Blutsiegel (2)

Lilith and the Plague Doctor released their own oppressive auras that clashed against the invisible sharp aura of the man, sitting on the Fourth Throne.

As if challenged, the man stood up from his throne, his gaze becoming sharper and more intense, releasing a greater amount of sharp aura.

Lilith's dream like purple clouds, inside her pupils surged violently, creating an incredible amount of illusions that pushed the sharp aura back.

The gloomy and toxic aura from the Plague Doctor polluted the invisible sharp aura.

Benji didn't participate in that clash, his thoughts were elsewhere.

That sharp aura reminded him of the wuxia novels he had once read when he was bored with playing games.

Adam snickered, ['Your idea isn't bad and we would look cool.']

Benji smiled, he was thinking about using swords as the main weapons of the Inner Core from Blutsiegel, Adam could create them easily with Cain's ability.

'Why didn't I think of it earlier? Riffles became practically useless against people like us but swords and other cold weapons can be effective as long one knows how to use them properly.'

He ignored the sharp aura that assaulted him, the others didn't sense it but Benji's Gravity Body didn't let the sharp aura come near his body.

The invisible clash between the 3 died down after a minute, with the man retreating back to sit on his throne that became smaller and more modest. His sharp aura also returned back to his body.

Lilith and the Plague Doctor also called back their auras, Lilith glanced curiously at Benji who hadn't made move.

Benji smiled at the newcomer who had an obsidian horn on the middle of his forehead.

"Welcome to this strange place that no one of us knows anything about. My name is Solomon, she is Lilith and the one to your left is Plague Doctor, we call him Doc, he doesn't talk." Spoke Benji.

The newcomer stared back at him, Benji could tell that he didn't know what to say.

"Take your time to choose a name, and congratulations for making it this far."

Lilith and even the Plague Doctor shot an angry glare at him, which he ignored with a smile.

Benji had just openly admitted that they didn't know anything about the strange space.

The man observed the space as he was deep in thought.

"I'm Miyamoto then." Said the newcomer.

The others looked at him in shock, his voice sounded surprisingly young.

"Good, I'm gone then." Said Benji before returning to his body.

He was about to talk with Adam when sensed the familiar call from the strange space again, but it wasn't urgent like the other times.

['Let's see what they want...']


Benji opened his eyes, looking at the others, "What?" He was a bit annoyed.

Lilith glared at him, "We need to talk about some things."

Benji glared back at her, "Enlighten me then Lilith, what are the things you want to talk about?"

She looked like she wanted to beat him up but took a deep breath to calm down.

"Let's start about us here, who we are, where we are from and what we know. We can help each other understand everything better." Spoke Lilith softly.

Benji responded with a mocking smile, "I'm Solomon, I'm from Earth and I know nothing."

"I'm being serious here, we need to work together." Snapped Lilith at him as she stood up.

['Daf*q? Does this woman think we are stupid?'] Cursed Adam.

Benji looked down on her, "Why the hell should I tell you my name and which country I'm from?"

"Hold up a second, aren't you guys from Japan?" Asked Miyamoto confused.

Benji looked flabbergasted at Miyamoto, "Kid, are you dumb?"

"You two are speaking perfect japanese." Continued Miyamoto, ignoring Benji's insult.

The purple clouds inside Lilith's pupils surged when she heard Miyamoto words and she smiled for a second.

The others didn't saw it but there was someone who was paying attention to her, Adam.

['This woman is acting very suspicious.'] Said Adam as he told Benji what he observed.

'Too late for the Miyamoto boy.'

[Stupid kid just exposed that he is from Japan...'] Sighed Adam.

'Well he did that when he named himself Miyamoto, armed with a katana and calls himself Miyamoto? Ninety percent that he is from japan!'

['We can use him to confirm some things.']


['Just play along.] Said Adam.

"What are you talking about? I'm speaking english." Said Benji carefully.

Miyamoto became more confused, "No way, you are clearly speaking japanese....What language are you speaking Lilith?"

"I'm speaking english, and the two of you are also speaking english for me." Answered Lilith relaxed.

['Smart b*tch!'] Cursed Adam.

Benji hoped that she might expose something but she played it well.

"I guess it's this strange space that let us understand each other." Guessed Benji.

Miyamoto nodded, still somewhat confused.

"I'm going and don't call me again I won't answer." Said Benji as he returned back to his body.

['You could have given that kid a hint...']

'I didn't want take any risk and scare them off.' Answered Benji.

['Good, I'm 99% sure that it will work.']

'Me too, I thought that the doc was suspicious but Lilith exposed herself today.'

['We can't be sure, but if what we think will happen happens, then yeah she will be our main suspect.]

'Let's begin the training.'

Meanwhile at the border between Italy and Austria...

Amelia returned back to her body with a smile, she tapped her red crystal nails on the desk.

'I found one but...' She realized that Solomon saw through her intentions...

"It doesn't matter if he knows or not they can't escape from my grasp!"

She was about to call Commander Gianluca when she received a call on her tablet.

"Yes?" Responded Amelia.

"Professor Volari we have found something important." Spoke the woman on the other end of the line.

Amelia frowned, "Alright, I will head there now." She ended the call afterwards.

She stood up, walking out of her office, heading towards a meeting room.

There were already some of the higher ups waiting inside the room.

She looked at the blond woman in front of the computer, "What's so important?"

The blond woman turned around and typed on the keyboard.

Images appeared on the huge screen.

"This are the most recent images from one of our drones." Explained the blond woman.

Everyone observed the images with interest.

Those images showed an seeming endless forest from high above.

Amelia frowned, she recognized that forest, "The Amazon?"

The others reacted confused.

Amelia kept watching the images, 'There is nothi...'

Her eyes widened, "Stop it right there! Enlarge it!"

The blond woman did as ordered.

Amelia overlooked it in the beginning but there were some red trees mixed within the other green trees.

"What the hell is that?" Asked Amelia herself loud.

"We don't know and hoped that the Professor could tell us." Answered the woman.

"Enlarge it again!"

Amelia stared intensely at the enlarged image...

"My goodness..." She was truly shocked by what she saw.

One of the others Professors couldn't help but ask, "What is the problem with those trees Amelia?"

She shook her head, pointing at another spot that wasn't hidden by the massive amount of trees.

The others observed that spot closer, they frowned at first, then became wide eyed and paled at the end.

Amelia gulped, "Those red trees are problematic but the most problematic thing is that red fog on the ground!"

"My god, how is such a thing even possible?"

Amelia glared angrily at him, "Mutation....Substance 001 can now even infect lifeforms like trees ...We need to send out a research team out there right now! Also order our drones out there to check other large forests around the world, just to be sure."

Amelia didn't wait for their answer, she stormed out of the meeting room, making a video call.

"Professor Volari?" Answered Commander Gianlica the call.

"Get five teams ready, to fly over to Japan!" Ordered Amelia.

Gianluca frowned, "Five? What's there? Another one of those huge crystals?"

"Not anymore but someone who absorbed it, I will give you the details later."

"Understood, I will get the boys ready."


She sighed after ending the call, 'Things are becoming harder control lately...'