Clash in West Dortmund (3)

A stream of information flooded Benji's mind the moment he took control over the mutated zombie.

His expression became grave.

'I see now, that's how it is...' Thought Benji as he crushed the cigarette under his feet.

'I need to act now and...' His train of thoughts were interrupted.

He sensed many red bright dots enter his range, they were moving fast in their direction.

His remaining elite puppets arrived quickly beside him, he blended into their group, making it look like Cain was in charge.

'31 of them...'

The unknown people finally appeared.

They kept their distance from them, the shock was visible on their faces. They looked at the devastation in fear and awe.

Benji had an idea of who these people were and entered his Mind Puppeteer mode.

Cain ignored them, he kept binding the mutated zombie with the chains.

Some of the soldiers looked at the new group, some with hostility, some with curiosity.

A strong-looking man with black hair and a full beard walked forwards.

"Who are you?"

Cain glanced at him for a second before turning around and leaving, chained zombie kept floating behind him and the others followed him.

The man became upset when he saw them ignoring him, his red eyes lit up and he signaled his people to take action.

Cain's group halted when they found themselves being surrounded from all sides.

The man stepped forwards, "I asked you a question!" His voice was forceful this time.

Cain turned around, facing him.

"Do you all wish to die?" His emotionless cold voice wasn't loud but everyone heard him clearly.

Veins popped out on the forehead of the strong man, he was really angry now.

Just as he was about to attack...

"WAIT! Boss wait we know them!" Shouted a blond youth that just arrived.

The strong man stopped irritated, "He threatened us, Thomas, we will eradicate them from earth!"

The blond youth arrived beside the strong man, a woman and another tall youth following him.

The blond youth paled when he heard his boss speak.

"We can't boss...they are too strong..." Whispered the blond youth.

The tall youth and the woman joined him and explained quickly their encounter with Benji's puppets in the east.

The angry expression of the boss changed into disbelief.

Benji recognized the two youth but he had no idea who the woman was.

'I have no time for this...'

"I will say it only one time, move or die!" Spoke Cain coldly.

"Boss listen to him, they are way above us. Look they even caught that menace that caused so many deaths..." Said the woman as she pointed at the chained mutated zombie in the air.

The boss gritted his teeth in anger but signaled his people to retreat.

He wasn't dumb, he realized that they would have a hard time against them, just by looking at the level of destruction around them.

The boss turned his head towards the trio, "You will tell me everything you know about them!"

Benji was in a hurry, he had already ordered all of his puppets to gather.

The new information that he gained from the mutated zombie startled him.

'It was being controlled by whatever resides in Central Dortmund. And there are 5 more of these mutated zombies. Two are roaming through Dortmund, gathering as many crystals possible. I wanted to attack the central later but I don't like how things are developing. Whatever that thing is...should be alerted after losing one of it pawns, I need to be quick now before it can prepare!'

They arrived 20 minutes later at the border between Central and North Dortmund.

His puppets were already waiting there for him. A horde with more than 600 zombies swarmed the streets.

Benji wasn't happy at all his expression remained grave.

The reason why he didn't dare to attack the central after he lost a whole squad of his puppets. Was because his inner eye was being supressed to the point that it became practical useless, whenever he was near Central Dortmund.

He had no choice but to act now, whatever that thing was planning, it shouldn't be anything good.

Some of his zombies were armed to the teeth with the weapons he stole from the camp in the east. They were his main team that was responsible to cause as much destruction possible.

'It wants crystals? Fine I will deliver them to you. I refuse to believe that you can hold back your greed!'

Benji ordered his horde to advance!

[This is very unlike you...] Benji heard his own voice inside his mind.

It came out of nowhere but Benji didn't show any particular surprised reaction towards that strange situation.


[The only one...]

'I was wondering when you would appear, where have you been all this time? Why come out now?' Asked Benji inside his mind.

Adam that had the same voice as Benji answered in a mocking tone, [I had no reason to, you did quite well until now. And you don't need to lie to me, I know you secretly hoped that those crystals somehow got rid of me.]

Benji's lip twitched, 'That shouldn't be possible, we have always been together...'

[And yet you still pretended like I didn't exist anymore...hoping that I had vanished. You even tried to replace me by talking to the puppets when you missed me.] Mocked him Adam again.

Benji couldn't refute because he was right. He believed that he was born this way, they have been together since Benji was 9 years old.

Only his mother knew about Adam, and she did everything to prevent Benji from telling anyone else. He was still a kid back then and her influence over him was huge.

It was only later when he matured that he escaped from his mother's "care" by entering the army when he turned 18.

He enjoyed playing football and he was really good at it and his mother forced him to stop because of her fear that all the attention Benji attracted would reveal Adam to the world. She wouldn't allow that to happen, that would tarnish the name of their proud Krone family.

It was Adam's idea at that time to join the army to finally get away from his mother...

'I'm sorry...' Benji apologized.

Adam sighed in his mind, [I know you are. It doesn't matter, the real question is why are you attacking now? We know practically nothing about the enemy and my inner eye is being suppressed here!]

'That's exactly why we are attacking, I took one of its pawns and alerted it, I need to disrupt whatever it plans as quickly possible.' Defended Benji his decision.

[Is that so? You are being a hypocrite now. Didn't you say to Marc that you won't play the hero? And now you are rushing towards an unknown enemy to save Dortmund...we would normally find everything out about it and test the waters, we would just escape if it turns out to be too strong. But look at you now!]

The harsh words from Adam caused Benji to ponder.

'Maybe, but you should have figured out what I'm secretly aiming for.' Thought Benji.

[Power...we hit a bottleneck and have stagnated, you first wanted to consume the crystals from the mutated zombies to see if they can improve our abilities...] Revealed Adam.

'But the thing that is capable of controlling them is now our main dish.' Ended Benji the thought.

[And if it turns out to be someone like us?] Asked Adam with a strange tone.

'You know the answer, now back to my question. Where have you been Adam? It's still a two way thing, I can tell when you are being dishonest just as you can tell when I am.' Pressed Benji Adam

[I was busy...] Answered Adam.

'Come on...' Benji wasn't happy the answer.

[I was working hard while being drowning in information. You have no idea what it became here after, those crystals invaded our brain...I had my hands full so we could still move and stuff, why do you think did we get two powers while everyone else got only one?]

Benji's eyes widened in shock, 'Don't tell me...'

[Yeah, the Mind Puppeteer ability belongs to me while you have the Gravity Body. Well we both have them, the difference lies in our control, I can't control the Gravity Body like you do and you on other hand can't control Mind Puppeteer like I can...]

Benji felt his brain explode after hearing Adam's explanation...