my handoff from her mouth. "Did I hear you correctly? Can you Uhm... repeat it again? My eardrums got some problems sometimes, you know." she waved her hands in the air.

I sighed again and put back my hands on my lap.

"I said, he asked me to marry him."

"Holy shit!" her eyes continuously blinking and her mouth hanged open. "What.the.fuck! Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Oh my God! Do you think I can joke around regarding this topic?"

"Oh fuck, Madi! How did it happen? You're not even in a relationship...." she paused and widened her eyes again.

"What?" I asked without having a single clue.

"Not unless you two had a secret relationship and you... you screwed your boss!" she said looking horrified.

And my face turned sour as I throw her the mini-elephant pencil eraser which is on top of her desk.

"My goodness, Sandy Aguilar! Do you think I can do that? And how would I if we both knew he hadn't get over with his past?"

"So, why did he asked you to marry him if you're not in a relationship? What would that be a fake marriage? A marriage of convenience?"

"Exactly." I answered nodding.

"I still don't get it."

"Remember the last time you told me about his past?"

"Uhm.. which one? His past personality, the one he accepted his CEO's position, loving his fiancee who got away from him or that the woman he loved before... now back again in town?"

My eyebrows knitted in her last line.


"Which one?"

"Wait. You haven't told me the last part."

"Ohh.. that his ex-fiancee is now back in town?"

"Yes. Where did you get that and why you didn't tell me?"

"I thought I already spilt it out to you?"

"No. Actually you already mentioned it all but not that one."

"Oh.. okay. Well, as I heard again, the woman who left him before.. in short, his ex-fiancee is now wondering again in the City."

"What?" I don't get it why the mentioned of his ex-fiancee or that he loved a woman before, gives something heaviness inside.

"Yes, and with another man."

-'Oh my!'-

Now I know why he's so desperate and eager with his stupid deal.

"So now tell me. Why did he ask you to marry him?"

"Because of her."

"Because of her------you mean, he asked you to marry him because of her? Because of his ex-fiancee?"

"Yes." I nodded feeling disappointed inside.

"But why? You know, this is getting ridiculous! Why don't we go now to the cafeteria and take our lunch, while you're sharing this ridiculous thing to me."

She stand up and clean her desk.

"Okay. I can also feel my intestines dancing inside."

We both chuckled when we heard both our stomach growled.