Project Doomsday Paradise (2)

"It's alright Benji, it's also time for us to get going." Said a man as he lit up his cigarette.

He inhaled deeply before breathing out the smoke, it was only then that he noticed that he was being stared at. He scratched his head and offered his cigarettes at the two standing in front of him.

Benji and Anna didn't hesitate to take a cigarette, one for each other.

The three stood outside of the restaurant smoking silently.

"It was nice to see you both again." Spoke Benji who was looking at the grey clouds that loomed above the city.

[You are such a liar Benji...] Spoke a voice that sounded like Benji himself but only he could hear...

He ignored it without showing any emotions.

Marc and Anna exchanged worried looks.

Anna breathed out another smoke cloud before speaking, "We will always be here for you, you know you can always talk to us if something bothers you."

Benji who was looking at the clouds smiled faintly before staring at Anna.

She had hardly changed since they became friends 14 years ago. She had beautiful brown hair that rested on her shoulders and a pretty face that was in perfectly harmony with her soft hazel eyes.

"I'm good Anna, thanks..." Benji inhaled another round.

He patted Marc's shoulder, "You guys can call me when you have any problems. I need to go now if I want to catch the next bus."

[You still think of him as your friend? He stole your chick!] Mocked the voice again.

Marc put up a smile and they both hit each other's fists. Anna couldn't hide her worry, Benji noticed her sad expression. He stepped towards her and hugged her softly before departing.

Marc and Anna watched him go, slowly blending into the crowd of people that were walking through the streets of Dortmund.

"Marc he is..." Said Anna in a sad tone.

Marc sighed and didn't hide his worries anymore, "I know, but there is nothing we can do if he doesn't talk to us."

"But it's been 4 years now, since he became like this..."

Marc felt helpless too, he knew Benji even longer than Anna and he couldn't understand what happened to his best friend.

"At least he looks healthy."

Anna turned around staring at Marc in disbelief, "You call that healthy? His mother....don't be fooled by his act, he is clearly suffering...Have you forgotten how he was before he became like this?"

Marc frowned deeply, "Don't mention that woman. I'm sure that she is the reason why Benji became like this. She did something to him when we were young but he never told me anything....And of course do I know, dammit...But I have no idea what happened, he had a golden future ahead of him but he threw everything away!"

Anna felt tears gathering in her eyes, Marc hugged her, kissing her forehead.

"It's not our fault honey..."

"It's just it hurts so much to see him like this, I think he might..."

"Don't!" Urged Marc while caressing Anna's hair, "He would never do such a thing..."

Anna buried her face inside Marcs chest, crying silently.

Meanwhile Benji was walking seemingly aimless through the streets. He didn't go to the bus station like he told his best friends earlier, he instead walked through the streets of Dortmund.

His almost emotionless eyes observed everything around him. Benji walked relaxed through the crowds of people, it seemed like a desolate layer separated him from everyone else on earth. The way how he perceived the world had changed for quite some time now.

[Quite sad how things turned out, you would be the one on her side if you just listened to me...] Said the voice suddenly, reminding Benji that he was never alone.

'Shut up Adam!'

[Oh? Are you done ignoring me?]

Benji, ignored him again, observing the people on the streets, 'I really envy them, they live a fulfilling life...They are happy as long they have enough money to support themselves...'

Benji noticed how his thoughts drifted slowly towards the darkness.

He took his own cigarette package from the pocket on his trenchcoat, lighting one up.

It took him around 30 minutes until he arrived at his small apartment.

He changed his clothes and turned his computer on.

Benji needed to distract himself from reality, the best way was to play games.

He started his favorite MMORPG, Tale of Zynthia. Benji continued to play with his Berserker character named Solomon, slowly grinding levels on different maps.

[Are you playing this game again? It's sh*t, let's rather play Grand Theft Auto Online!] Complained Adam.

Benji frowned and focused solely on the game pushing everything else into a far away corner of his mind.

At the same time on another part of Earth, hidden from everyone's view...

Blunt noises echoed through the room...

A group of people were observing silently how a man was trying to reach them.

Bulletproof glass was separating both parties.

They continued to observe how the man who was clearly mad, bashed his already bloody head against the glass.

The man behind the glass didn't show any signs of intelligence, he was like a mad animal.

His only aim was to tear the people apart. He kept roaring like a beast, throwing himself against the glass without realizing that it was futile.

"Professor..." Said a middle aged man in soldier attire.

The woman didn't seem to hear him, her gaze was fixated on the mad man.

Both of them shared one thing...they both had the same unnatural red eye color.

"It's perfect...Are the sleeper cells ready Malcolm?" Spoke the woman referred as professor without looking away from the man man behind the glass.

"Yes Professor, our 10 year plan is ready. We will start "Project Doomsday Paradise" when you order it." Answered the soldier enthusiastic.

"No need to wait anymore, start "Project Doomsday Paradise" immediately!"