Nine Pillars

'It makes some sense now...' Thought Benji.

[Lucky you stayed here longer, I could only make it out of that nightmare because of the suppression here.] Adam sounded exhausted.

'So you were you trapped the whole time or something?' Asked Benji.

[Imagine your home suddenly turning into a labyrinth that is constantly being flooded by tsunamis in form of information...] Cursed Adam.


[But it was worth it, I mastered the Mind Puppeteer ability and was able to share it with you.]

'Thank you Adam.' Benji felt relieved now.

[But there is something I need to tell you and I don't know if it's a good thing...]


[We aren't alone anymore, the thing that invaded us is building something...]

Benji froze, 'Building something? What are you talking about?'

[I'm not sure myself but it looked like it was building a link to somewhere else...maybe calling it a bridge would be more accurate from what I observed...]

Benji frowned deeply, 'Wtf?'

[Yeah...] Said Adam helpless.

'What should we do about it? We know too little!'

[We can't do much for now. Let's just keep pushing forwards. I can't return there anymore but, I'm free now and will take the control over the Mind Puppeteer ability. You were using only 50% of it until now, it burdened and restricted the Gravity Body.] Explained Adam.

'Only 50%? Are you bullsh*tting me?' Thought Benji in disbelief.

[Nope, you will see later after the suppression is lifted.]

'Alright I will count on you then.'

Benji suddenly felt like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.

[Better right?] Asked Adam.

'A lot, I never realized how much of a toll it was taking on me. I feel much better now.'

[Good now let's hunt!]

Benji smiled, the army of puppets changed how they moved, they became more orderly.

Even breathing felt easier now for Benji.

One could say that he had always been carrying a mountain on his own without realizing it, until now that it was finally taken away.

Cain who was standing beside Benji winked at him.

"Adam?" Asked Benji.

["Sup! Damn it feels so good to finally be able to really speak haha!"]

Benji laughed too, he knew exactly desperate Adam was to someday talk outside of their mind.

["Let my untie this big fellow here, his regeneration ability is quite frightening!"] Spoke Adam through Cain.

The metal chains around the mutated loosened up, it landed heavily on the roof, causing the building to shake.

Benji observed who its huge body was already almost fully healed.

"Its regeneration speed is a total cheat!" Exclaimed Benji.

["Ours shouldn't be any worse, now that you can fully focus on our body."]

"It's strange not being able to control our puppets anymore..." Commented Benji.

Adam shrugged, ["It's better this way."]

"I know."

["Our cannon fodder are spreading through the central it shouldn't take long until we find that thing."] Spoke Adam through Cain.

Benji noticed how more strings began to attach themselves to Cain, "What are you doing?"

["I'm strengthening the link to him to get a better control. I need to say that we struck rich when you found him, his power isn't any worse than your Gravity Body."] Explained Adam.

"Jesus Christ, such a thing is possible?"

["I told you haha, I mastered the Mind Puppeteer some time ago, I just couldn't escape that damn labyrinth until it was suppressed."]

The dozens of strings began to twist, slowly fusing with each other and forming a single thick twisted string.

Cain, or better Adam started to do some light exercises to get used to it.

["Alright, this feels like moving an arm."] Commented Adam.

They moved out with the other elite puppets following them.

[I will split our forces into 5 parts, we know that it is controlling 5 more mutated zombies that could attack us any moment.] Spoke Adam in their mind.

Benji nodded as they jumped from one building to another.

They paused at the main mall in the center, "This place is too silent, I don't like it..." Said Benji.

["Me too, Dortmund had a population of over half a million and most of them lived in the center. We haven't seen any zombies or corpses so far, this is worrying me..."] Spoke Adam concerned.

The two of them were talking with each other how to continue things when Adam frowned, [They came!]


[They have split up too, and are fighting against our forces.]

'That's good...'

Benji was interrupted by three colossal shadows that suddenly arrived beside them.

Both were surprised, 'I thought that it only controlled 5 more of them, what is going on?'

[I have no idea, maybe these guys are its trump card? The lower puppets are still searching for the mastermind. It won't be long until we find it, lets just stall them.] Suggested Adam.

They agreed and Adam made the first move.

There was enough steel around them, he controlled them to attack the three colossal zombies.

Benji decided to let Adam test them out before making a move.

The 3 zombies tried to dodge but there were just too many pieces attacking them.

Adam and Benji noticed that the attacks weren't really effective because of the thick muscles from the zombies.

["Make them fly for a moment, I need a bit of time to gather more steel."] Said Adam to Benji.

Benji wanted to activate his Reverse Gravity when he saw how the three zombies retreat backwards.



The two stared at them flabbergasted.

[I think they understood what I said and retreated, let's only talk mentally from now on.]

'I had the same thought. It should be the mastermind that understood us, those 3 are only muscles with no brain.'

[It doesn't matter, this is enough for me to gather enough steel.]

The whole area was ripped apart by Adam's magnetic power. It didn't matter what it was, everything was drawn towards him as long it had something metallic in them.

Adam created a violent storm around them.

[Strange, our lower puppets can't find the mastermind...they have practically turned the central upside down!]

Benji found it strange, 'Everything is are our elite puppets faring against them?'

[They are doing fine, it's almost as if they aren't giving their all...] Pondered Adam.

'The same goes for these 3, it looks to me like they are stalling for time.'

[Yeah...I don't like it...]

'Can you keep these 3 busy? I want to check something, I have a hunch.' Thought Benji.

Adam's red eyes lit up, he knew what Benji was thinking about and found that it was worth a shot.

[Go, I got this!]

Benji didn't hesitate, springing into action. He looked around until finding what he was searching for.

A gully!

Benji sprinted towards it, 'If the enemy isn't on the surface or in the sky then...'

He used Reverse Gravity on the gully cover, lifting it up without any problem.

One of the colossal zombies saw it and went mad. The other two reacted suddenly the same way. They ignored the magnetic storm around them, rushing towards Benji.

Benji noticed it and smiled like a devil, 'Jackpot!'

He jumped down, entering the underground.

The three zombies were rushing at the gully when suddenly many steel spears impaled them, sending them flying.

They crashed through multiple stores, destroying them at the same time.

Adam stood on two spears, floating in the air, ["I'm still here you know? I had a slow start because I'm still getting used to this but..."]

The storm made of many metallic things stopped, slowly turning into the liquid state before reshaping into a lot of weapons.

Adam reshaped them into every kind of weapon he could imagine and made them 4 times harder and bigger!

The three zombies roared like mad beast, ignoring their wounds as they rushed towards Adam like berserkers.

Thousands of weapons floated behind Adam, he lifted his hand and pointed at the zombies.

The clash on the surface entered a critical stage.