I feel different...

"Roman quick, take a picture of me please." Asked Lydia excited.

The man named Roman smiled lovingly, taking his phone out.

Lydia felt blessed ever since she met Roman 3 years ago in Glasgow.

She was only an university student at that time and Roman Nagoev was a world wide renowned pianist.

They fell in love with each on the first glance.

Now they were engaged and spent their vacation in New York.

They had already visited the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.

It was night now and they took the to the central part of New York.

Lydia was really excited, it was the first time she had left Scotland.

Roman took a few pictures of her with his phone, everything was so bright and lively.

He walked to her and took some selfies, she kissed him lovingly on his cheek.

She took his phone away, swiping through the pictures like a little kid.

They heard then a chain of unknown plopping sounds. Lydia looked up while she gave Roman his phone back.

Her blue eyes seemed to light up when she saw something unusual up in the air.

"Look Roman! They even have strange fireworks here." Exclaimed Lydia excited, pointing up.

'Strange fireworks?' Thought Roman confused while looking up.

They weren't the only one that noticed it. Many people looked confused up.

Clouds of red smoke were slowly falling down from the sky.

Roman didn't know what to think about it, it wasn't his first time visiting New York and he had never heard or seen fireworks going off in the middle of October.

The red smoke soon fell over everyone. Some people cautious people held on their breath or even covered their mouths with their hands or scarfs.

Lydia coughed when she inhaled part of the red fog, Roman who was covering his mouth with his scarf frowned deeply, "Don't breathe it in, we don't know what it is."

Lydia listened to him, covering her mouth with a handkerchief.

The whole central region of New York was enveloped by the unknown red fog. It only stayed visible for about 30 seconds before dissipating.

Lydia touched her throat, "Roman what was that?"

Roman shook his head, but he had a bad feeling about it. Roman had a dark thought about the unknown red fog, he paled and pushed the thought away quickly.

The other people were confused and unsure how to react towards what just happened.

"Let us go Lydia..." Said Roman with concern.

Lydia noticed Roman's concern and she couldn't help but develop some fear inside her mind.

The returned to the subway station. They stood beside each other when Lydia suddenly fell on the ground, breathing hard.

Roman panicked and bent down, supporting her up.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, it's so hot Roman...what is happening to me?" Answered Lydia who was clearly afraid.

Roman's eyes widened, 'Oh no!'

The people around them distanced themselves from them, avoiding them like they were monsters.

Roman was about to call an ambulance when he felt his own legs becoming soft.

He fell beside Lydia. An unknown heat started to spread through his body, he felt like he was burning.

He stared at Lydia with fear in his eyes and she shared the same fear, also staring back at him.

Roman's eyes widened in shock when he witnessed Lydia's sky-blue eyes rapidly changing their color.

"R..oma..n I don't...feel well..." Stuttered Lydia weakly.

Roman embraced her.

Her arms fell weakly on the ground, she wasn't moving anymore.

Roman panicked even more, pushing his own fear aside. He took a good look at Lydia.

Her eyes were now red colored, she wasn't reacting to him anymore.

'That color!?' It reminded him of the red fog that fell earlier on them.

He saw that Lydia had stopped breathing, tears run down his cheeks and he ignored the pain he was going through. His body felt like it was burning from the inside.

Roman hugged Lydia's body stronger.

The people around them took even more steps back, some were already calling 911.

Roman who was crying sensed Lydia breathing again.

He stopped crying and looked delighted at her. She had started to move again.

His delighted expression changed when he saw her red eyes trembling violently.

A strange deep growl escaped out of Lydia's throat.

"Lydia?" Asked Roman carefully with an horrified expression.

Lydia didn't answer him but her red eyes stayed fixated on him, she moved her arm towards him.

Roman smiled when he saw her actions.

He wasn't happy for long, her nails buried into his face, making him scream out in pain.

Her grip on his face was way too strong for a woman, he tried to shake her off but it was impossible.

She quickly opened her mouth, sinking her teeth deep into his neck.

'Lydia!?' Those were Roman's last thoughts.

At the same time in France...

Henry was too exhausted to think about anything. He fell on his bed without caring that he was still wearing his dirty clothes. Henry spent a whole month out in the woods with his unit training.

They got barely any sleep through the whole training time. Everyone was too exhausted to even complain, they were just happy to be back in the barracks.

Henry was already on his way to dreamland when his door was pushed open. A tired looking young soldier called him out.

"Get up, Henry, we have a last gathering before they let us off to the weekend."

Henry felt so annoyed.

"F*ck you, Jules, and fuck them for torturing us like this!" Snapped Henry.

Jules sighed, "I know, now get your *ss up, we have 5 minutes."

Henry stood slowly up, it took him a great deal of mental and physical power to do that.

He knew it wouldn't be easy when he decided to join the special forces of France, but they put them through the wringer everyday!

Henry met his other brothers in arm and they walked together towards the meeting room.

The meeting room was full, over 200 soldiers had gathered here.

The old Division Commander, Clément Debuchy was already waiting for them.

Just when it was confirmed that everyone was here, a desk exploded, leaking a strange red fog that engulfed everyone inside the room.

It happened way too fast, taking them all by surprise.

Henry was the first to leave the room because he was already near the exit door, others followed suit when they saw him.

"What the hell was that!?" Shouted Lorient.

The others frowned, they had no idea what to think or how to react.

Division Commander Clément Debuchy started to issue orders when everyone was outside.

Everyone could tell that he was really flustered.

Henry and his other mates were discussing what happened when he felt his legs give in.

He fell on his butt, starting to breath hard. A strange heat was rampaging through his body.

He wasn't the only one with such symptoms. Everyone soon fell weakly on the ground.

'What is going on?' Thought Henry full of fear. The heat was quickly spreading through his body. He sensed that his consciousness was slowly fading away.

He tried hard to stay awake... it was impossible, his vision turned red and dark.....

Meanwhile in Peru...

Barbara was plagued by nightmares the last few days, it was always the same dream but she couldn't remember it after waking up. She could feel it inside her old bones that something evil is coming.

She was an old priestess of the old gods.

Her 15 years old granddaughter Paloma visited her today.

She was a lively child that loved her eccentric grandmother dearly, she came almost everyday to take care of her after the school was over.

"Grandma, you look pale what is wrong?" Asked Paloma concerned.

Barbara had a grave expression, she looked around the house.

"Paloma, dear.....I had another nightmare. I can't remember what it was but something bad will soon happen. I can feel it, a disaster is upon us."

Paloma didn't know what to say, she had noticed how her grandmother's health became worse day by day.

A deep unsettling shiver went through Barbara's old body.

"Take me to the outside, child." Said Barbara with urgency.

Paloma was concerned but did what her grandmother said.

She pushed the wheelchair to the outside.

Barbara observed the vast, blue sky, the feeling of doom flooder her mind.

She grabbed her old praying beads made of wood that had strange runes carved on it, starting to pray.

'Please old gods, guide me to the truth. Show me the right path....'

Barbara prayed for 2 minutes when she suddenly opened her eyes wide in horror.

"By the old gods!" She finally remembered what she had dreamed about.

She began to scream hysterically, falling off her wheelchair.

Paloma panicked, rushing to her side.

"Grandma, Grandma! What's wrong?"

Barbara didn't sense her surroundings anymore she was going through her nightmare.

Only when it was over did she see her granddaughter.

She caressed Paloma's cheek softly.

"You need to flee, Paloma, Peru isn't safe...no the world isn't safe. Take my praying beads and give it to your mother, she will know what to do. I saw a glimpse of what is about to come...."

Barbara's heart stopped beating before she could end her sentence. The stress she went through was too much for her old body.

Paloma shouted and cried, calling for help. Some neighbours rushed towards her, helping as much they could.

Paloma took the praying chain that her grandmother gave her before she died and went home.

Her mother cried for a bit but ignored what Paloma told her about the things her grandma said before she died.

She was deeply hurt by her mothers attitude.

This night was like no other one for Paloma, she had an incredible gruesome nightmare. Her whole body was covered in sweat when she woke up. She could still remember everything that she saw in her dream.

Her whole body was weak, she reached out, grabbing the praying beads that her grandmother entrusted her.

"Is that what you saw, grandma?" Whispered Paloma in horror.

The red fog was unleashed all over the world. The most populated cities where it's first target, also strategic points like barracks and military bases throughout the whole world.

The world soon descended into a never before, seen chaos....