I feel different...(3)

"What is that?" Questioned Benji.

[I have no idea, but that thing shouldn't be there, human anatomy you know..] Answered Adam.

Amids the smashed remains was something that looked like a tiny red crystal with thin roots attached to it.

Benji was intrigued by it, 'That shouldn't be there, is that the reason for people becoming a zombie?'

[It could be...]

He wanted to confirm his suspicions, inspecting the smashed heads of the other zombies.

His eyes lit up when he found 3 more identical tiny crystals.

'I think I get it, those tiny crystals form themselves inside the brain of the people, causing them to become zombies.'

[No sh*t Sherlock...] Mocked Adam.

Benji was disgusted by the mess he created when he lost control over himself, but his curiosity got the better of him. He picked the four tiny crystals up to observe them closer.

They were really tiny, 1/3 the size of a nail. Their red color reminded him of the red eyes from the zombies, they were similar.

[Tiny little strange things...] Said Adam, fascinated.

Benji held them up on his palm when the thin red roots suddenly became alive.

He had no time to react to it when they drilled into his hand. Benji was horrified but everything happened too fast.

[Jesus Christ! What have you done you idiot?] Cursed Adam as he panicked.

The thin red roots invaded his body through his palm and the tiny crystals turned into a red liquid that sipped through his skin, invading his body.

Benji panicked, shaking his hand violently. A sharp pain penetrated his hand, quickly making its way up through his arm. Benji couldn't do anything to prevent it from making its way through his body.

The pain became more intense and intensified the deeper while it invaded his body.

He sensed that it already reached all the way to his throat, causing him to grit his teeth hard in pain. His heart automatically began to beat faster and he started to grasp harder for air.

'Are we going to die?' Thought Benji while enduring the piercing pain that had now reached his face.



Benji couldn't endure it in anymore, falling on the ground while clutching his head in pain.

It felt like something was drilling through his head, his whole body started to twitch violently.

He wanted to scream so badly but his last bit of reason told him to not, it would reveal his position to the zombies in the vicinity. His whole body felt like it was on fire, a heat spread throughout his body.

His body was going through tremendous changes.

It felt like years had passed until the pain finally began to weaken. His body also stopped to twitch. Benji began slowly to regain the some control over himself, stunning him.

He was covered in sweat, gasping hard for air. The heat disappeared and Benji leaned against the wall of the apartment house.

'My god, I thought we would die! What the hell happened? Wait, did I become a zombie? No, I'm still myself and can think clearly!' Many questions plagued his mind.

'I need to find it out, I won't be able to rest until I see what happened to me!'

He noticed something, something was missing...


"Hey, Adam can you hear me? Answer me you horny *sshole!"

Benji was only greeted by silence, 'Maybe he still needs time to recover...'

His eyes wandered over towards the second floor of the fire espace. There was the opened window that lead inside the apartment. That was where the female zombie climbed out from.

He found it still somewhat difficult to move, his body, it....

'I feel different...' Benji couldn't grasp what was different yet but he could tell that everything about him felt....changed.

'Adam? Adam are you there brother?' Thought Benji suddenly as he waited for an answer that never came...

He checked his watch, it was almost 4 pm now.

'Did really 2 hours go by? I...beat me I don't care I will take shelter up there for now.'

It took him 7 minutes to climb up the fire escape. People would laugh hard if they saw him climb up in an awkward way.

Benji cursed silently, feeling like a baby that just started to learn how to move properly.

He froze on the spot just when he was about to climb into the apartment.

'Wait a moment, there won't be more zombies inside right? I would die for sure if. I can't defend myself in the condition I'm right now!'

Benji hesitated, he was struggling to decide how to proceed.

'Adam? I could really need your smart *ss now...'

There came no answer from Adam, so he decided to not enter the apartment yet and do some training to gain more control over his body.

He began to do push ups, squats, stretching and other forms of training.

'Strange, I don't feel exhausted at all!' His breathing stayed steady and his heartbeat at a normal rate.

It was then that jumped up for the first time.

Benji had somehow put too much strength into his legs when he jumped up, causing him to crash against the third floor of the fire escape before falling hard on the metallic floor.

Dumbfounded and somewhat scared, he stayed on the ground, not daring to even breath.

He caused quite some noise right there.

Benji looked alerted around, crouching up and staring inside the apartment like a scared cat.

For around a minute did he keep staring intensely into the apartment, only breathing out in delight when he was sure that there was no activity.

'I just jumped two meters high didn't I?' Thought Benji shocked.

He looked strangely down at his own body, gulping down.

'The only logical reason for my new gained strength is...' His thoughts drifted back to the painful experience he went through.

His mood changed rapidly, 'Oy this could be a blessing in disguise! If I became like the zombies but retained my human mind then...OH BOY!'

Benji smiled like a devil.