The Devil

"What do you mean Carl?" Asked the female higher up.

Professor Krychowiak felt like his brain had recovered to its peak now that he had made up his mind, clearing his confusion...

He stood up from the chair, straightening his back. His confidence was back.

There was some kind of emotion that in his brown eyes...

He took the remote, skipping through the different images. The whole room was silent and no one dared made a sound.

The aura around the old Professor changed, his earlier exhausted expression seemed like an illusion now that was replaced by determination.

Even Amelia was taken aback by his change, it made the think about the time when she recruited an old Professor that seeked answers in the unknown like an excited child.


The old Professor turned around, facing them all with a fox like smile.

"The world is changing and will keep changing, we can't stop it. Everything points towards the fact that humanity like we knew will cease to exist. We all need to adapt and take full advantage of the situation."

He turned to Amelia, "I know you are hiding something important from us, I have a hunch what it is but I'm not sure. You send out elite squads to capture something but they never made it back. Can you tell us Amelia?" Asked the old Professor sincerely.

Amelia sighed, she touched the black horn on her hand and made up her mind.

She told them about what happened after she killed the strange monster and absorbed it.

She told them about the strange space with the Nine Pillars and Nine Thrones.

She told them about the other five that appeared one after another inside the strange space, obtaining their seats.

She told them about the missions to capture Miyamoto in Japan and Tsar from Russia and their powers.

Everyone inside the meeting room listened to her in wonder and fear.

Professor Krychowiak pondered about what she said, "So these people are special and their powers are more than we can handle, why not make them allies instead?"

Amelia sighed, "I didn't consider that in the beginning because I thought that we could subdue them..."

The old Professor nodded, "You were arrogant and thought that they would stand in our way to archive "Project Doomsday Paradise"!"

Amelia didn't like to hear it directly but agreed.

"I'm also very interested in the tigress, not only humans are eligible to become part of that exclusive group. The requirements to claim one of those pillar are rather harsh. It seems like it isn't easy to absorb one of those huge crystals to evolve. It sounds like a selection of predators to me..." Continued Professor Krychowiak.

Amelia wanted to say something when her mind shook and her vision turned dark...

She found herself being dragged into the strange dark space. Amelia was confused about why she was abruptly dragged inside.

She noticed that the same happened to the others, they looked just as confused as herself.

Even the tigress on the Sixth Pillar opened her eyes, looking confused.

It was then that they all sensed something, they turned towards the First Pillar.

The First Pillar erupted with a tyrannical light that shot up into the dark sky.

The space around the First Pillar twisted and broke into pieces, like glass.

Amelia couldn't see what was happening to Solomon because of the light.

Everyone stared at the First Pillar in confusion and wonder.

The light that entered the sky filled with endless darkness caused some kind of chain reaction.

The sky seemed to explode, kicking off a violent storm that engulfed them all.

An oppressive aura appeared inside the First Pillar that made them all tremble in fear, even if they didn't want to.

Amelia was flabbergasted, she tried to counter that oppressive force with her her aura but...

It was like throwing oil into fire, it only made it stronger.

The same thing happened to the others!

They were so focused to resist the oppressive might that came crashing down on them that they didn't notice that their horns retreated back into their bodies in fear, except Miyamoto's horn on his forehead.

Amelia didn't know what or why it was happening, her entire being screamed danger.

A feeling of doom and primeval fear spread across her body and mind.

The storm soon encompassed the whole dark space.

Just as she was about to collapse under the oppressive might, it began to weaken.

Amelia sighed in delight, she wasn't the only one, the others felt the same way...

The light coming from the First Pillar weakened too until it completely vanished, so did the storm...

Everyone stared shocked at the First Pillar, it had so many cracks on its surface...

Tsar was the first to speak out, "What the hell happened? What did Solomon do?"

They couldn't see him because the space was still repairing itself.

More and more cracks spread through the First Pillar until they fell down in slow motion...

It took some time for the cracking surface of the First Pillar to fall down, revealing a red and dark-colored First Pillar that stood proudly over all the other pillars, leaking a weak but intense pressure!

Everything became tranquil again inside the strange space...

The others didn't know what to do and tried to call Solomon.

His figure that was always clad in darkness was silently lying on the ancient roman couch, ignoring their calls.

Amelia looked down at her own pillar that was pure white like all the others except the one from Solomon.

She had so many questions...

The first to leave was the tigress, she became too impatient to wait for Solomon and left.

The others left one after another too.

Amelia sighed, shooting a last rueful gaze at Solomon before returning to her body.

"AMELIA!" Shouted a familiar voice.

She opened her eyes and saw the ceiling of the meeting room with some faces surrounding her.

She blinked a few times before trying to stand up, the others helped her.

Amelia was guided to her chair in which she sat down, her whole body was sweating and trembling.

"What happened to you?" Asked Professor Krychowiak with concern.

"I'm not sure..." Answered Amelia weakly.

She began to tell them what she experienced, Amelia was halfway through the story when she noticed that the others were looking strangely at her.

She became confused, "What is?"

Professor Krychowiak pointed at her forehead with shaky hands, "A black horn just grew out from your forehead..."

She frowned, moving up her hand...

Her eyes widened in shock when she touched the horn on her forehead.

"What..." She looked at her hand, now noticing that the horn that should be there had vanished.

She didn't knew what it meant but her guess was that it had something to do with Solomon and whatever he did...

"We have so much work in front of us..." Sighed Amelia.