I feel different...(2)

Four days had passed since the madness began.

Benji was isolated inside his apartment without any electricity.

He and Adam spent the time observing the streets and the behaviour of the zombies. That's what they decided to call them.

The zombies started to slow down after two days. They became passive without human targets, roaming aimlessly through the streets.

They concluded some things from their observations through the past 4 days.

The zombies were dumb, like animals. But they were faster and stronger than the average human, a single bite would seal your fate. Everyone would transform into a zombie not even 3 minutes after being bitten.

Even a scratch was enough, just like in the movies.

'There is nothing more I can do...I need to get going if I don't want to starve to death...'

Benji went to his small store room, unlocking a metal chest.

He stared at the opened chest for some time, 'I never thought that I would open it again...'

His old stuff from his time in the German Force were stored inside that chest.

Benji began to change his clothes, putting on his black boots, combat trousers and pulled his military trench coat over his dark-blue hoodie.

[This is it Benji, we are back in the game!] Spoke Adam in glee.

Benji wasn't finished, he pushed a hidden button on the side of the chest.

A clicking sound echoed out and the bottom of the chest lifted itself up, revealing a sharp combat knife made of black metal.

Benji equipped it quickly, fixing it at the side of his trousers.

He could land in prison if the police found him with that knife, it was illegal in Germany.

[Well, that would only be the case before the chaos started, the police should have their hands full to clear the mess...]

He picked up his backpack in which he had a bit food, water and other things stored.

Benji looked at the door which lead to the starway, he had already unblocked it.

He sensed his heart beating faster, he found himself becoming excited.

'Strange, didn't I give up on life? Now I'm struggling to stay alive...' His mixed feelings crashed against each other, with the excitement pushing his darkness away.

[That's how it is, we are fighters! No zombie scum can take us down!]

He couldn't help but lick his lips, a smile appeared on his once emotionless face.

Benji pulled the hood over his head before turning the door handle.

'Do or die!' Thought Benji.

[Amen, brother! It's do or die!] Shouted Adam excited.

He checked the stairway by sticking out his head.

Everywhere was blood, on the floor, one the walls and on the stairs.

Benji squinted his eyes, 'So much blood but no corpses...'

[They should have turned into zombies, be careful!] Commented Adam.

Benji nodded, taking out his combat knife as he began to walk down the stairs.

His expression turned serious, focusing solely on his senses while taking every step with uttermost care.

It took him 10 minutes till he reached the street. He could already feel that keeping up his focus drained his mental stamina.

'Now comes the really difficult part.' Benji checked his watch, it was past 2 pm.

Benji bent down and walked quickly from one car to the other, taking cover behind them.

He saw 4 zombies slowly roaming through the street like lost kids.

[Four f*ckers!]

Benji checked his back behind him, just to be sure before he dashed to the next car.

'They didn't sense me, so far so good!' Thought Benji while peeking at them through the carglass.

He was currently in the south-west part of Dortmund and needed to go to all the way to the north.

His mother's place was the only safe spot he knew that he could get in.


[Forget that witch, did you forget what she did to us?] Cursed Adam as he showed his hatred towards their mother.

Benji shook his head, he needed to stay focused.

Slowly crouching forwards to the front of the red car.

It was then that the male zombie that was nearest to him seemed to pick something up, it froze on the spot, beginning to sniff around.

'You gotta be kidding me! It can smell me?' Cursed Benji while crouching back.

[Damn! We didn't notice that when we observed them!]

The zombie turned towards Benji's direction, slowly walking to the red car.

It continued to sniff around, arriving at the spot in front of the car. It began to take a deeper amount of air through its nose. It began to walk towards the back of the car.

It could smell it! The prey should be near! It began to walk faster towards the back of the car.

It's violent instincts began to kick in, ready to sink its teeth into fresh flesh and feed!

It's red eyes trembled violently and just as it was about to pounce on its prey...

[Kill and run!]

A black combat knife found itself buried inside its head!

It roared weakly with unwillingness before falling on the ground like a puppet which got its strings cut off.

Benji reacted fast, he had no more time, starting to sprint with everything he had.

It was the right decision because he heard the roaring sounds of the other 3 zombies behind his back.

They also sprinted madly after him.

'My knife...' Thought Benji.

[Forget the knife, run!]

Benji regretted it that he couldn't retrieve his knife but he had no other choice the zombies were too close to him.

He sprinted through the street, hearing the roaring sounds coming closer.

'Jesus why are they so fast?'

[Stay focused, RUN FASTER!] Cursed Adam inside his mind.

Benji knew this area well and sprinted into a small alley, where he climbed over a fence.

He found himself inside a little garden behind an apartment building.

Delight flooded him when he saw that nothing had changed since he saw it a few weeks ago.

[Big chance brother!] Adam grew excited.

Benji picked up a metal pipe that was lying on the ground before he continued to sprint towards the fire escape.

The zombies had just climbed over the fence when they noticed Benji climbing up the fire escape to the first floor.

They roared out like savages, following him and beginning to climb up the fire escape.

Benji didn't continue to escape upwards, he turned around instead, with a nasty smile plastered on his face that was hidden under the hood.

[Role changed stupid f*ckers!]

Benji smashed the metal pipe violently on the head of the first zombie that was climbing up the fire escape. It howled in pain, losing its grip, falling 4 meters down on the ground, twitching a few times.

The other two zombies behind it didn't realize that they were at a disadvantageous position.

They kept climbing up ignoring what happened to their mate, not even thinking that the same thing could happen to them.

Both zombies fell hard on the ground. Benji was still smiling.

[Just like we thought, they are stupid beyond help!]

"Yeah..." Agreed Benji.

One of the zombies stood slowly up, it didn't rest at all continuing to climb the fire escape up.

Benji could only shake his head watching it, 'Let me release you from your suffering!'

[That's the Benji I know haha! Not the depressed waste haha] Laughed Adam happily.

Benji ignored Adam, taking a hitting stance, waiting for it to climb up so he could smash it's head again.

There was already blood leaking out from its wound.

The second hit was too much for the head of the zombie, it cracked open like a watermelon.

Benji breathed finally out.

A roar suddenly penetrated the air.

[Holy sh*t! That scared me...] Cursed Adam.

That roar also scared the sh*t out of Benji, he looked up the fire escape.

There was a female zombie climbing out from an opened window of an apartment on the second floor. It's eyes fixated on Benji, rushing down the fire escape.

Benji gritted his teeth hard, taking a hitting stance again.

'I need to knock her down at the right time, I can't get myself bitten or scratched!'

[You got this, we have done this a ton of times in the army.] Spoke Adam with a soothing voice.

The female zombie just arrived at the first floor of the fire escape, pouncing at him.

His whole body relaxed, his eyes wide open, not daring to even blink.

His focus reached its peak in this situation.

He looked like a MLB Hitter waiting for the game deciding pitch.


"NOW!" Shouted Adam and Benji at the same time.

His body began to move, his muscles started roaring inwards, like a proud beast that was finally unleashed into the world after years of prison.

A loud dull sound echoed out...

A perfect hit, right on the left side of its head.

The female zombie lost instantly its balance, starting to flip over when it fell down the fire escape. It landed with its head right on the ground, giving it the rest.

Benji was done, he leaned on the fire escape, sweating.

'That was close, but...' He glanced down. 'We did pretty damn well!'

[Yeah, we are finally back in the business baby! You need to get our body back to shape and we will kill the zombies like chickens!]

Benji's face twitched when he noticed that two of the zombies were still moving.

The metal pipe was already curved, tainted with blood and brain matters.

'So disgusting! I guess it's enough to finish them off.'

Benji arrived beside the zombies that still tried to crawl towards him, their red eyes full of brutality, trembling violently.

He took a deep breath before starting to smash down on their heads.

[Kill them! Don't need to hold back anymore! The world is done! KILL IT!] Shouted Adam.

"Die, die, die, DIE!"

He fell into a violent state, letting loose of all his pent up emotions as he kept smashing the metal pipe down, again, again and again.

Benji finally stopped his violent beating when he was out of steam.

He fell out of breath on the ground.

[What's that?] Asked Adam.

Benji was still catching his breath, "What's what?"