Recruitment (3)

Benji observed everything unfold with interest, standing behind the other puppets.

'You are really enjoying this aren't you?' Asked Benji mentally.

[Of course, look at their faces haha.]

The members of die Jäger had pale faces stricken with horror as they looked at the five giants standing obediently behind Adam.

["Who wants to join?"] Asked Adam as he smiled like a devil.

He waved his hands and the metallic parts inside the hall turned into liquid. They reshaped into chains under his control, tying all the members up.

Some tried to resist but had no chance to escape.

["Good, now those under you that have special powers may come forward."] Spoke Adam.

The hall became silent, two people stepped resultantly forwards.

Adam and Benji frowned when they saw this.

'I don't believe that only those two have special abilities...'

[Me too...]

Adam looked around the hall, at the many different faces. The people didn't dare to look at him, keeping their heads down.

Adam's sharp gaze locked into two people, smiling like a someone who found his favorites toys.

He pointed at them, ["You two there, I know that you have special powers!"]

The blond and tall youths, flinching back when they were called out.

They exchanged hesitating glances before they came forward.

'This is a problem, there might slip some talents away if we don't do nothing about this situation.' Spoke Benji with concern.

Adam agreed, [It seems that we need to use force then...]


[What but? It's not like we have lied before, I rather kill them than let them escape only to come back stronger to backstab us!]

'....' Benji didn't like it but he had seen too much to know how people loved to backstab.

Adam's expression turned ice-cold, ["Alright, for those that don't have a special ability, I'm sorry but you need to die now."]

The group stared at Adam in shock when they heard him.

One of them shouted in panic, "Wait, hold on didn't you say that we would let us go if we don't resist?"

Adam's ice-cold red eyes turned to the man, ["I lied."] Answered Adam while his ice-cold expression changed into a mocking one.

Everyone suddenly realized in what kind of situation they were in and that he was dead serious.

Adam signaled the five giants behind him to get it done.

The five roared out in anger, slowly making their way down towards the group that began to retreat backward in panic.

[Do it!] Ordered Adam mentally.

The faint bright glow inside the eyes of one of the giants flickered for a second.

The giant accelerated suddenly, smashing both of his fist like a hammer on an unlucky guy.

The guy screamed in horror before being smashed into meat paste by the giant.

The hall shook under the brutal force of the giant and everyone sucked a deep breath of cold air, seeing what was left from the unlucky guy.

Adam smiled satisfied, turning towards the 4 pale people that stepped forwards earlier.

["You guys don't need to see this, come we will go now."]

The four of them reacted to his voice and saw how the group started to leave. They followed them, their expressions filled with horror...

"WAIT, I HAVE A SPECIAL POWERS TOO!" Shouted a desperate.

"ME TOO, PLEASE LET ME JOIN YOU!" Shouted another.

Adam halted, his face revealing a nasty smile that the others couldn't see.

He put on a cold expression before turning slowly around, ["Last chance..."]

Suddenly most of the people stepped forward, making Adam and Benji shaking their heads.

["Oh? So many suddenly? Good, let me see your special powers then."] Spoke Adam coldly, causing some of the people among the group that stepped forwards to pale even more.

Adam snorted, ["What? Did you think I'm stupid?"]

He went on to begin the test.

A middle-aged man gritted his teeth when it was his turn to show his ability, "I can't show it when I'm chained like this."

Adam smiled coldly when he heard him, waving his hands that caused the chains to become loose and fall on the floor.

The middle aged man was rubbing his sore wrist when he suddenly took off.

He dashed quickly towards the exit.

A bright orange glow lit up for a second inside Benji's left eye, [Idiot!] Spat Adam with contempt.

The middle-aged man had already reached the exit when a child that didn't look older than 11 years old blocked his way.

"F*CK OFF BRAT!" Screamed the man like a madman. He didn't want to attack a child but he still kicked out, driven by his survival instinct.

The blond youth Thomas who was among the original 4 that stepped out recognized the child and closed his eyes, turning his head away. The tall youth Jan did the same as him.

The child grabbed the leg of the middle aged man with easy, thus stunning him.

'What on...'

Those were his last thoughts on Earth...

The palm that was holding the leg of the man ignited suddenly.

A wild and violent fire broke out that engulfed the whole body of the man.

The man didn't even had time to scream out in pain before his body turned into a charred corpse.

The child wearing a small sized soldier clothes let the leg go, watching how the corpse fell on the floor.

["I hope you all are honest from now on, the consequence is death."] Reminded Adam with a chilling voice and an eerie expression.

Three more puppets walked towards the exit, blocking it. They ignited flames on their hands.

Some people looked to have lost all hope and stepped back. They were desperate and wanted to try their luck but their hope had turned into ashes.

["What's your ability?"] Asked Adam a mature woman that looked like she was in her mid-twenties.

She was clearly afraid, "I can't show it here but I'm able to track people down. It doesn't matter how far they are, I can track them down as long I have seen them or have something that belongs to them."

Benji showed a surprised expression, 'Oh?'

Adam squinted his eyes, his gaze piercing her.

She began to sweat under his doubtful gaze, she felt really uncomfortable and thought he didn't believe her.

The atmosphere became heavier until someone spoke out on her behalf, "I can vouch for her."

Everyone turned towards the origin of the voice, it was the blond youth Thomas who spoke.

Jan also vouched for her and others joined them.

Julia stayed silent but she looked at the others with gratitude in her eyes.

'A very useful ability, our inner eye has a limited range...' Commented Benji, intrigued by her.

[And she is hot!]


Thomas didn't know if Adam believed them and added, "The boss also valued her highly because of her ability."

Adam nodded, ["Alright, I believe you."]

Julia sighed relieved.

Adam and Benji were happy with the new recruits, there were 11 of them with two having rather unique abilities. One was the woman with the tracking ability and the other one was another girl that could control earth, she was still weak because she joined only recently. Benji and Adam looked forwards to her development.

They excited together the cinema, leaving behind the 5 mutated zombies.

Benji still felt conflicted but he let Adam do what should be done.

They heard the desperate screams coming out from the cinema...

Benji turned towards the new recruits, a radiant orange light erupted from his left eye, blinding them.

It happened so fast that it took them by surprise.

They all felt something new residing inside them, the feeling of always being watched loomed over them.

"What have you done to us?" Asked Julia in panic, she didn't see who it was.

Adam looked back at her, ["Just to be sure that you stay loyal, it won't affect you as long you do as told but if you even think of betraying me..."]

Suddenly they lost control over their bodies, kneeling down in front of him.

["Know that we will always watch you!"]