
Benji and Adam had their hands full with work the past 6 days.

Dortmund experienced major changes through the past days.

Adam went to the east and rescued the survivors.

It was a child play to suppress and kill the corrupt soldiers and policemen.

The survivors gained independence and choose new homes through all of Dortmund, some of them even returned to their past homes.

They felt relieved not being suppressed and used like before.

The reason why the soldiers and policeman chose the east was because they wanted to get the power station to work again.

What they didn't know was that the surviving workers purposely delayed the work because of all the evil things that happened to them.

The power station worked fine on the second day that Adam rescued them, feeding Dortmund with the energy it needed.

Benji and Adam called their new established organisation, Blutsiegel(1). They started a massive purge to kill all the remaining zombies inside the city. It lasted 4 days under their lead...

They collected a ton of crystals that were shared with the survivors.

His organisation Blutsiegel was the silent overlord of Dortmund that ruled from the background.

The new rules were followed by the survivors even after they gained inhuman powers through the consume of crystals.

There were of course some stupid people who didn't listen and let their new powers get into their heads but all of them disappeared silently. No one had seen how they vanished but everyone knew who was responsible for it.

An outsider might think that the survivors ruled themselves, and it seemed like that but everyone in Dortmund knew that Blutsiegel had their eyes everywhere.

Benji and Adam could finally put their plan into action after the city calmed down and began to operate properly.

They decided to split their force into the Outer Circle and the Inner Core. The Outer Circle would contain members from local people from all the the places they would conquer while the Inner Core would contain the true elite members.

The Inner Core Members would be specially groomed and send out on dangerous missions through all Germany.

The Outer Circle could live how they wanted, as long they followed the rules, reported strange things and keep the safety over the territory.

There were only 6 people members inside the Inner Core, they were Benji, Adam who controlled Cain and played the role of the leader. Than there was Julia the Tracker, Angelina the Earthguardian, Thomas the Firelord and Jan the Destroyer.

The reason why Benji and Adam chose the name Blutsiegel was simple, it served as a deception. Nothing was perfect and the name of his organisation would be found out at some point. But no matter how much information outsiders would get form the Outer Circle, they could only make wild guesses what Blutsiegel was aiming for.

Benji and Adam couldn't be at all places at the same, even Adam with his Radiant Mindlord ability had his limits.

That was the why they created Blutsiegel, as their personal intelligence network that could also strike out if needed.

Only the Inner Core were under his personal control, he let them keep their free will but could get rid of them any moment they tried to betray him.

The two of them decided to sacrifice some of their elite puppets and all of the mutated zombies to make the Inner Core Members stronger, and it worked fantastically.

Their powers grew into a ridiculous level, Benji consumed himself 4 of the 7 egg sized crystals from the mutated zombies.

It made him stronger, its effect wasn't as dramatical like on the others but he felt the improvement.

Adam had sent out 2 physical and 2 fire elite puppets to scout out Düsseldorf(2) and Wuppertal. They had already scouted other nearby cities and villages but didn't found anything useful.

The two came up with a theory that only cities with a bigger population would have a chance of creating huge crystals.

The fact that the mutated zombies controlled by the monster inside the huge crystal, collected a massive amount of tiny crystals for it, made them pretty confident that their theory wasn't far off.

That's why they aimed for the bigger cities now.

They also gained a crucial information from the survivors. Some of them were lucky or unlucky enough to be inside Central Dortmund on the day everything began.

They spoke about a strange red fog being released all over Central Dortmund on that day.

The people that came into contact with it died soon afterwards, to come back as man-eating zombies.

[We can confirm now that it was a man-made disaster....a vicious virus...] Concluded Adam.

'Yeah, a virus spread through the air. It dissipated quickly but it fulfilled its mission...'

[Interesting, I'm curious who would do such a thing...]

'If I had to take a guess...' Benji thought about the two people inside the strange space with the Nine Pillars and Nine Thrones.

[Even if, shouldn't we thank them?] Asked Adam.

'I don't know, I feel somehow conflicted about it...many people died you know...'

[So what? People would die everyday anyway. We gained a lot from it.]

Benji couldn't deny it he felt drunk by his powers and every new day wasn't grey anymore...

'We will see in the future...'

[I can live with that.] Agreed Adam.

'Good, let's use the remaining time to train our new collections, their powers reached new heights but their fighting experience is abysmal.'

[I think the same, let's take them to a quiet place outside of Dortmund and...]

Adam didn't finish his sentence because a familiar feeling overcame him.

Benji felt the same, 'It's calling for us again!'

[Let's go!] Said Adam for some reason excited.

Both of them found themselves lying on their anciant roman couch.

Benji looked down, noticing that Lilith and the Plague Doctor had also arrived.

"Lilith, Doc." Greeted Benji them faintly.

"Solomon..." The way Lilith said Solomon sounded forced, making Benji laugh.

The Plague Doctor sat on his huge armchair, holding his walking stick, he graced them with a short glance before staring at the Fourth Pillar.

Lilith sneered at him.

[Still playing the silent mysterious guy huh?] Sneered Adam too.

'Let him be a wannabe, who cares...' Spoke Benji.

The two of them focused on the Fourth Pillar too that began to tremble violently.

[Another one...]

'It was only a matter of time.'

[True, let's see and enjoy the show haha]

The space around the Fourth Pillar shook and a bright-red light exploded out from it, shooting into the dark sky.

The bright-red light turned into slashes that cleaved the space itself apart.

Those incredible sharp slashes gave off a very dangerous vibe, it felt like it would cut down anything on its path.

The three spectators on their pillars felt it clearly, it made them wary.

A sharp slash cut open the space right on the throne, revealing a figure sitting on it.

The three of them focused on the figure sitting on the throne.

[Another dude...] Said Adam, disappointed.

Benji ignored Adam's remark, his eyes fixated on the thing that the man, clad in darkness held in his hand.

'That sword...'

[It looks like a katana...]

The man sitting on the throne looked up to them, a sharp aura erupted suddenly from his body. The pressure his red piercing gaze produced was intense.

Benji felt like a sword was placed over his head, ready to cut him down anytime.

[Oh? That's some intense glare right there!]

'Not bad...'

Benji and Adam weren't the only one who felt that way the other two felt it too...