Tension & Newcomers (2)

[I don't like this at all, I sent out all of our puppets to all directions. We need to know if this only at that region or if its spreading across the country...] Said Adam, his voice sounding grave.

Just the thought of such animals running rampage in the city caused Benji to pale.

'How did a bear even got here? Bears shouldn't exist at this part of Germany!'

[My first guess is that it broke out from a zoo...] Answered Adam slowly...

'Zoo...don't we have one here in Dortmund too?' Spoke Benji slowly too his thoughts spiraling to a dark corner of his mind...

[Yes, we have one...a really big one...]



Both of them cursed at the same time.

[I will send some puppet there as fast possible!] Said Adam with urgency.

Benji felt a headache coming, 'I hope they starved to death!'


["Alright everyone, break time is over!"] Shouted Adam.

The four groaned but still followed the order, standing up.

They trained for a few more hours until Adam stopped it because he got feedback from his puppets.

Benji sat down beside Adam who had a gloomy expression.


[Nothing good, the zoo is empty all cages were broken open and not a single animal could be found by our people! Also parts of the surroundings forest are producing that red fog, I didn't let the puppets enter them to check if the are animals living inside those areas...] Explained Adam.

Benji rubbed his head, 'These are really bad news, it will reach the city if it continues to spread!'

Adam stayed silent for a while, thinking about how they could keep the city safe.

[Dortmund is our HQ, we can't lose it like that, how about creating a tall wall?] Suggested Adam.

Benji thought about it and looked at Angelina lying exhausted on the ground, 'We need to be quick then, it should be possible if it's the two of you doing it.'

Adam also looked over to Angelina and nodded.

["We will stop the training for now because something urgent turned up. Angelina, we will need you and your earth manipulation powers for the project we are going to execute."] Said Adam with a grave tone and gloomy expression.

Julia looked up to Adam, "What happened?"

["We will tell you all later when we gather the others, this thing will affect whole Dortmund!"]

The others became serious when they heard Adam.

They headed back to Dortmund after recovering, Adam already ordered some of his puppets to tell the higher ups from the Outer Circle Members and the survivors to gather in North Dortmund.

Benji and Adam arrived at a building that served in the past the an embassy.

They met there a kind old friend, it was Roland. Roland, Kevin and Jenny had been reaming in the east of Dortmund, killing zombies. They joined Blutsiegel after they heard about it from the survivors. Benji put Roland who he trusted somewhat in charge of the Outer Circle.

Roland gave Benji a bear hug and shook Adam's hand. Benji noticed that Roland had changed a lot in comparison to how he was when he first met him.

Raw power and confidence was leaking from his robust tall body.

"How are you doing Benji? Those horns look good on you hahaha!" Asked Roland while laughing a bit silly.

"I'm fine but the situation doesn't look good, let's head inside."

Roland nodded and the three of them entered the embassy.

Soon the representatives from the survivors arrived.

Adam told them what they had found out.

Everyone inside the meeting room had greave expressions.

"What can we do? If those animals are that dangerous..." Spoke one of the survivors nervously.

["We are planning to build a huge wall around Dortmund, here is the map of the city we gathered you all here to discuss the border."] Explained Adam as he showed them the map of Dortmund.

They spent 3 hours discussing the layout of the border and where the wall should be build.

Roland also hinted about the possibility of flying mutated animals that could fly over the wall and attack the people.

They decided to push the plan in which everyone that is still human would be transformed.

"Even the kids?" Asked one of the survivors.

The meeting room became silent and Benji rubbed his head.

"We don't know what kind of effect the transformation has on children, let's take this carefully and try it out on orphans that volunteer. If it's safe than fine and will go all out, if not...we can only wait until they grow older." Suggested Benji.

Everyone agreed and the meeting was came to an end.

Blutsiegel gave the survivors the required amount of crystals.

Adam took Angelina and began to plan how to build the wall, everyone began to be really busy.

The other Inner Core and Outer Circle Members went constantly out of Dortmund to kill and gather more crystals from the surrounding villages and smaller cities.

They avoided the areas that contained red fog.

Days passed like that...

Adam and Angelina had already began to build the wall that reached a height of 50 meters.

The inner part of the wall was made of earth that Angelina controlled, she made it as hard possible.

Then Adam would use all the steel available to coat the hardened earthwall with it.

It was a very time and power consuming project that took them weeks to finish.

Through the weeks two more pillars reacted.

The Fifth and Sixth Pillars gained new masters.

The new master of the Fifth Pillar was a tall man that gave off an overbearing thick unyielding aura.

He called himself Tsar and had his horn in the middle of his chest. He also was an absolute *sshole.

Benji didn't count how often he announced that he would kill them all and climb to the First Pillar.

He had his eyes especially on Benji and cursed at him nonstop, challenging him to a fight for the First Pillar.

Benji ignored him, he suspected that Tsar did it on purpose and wasn't as stupid as he pretended to be.

Lilith send her underlings to Russia to search for him and was successful, she found him in Moscow...

But she found out in the hard way that Tsar wasn't a pushover and had created his own force that killed off most of her underlings.

How Benji knew? Tsar didn't hold anything back and mocked Lilith. He bragged to them how big his force was and that half of Russia was under his rule.

Benji was impressed by him, he played the fool to let the others underestimate him.

But everything changed when the Sixth Pillar reacted.

Everyone, including the ever silent Plague Doctor stood up from their seats when they saw the newcomer.

The reason why they all showed such a reaction was because the Sixth Master wasn't human.

It was a tiger, or that was what it looked like. It was clad in the same darkness like the others but all of them had seen enough tigers in their lives to not being able to tell what it was.

Its aura was...savage and tyrannical beyond measure!

It was big, like really big. It was over 3 meters tall and 9 meters long with a horn on its back.

The red eyes filled with brutality and bloodlust observed the space with interest until it saw the others.

"HUMANS!" Its voice was filled with hostility and sounded female, but also different from humans. Her voice rang directly inside their heads.

She closed her eyes before any of them could speak to her and she ignored their calls from then on.