The Devil (2)

Benji was sitting on the ground, leaning his back against the majestic tree that seemed to be happy about his presence. Its leaves were swaying happily to the right and left.

He felt the many calls from the others inside the space but ignored them, he had no time to spare right now.

He glanced at the Cain's body lying on the ground.

[He doesn't feel any pain as he completes his transformation, but he is trying to struggle against my control...] Told Adam Benji.

Benji nodded, 'Is it difficult to keep controlling him?'

[It would be if we didn't improve earlier, now it's not a problem.]


[He only needed one horn to complete the transformation, you had to consume hundreds of them...] Noticed Adam.

Benji shrugged.

He kept watching over Cain's body with the other three puppets. The one fire zombie that became his punching bag was rapidly recovering its broken bones.

The two of them began to discuss new plans.

They decided to obliterate the mutated animals in the surroundings of Dortmund and take over their territories. They would use them as training grounds for the Inner Core Members after they completed their transformation.

'We can only improve our powers from now on, there won't be anymore evolutions happening to us because we finished our transformation.' Sighed Benji.

[That's fine, we can hunt animals and consume their horns and absorb the red fog at nights inside the forest.] Said Adam.

'That's a good plan!'

They waited until Cain's transformation was over, Adam controlled Cain's body personally and began to feel the changes.

A little red crystal horn had grown out of Cain's forehead. It started to absorb the fog around him.

Benji observed everything, noticing that the rate in which Cain absorbed the fog couldn't be compared to his rate.

Cain was like a snail while he was more like a Ferrari.

Adam started suddenly to laugh out.

'What is?' Asked Benji.

[Hahaha I can feel my power improve. It's only miniscule but I can sense it. Part of the energy that Cain absorbs goes to me!]

'Oh that's new!?'

Adam urged Benji to give the other puppets a horn to confirm if the same would happen if they finished their transformation.

They used the time that the 3 puppets needed to complete their transformations to spar against each other, testing their powers.

Cain became much better in controlling everything that was magnetic. His body had also improved greatly.

The exchanged fists, both of them were so much faster, stronger and their bodies sturdier.

The weapons that Adam could create through Cain's powers were now much sharper and harder.

They tested them on the monkey corpses, cutting their limbs off with little resistance.

Both of them looked at each other, their gazes empty and they cursed at the same time.

["There is nothing we can do about it, the past is the past...At least we can use them now to hunt down animals.."]

"Yeah, make me two new swords please."

Adam created two new swords for him and liquified the older ones, gathering them inside ono of his ten floating metal balls.

Soon the three other puppets finished their transformations. All three of them had improved greatly, they had new red crystal horns growing out from their foreheads.

"How come that their horns grew on their foreheads? Don't they grow randomly on any part of the body?" Asked Benji.

[It might be because of our influence on them? I don't know.]

"Yeah that might be the case, we need to head back to Dortmund before the sun rises."

[I will leave the puppets here to watch over our new territory.]


Benji took the remaining 7 crystal horns before departing from the forest.

Adam warned him about the patrols on the wall through his inner eye vision.

Benji smiled, the force shot out from his body engulfing him, with a gaze the force also engulfed Adam and they flew up.

[No way! You can use it like this?]

'You aren't the only one that can fly now, Force isn't telekinesis but similar why not use it that way too? In a sense, it's the most extreme form of physical power...'

[We need to train it!]

'It has its limits too you know...'

[Nothing is perfect...]


They flew across the night sky, landing in front of their house when no one was near.

Benji didn't need to sleep, eat or drink anything anymore after completing his transformation. But he still enjoyed lying inside his bed like a normal person.

He closed his eyes, entering a resting mode in which the time passed faster but he was still aware about his surroundings.

He called the Inner Core Members and Roland to his house after resting.

"Hey Benji, Boss!" Greeted Roland after entering

Thomas arrived a bit later with the others.

"Boss you have now a horn too?" Asked Jan surprised, the others stared at Adam who was controlling Cain's body. The red horn on his forehead was very eye-catching.

Adam didn't want to waste any time, ["This is the reason why I called you all here, these are for you."] He gave each of them one horn.

They recognized that those horns were made from the same thing as the small crystals.

["Eat them down inside the training room, you will complete the transformation after an hour."]

Adam explained to them what it was all about. The group became excited and went down to the basement to begin their transformation.

Benji and Adam were about to follow when Benji felt his pocket vibrate.

He took out his phone and saw that it was Marc calling him.

"What's up bro?" Asked Benji.


Benji's expression changed when he heard Marc, "Where are you?"

"I'm at home with four of my most trusted followers, Benji THEY GOT ANNA!!!"

"Don't trust them, I'm on my way!"

"Thank you brother, I wouldn't call you if..."

"It's alright I will be there soon." Cut Benji him off and ended the call.

Adam looked at him, ["Go, I got this here"]

Benji nodded, turning around, picking up his two swords.

He exit the door and looked at the sky.

The force inside his body erupted violently, creating cracks on the ground before he took off.

Benji flew away to the highway.

'It would take normally around 2 hours with a car to reach Hannover, I don't know how fast I am now but much faster than an average car!'

Loud noises were created wherever he passed.

He followed the highway towards Hannover. His flying speed became faster and faster until a loud booming noise echoed through the areas he passed...