Tension & Newcomers

Benji and Adam who were training with the other four felt the call from the strange space. This call was different from the others in the past. It gave off a wave of anger, hatred and mistrust.

Adam stopped the training, giving the others a break.

'Seems like the bait worked perfectly.'

[It certainly did haha let's go and check it out.]

Benji opened his eyes, finding himself inside the dark space.

Violent booming sounds echoed through the space, Miyamoto stood on the edge of his pillar attacking an invisible barrier with his katana.

Benji and Adam observed him with interest, the barrier didn't budge even a little bit under the violent attacks of Miyamoto.

Miyamoto finally gave up, shooting murderous glares at the Plague Doctor and Lilith.

Both of them stayed silent.

Miyamoto returned to his throne, "One of you two send those soldiers to kill me....Volari Company, I know now!"

Benji's eyes lit up when he heard that name, his brain began to work at a fast pace and he was connecting the dots.

[I see...] Adam was faster than Benji in connecting the dots.

"Volari Company you say...I know a bit about them, they are an italian company that produced medicine from what I know. I also know that it was a virus spread through the air that turned the world into chaos. Do you have anything to say Lilith?"

Benji's blatantly accusation stunned Miyamoto, "You knew?!"

The Plague Doctor turned his head from Benji to Lilith and back in interest.

"I knew about the virus but didn't know who spread it across the world, but now thanks to you I know who it was."

Miyamoto stared at Benji, "You knew and used me as a bait..."

Benji smiled evily, "Smart boy."

Miyamoto gritted his teeth in anger.

"So you are from Europe Solomon?" Asked Lilith with a triumphant smile.

[She is a smart b*ch! She realized that we must be from Europe because the Volari Company manly operated here...] Commented Adam with a frown.

Benji stayed silent.

"Your silence is telling me enough Solomon, I will find and turn you into my guinea pig in no time." Stated Lilith with killing intent.

Benji looked down on her, "Haha just like you tried with Miyamoto? You couldn't even catch a kid and boast about catching me? Know your place "Second"."

Lilith's gaze turned murderous but Benji didn't give her time to refute.

"You might have spread the virus around the world and had certainly a plan in mind when doing so...But the fact you are here beneath me tells me that you didn't expect things to become like this! You want control but you can forget to obtain it with us here hahaha!"

Benji's words cut deep into her. Things were really moving further away from the control of her organisation. Faster than they could cope with. The latest reports were very concerning.

Around 60% of the greater forest around the world were infected and produced red fog that already began to spread all over the world. The worst part was the many life forms showed signs of mutation and overly aggressive behaviour.

She gritted her teeth, "Wash your neck Solomon, you are the next after I personally catch Miyamoto!"

Miyamoto sneered, "Good luck with that Lilith! I'm not alone anymore and destroyed your annoying drone that spied on me."

Lilith stared back at him in disbelief.

"What? Didn't expect me to notice? You are underestimating me too much." Mocked Miyamoto her in glee.

Lilith felt like things were really getting out of her control...

Benji kept smiling, "What do you think Doc?"

The Plague Doctor put his hands on the walking stick between his legs and leaned back on his huge armchair. His shoulders went up and down, he was laughing silently as he stared at Lilith through his mask.

Lilith hadn't felt so angry in a long while and closed her eyes.

"Oh running away now hahahaha!" Mocked Miyamoto who felt happy to have vent some of his anger on her.

Benji turned to Miyamoto, "Sorry that I used you as a bait, I had only a hunch in the beginning but no way to confirm it without exposing myself."

Miyamoto stared for a while at Benji before sighing, "It's okay Solomon..."

He wanted to say more but looked at Lilith on the Second Pillar, she sat on her throne with her eyes closed. He sensed that she wasn't really there anymore but he didn't want to take the risk.

Benji smiled back it Miyamoto, "Grow stronger, and never trust the people of your force fully if you can't control them somehow. I bet you have read many mangas or novels, human nature isn't simple and power will blind some..."

Miyamoto frowned but nodded slowly.

"See you then Miyamoto and you too Doc." Said Benji before closing his eyes and returning to his body.

Benji noticed that the four Inner Core Members were still sitting on the same spot as before he left for the strange space.

[It seems like the time inside that space runs much slower than in reality.] Spoke Adam.

'It seems like it, what do you think about the Valori Company and Lilith?' Asked Benji.

Adam didn't answer him immediately and Benji felt Adam's emotions surge.

'What's wrong?'

[One of our physical elite puppets died just now, I ordered the elite fire puppet to escape, it's heavily injured after...]

"WHAT?!" Shouted Benji, scaring the other four who were resting. They looked at him in a strange way.

Benji coughed a few times, "Sorry I just remembered that I left my salami pizza inside the stove..."

The others still stared at him in a strange way but accepted his excuse.

Benji turned around, 'What happened?' Asked Benji with urgency.

[It's better to show you...] Replied Adam.

Benji's left eye glowed brighter and Benji saw an image inside his mind.

It showed the view from the perspective of the elite fire puppet.

The other physical elite puppet was running beside it at a high speed.

Those were the two puppets tasked with the mission to scout the city Düsseldorf.

They were traveling through a forest when they entered an area filled with red fog and strange red trees and mushrooms.

Benji frowned deeply seeing it.

Then a deep mighty roar echoed through the forest and a black bear with a red crystal horn on the middle of its head stormed out of the red fog.

It caught the elite puppets off guard and slammed into the physical elite puppet.

Benji's eyes widened in disbelief.

The puppet was blasted away with such a force...

Multiple cracking sounds revealed how many of its bones broke.

'Are you kidding me? That's one of our most resilient physical elite puppets!!!'

[It's not over, keep watching...]

The fire puppet reacted instantly, firing greater flames at the black bear.

It saw the wave of fire heading towards it and opened its mouth, devouring the fire like it was a snack.

'Wha...' Benji had no time to curse because the bear attack back with a strange red colored beam.

The beam that came from its mouth was too fast and powerful, the fire puppet could only dodge a bit.

Most of the left side from the body of the fire puppet just vanished when the orange beam shot trough...

Benji was now left speechless.

The physical puppet stood up and wanted to fight the black bear when two crystal horn pierced through its chest.

Benji saw what it was from the perspective of the fire puppet, 'A deer?'

It didn't look like a common deer, it was black with red eyes and 4 horns. Two of those horns were normal and the other two were made of red crystal...

Suddenly the two crystal horns cracked with electricity, literally cooking the physical puppet that had no time to react before dying.

It was then that the fire puppet began to flee as fast it could while throwing randomly fireballs with its remaining right arm.

Benji thought that the forest would catch fire but it didn't happen, it absorbed the flames instead and began to grow.

The bear and the deer went after the fire puppet, the fire attacks turned out to be ineffective against them and they came closed in to the injured fire puppet.

Benji was sure that the fire puppet was done for but the two animals stopped suddenly.

Benji looked confused, 'Why did they suddenly stop?'

[Watch!] Urged Adam.

Benji did as Adam said and watched, it was then that he realized why.

'It's the red fog, they stopped pursuing the fire puppet after it left the area that was filled with the red fog!' Concluded Benji.

Adam nodded, [We are f*cked, the other puppets saw more of such forest, I just ordered them to avoid them...]
