Project Doomsday Paradise (3)

Benji stared down at the washbasin, his eyes were half-closed, looking lost.

He lifted his head, looking at himself in the mirror.

'I'm 26 years old now...'

[Yes we are...] Chirped Adam in.

Benji's thoughts became chaotic again, while he stared at himself through the mirror.

'How long can I last?'

[You won't do it, you are still searching for a meaning in life. Just listen to me and we will be fine.] Spoke Adam, his voice had always that kind of sweet attracting tone...

Benji's dark-brown eyes wandered over his brown skin, most people would envy him for having such an athletic body despite him not training for years, but Benji didn't care.

He hadn't shaved for the last 3 days, since he met his friends in the city.

The stubbles grew back way too fast and his black curly hair showed signs of growing back too.

Benji washed his face and put on a shirt before heading back to his computer.

He glanced outside the window before putting his headset on.

'Another grey day...' Thought Benji bored before frowning.

He lifted his head up again, focusing on the outside. Benji noticed it, now that he paid more attention to the outside.

There were various smoke clouds rising up from the central part of the city.

Benji's frown grew deeper, 'Why is there so much smoke? Did a fire break out?' He stood up, opening the window.


[Probably a fire...] Said Adam.

Benji could now hear the sirens from the fire department after opening the window.

He shook his head and shrugged, closing the window and sitting down again to play Tale of Zynthia.

Benji wanted to hit the level 90 today before deciding which of the top 10 guilds he would join.

[You are always boring...]

He was already playing the game for one hour when his computer suddenly shut down for no reason. Benji was surprised, keeping staring at the black monitor for a some seconds.

He bent down, trying to turn the computer back on when he heard something that sounded like screams.

Benji was already pissed off, standing up to check the electricity counter, but he froze when he saw the outside through his window.

Smoke was rising up, but there was a huge difference to earlier. The smoke was rising up in the central part of the city but was rising up from everywhere.

[What the f*ck is going on out there?] Asked Adam as he cursed.

Benji took his headset slowly off, it made him hear the screams better.

'What is going on?' Thought Benji when he walked towards the window.

His eyes widened in shock by what he saw.

Total chaos!

People were running for their lives through the streets, screaming hysterically.

Drivers driving recklessly, not caring for the people on the street, knocking them down.

Benji was sure that some of them died instantly. His eyes widened to the extreme when he caught sight of a woman sprinting madly through the street. She jumped on random people, biting and tearing them apart.

She wasn't the only one, there were others who did the same.

It reminded him of the zombie movies he had watched in the past in which the world went crazy.

But one thing is watching a movie and another is watching it happen right in front of you.

Benji noticed how the earlier assaulted people he believed that had died, standing up again.

[Jesus Christ! Look at them!]

They started roaring madly like animals, before sprinting like they were on drugs, pouncing at other people.

Benji felt a shiver run through his whole body.

He took a step back from the window.

'Jesus! Is this really happening?'

[It is, I'm seeing it too!] Confirmed Adam.

He gulped hard and went back to the window when he calmed down a bit.

It was still the same!


Benji ran towards the entrance of his apartment, wanting to go out.

[What the hell are you doing? Do you really want to die? That's what's gonna happen if you go out now!] Cursed Adam.

Benji was just about to open the door when he froze.

"You are right..." Muttered Benji.

[Can you hear the screams? They come from the stairwell!]

Benji's mind became clear at this moment. He took a few steps back from the door.

'Going out right now is stupid what was I thinking? What I need to do right now to barricade the door!'.

[You better be fast!] Urged Adam in the back of Benji's mind.

A cold glint flashed through his dark eyes.

He ran towards his bedroom.

Benji took out all his clothes from the wardrobe, throwing them to the corner before he started to move the wardrobe through the apartment.

He didn't care about the floor made of wood and pulled the wardrobe all the way to the entrance, where he pushed the wardrobe to the door, blocking it.

[Not enough!] Shouted Adam.

Benji put two more cabinets on the wardrobe, blocking the door completely.

Only then did he relax a bit. He didn't need to think about the windows because he lived on the third floor.

Benji heard someone knock on his door like crazy.


He recognized the voice, it was from the nice lady who lived on the first floor.

Benji ignored her, walking to his kitchen to check the fridge and how much food he still had left.


Benji heard her desolate screams and the roaring from whoever attacked her.

[You better don't try to be a hero here, that chick is done for! Do you hear me?]

"I'm not stupid..." Answered Benji.

His expression was hidden by the rather dark apartment that was without lights, but his half-closed eyes had an emotionless touch to them.

'I can't save won't save her. Things are real and I'm on my own...'

[Damn right!] Agreed Adam with him.

He estimated that he had enough food for 4 days.

Benji took his phone and called Marc, he couldn't help but worry about his best friend...

He stood inside the dark kitchen, listening to the ringing sound that came from his phone.

'He doesn't pick up...'

[He could be dead tho...] Commented Adam.

Benji ignored his comment, trying two more times but Marc didn't pick up his phone.

He tried it with Anna's number but his heart became heavier when the mailbox answered.

Benji stared down at his phone which still had 76% power.

"God d*mnit!"

[This doesn't look good, I wonder how things became like this...]

Benji walked slowly back to the window from which he could observe the city and gazed down at the bloody carnage that was happening on the streets.

Benji observed everything for some time with crossed arms. He counted how long it took for someone to transform into one of those brutal things that only carved for human lives...

'One minute the fastest and a one and three minute the slowest....that's crazy. It happens way too fast! What is the police doing? No if this is happening everywhere in Dortmund then...Is this only here? Or is this happening though the province? Or even whole Germany?'

Benji shook his head, 'That shouldn't be possi....'

A dark thought crossed his mind...

[It is possible...] Spoke Adam.

'This is too unnatural to be a should be a man-made disaster!'

[I bet my imaginary *ss that this is a man-made disaster!]

His thoughts started to become chaotic.

He couldn't help but frown deeply, 'Let's assume the worst....then this isn't only happening here in Dortmund or Germany but world wide. It would change everything....Jesus is this even possible? Who could possibly pull something like this off?'

'No, I should stop thinking about why, I need to focus on myself! I need a safe spot...'

[There is one place we can go to...]

His dark-brown eyes wandered towards the blocked entrance door....

'You mean?'

[Mother's house is the only place we have access to. It has its own energy source we can use to charge our phone and cook meals.] Said Adam.

Benji's eyes gazed back at the chaos that was unfolding on the streets.

He really didn't want to go back to his mother's home but...

Benji shook his head, 'I will stay here for four days and prepare to move out when this madness has died down to some degree...'

[Smart choice.]