Visit (3)

"I wish to meet Solomon!" Said the beauty wearing fitting black clothes that had the same color as her hairs.

The guards exchanged questioning gazes.

"Who?" Asked the guard who seemed to be in charge of the others.

Amelia frowned, 'They don't know Solomon? No that's impossible, we know that he is here, he should be in charge of Dortmund...'

"I'm searching for a man with two black horns on his forehead..." Asked Amelia carefully.

The eyes of the guards widened, some of them even paled.

"Ah you mean Devil, stay here we will inform him of you." Said the Captains as he nodded to another guard.

Amelia waited 10 minutes when she saw a group of people walking through the massive gates.

Her eyes squinted when she saw them.

She instantly recognized Solomon but what really shocked here was the people following him. All of them gave off strong auras that weren't that much weaker than her own!

What also shocked her were that every one of them had a single red crystalic horn on their foreheads...

Benji was just as shocked at Lilith, 'How did she find us?'

[We were sold out by the Doc, there is no other explanation if you ask me...]

'Damn! That fellow is too ruthless!'

Benji's mood worsened, "Lilith...what are you doing here?"

Amelia's heart shook, her palms became all sweaty...

She saw a brown man with a V like shaped body, towering in front of her. His piercing pair of unique eyes stared straight into hers. He had a short army cut hairstyle with a slight black beard.

Something deep inside her made her feel fear towards the man standing in front of her, no matter how unwilling she was...

"I'm here for information..." Spoke Amelia slowly with a serious expression.

[She is hot! See I told you! Give me the money you own me hahaha!] Butted Adam in.

Benji found it difficult to keep a straight face at this moment, he put his whole mental power to resist the laugh that wanted to erupt.

'Damn you!'

Amelia frowned when she noticed how Solomon stood there, keeping staring at her like a creep.

"What kind of information?" Asked Benji after a while.

Amelia shook her head, looking past him.

Benji turned around in confusion.

[She wants to talk with you alone idiot...] Cursed Adam at him.


"Ok follow me, your people can enter, they better behave inside Dortmund."

Amelia and her soldiers followed Benji inside Dortmund.

She was surprised by the fact that everyone she met inside the city had red eyes. Even the kids playing on the street had red eyes.

"You even forced the kids to transform into Omega Humans?" Asked Amelia, her tone suddenly became chilling.

[Oh girl...] Said Adam with pity.

Benji stopped walking, the force erupting from his body descended upon Amelia and her soldiers.

The soldiers had no chance and were flattened against the street. Amelia fared better, she resisted the Force Pressure until Benji turned around.

Amelia felt like a mountain came crashing down on her body and she kneed on the street in front of Benji.

"I don't like your attitude...This will be the last warning, know your place!" Spoke Benji with indifference.

He turned around, taking the Force Pressure away.

"I can only say that it's safe for kids to transform. Don't think we forced anyone here. It is necessary, the world is changing fast and we can't predict the dangers that might appear in the future..." Spoke Benji softly as he kept walking.

Amelia and her soldiers stood up, sweating. They stared at Benji's broad back with fear in their eyes.

She digested Benji's words and made a mental note about what he just said.

Amelia didn't know where her fear came from but she realized that she was weaker than Solomon.

They followed Benji until they arrived in front of the embassy.

Benji beckoned Amelia to follow him.

The others stayed outside...

The two entered a meeting room and sat down.

Benji observed her and she observed him.

"What can you give me in exchange for the information I have?" Asked Benji, as the air around him became heavy.

Amelia noticed the change of mood and sighed, 'I need to be sincere here if I want to get the things I want...' She had already a rough estimation of his personality and came to the conclusion that holding back won't do her any good.

She took out her tablet, showing Benji all the relevant information about the changes happening across the world.

Benji and Adam became alarmed by what they saw. They had underestimated how much the world was really changing. Especially the rapid growth of the mutated animals and the big red clouds in Asia that produced red rain.

[Ask her what in gods name that virus is that her company released!]

"Lilith...what is that virus that you let loose on the world? It's too strange that a single virus is capable of doing such things..." Asked Benji with a grave expression.

Amelia bit her lips, "We mixed the virus with a substance that we found on a meteor. It turned out that the substance is a living thing with an agenda. I can't say more than that."

[That explains everything, it comes from the cosmos...]

"It's not from Earth..." Muttered Benji who needed time to think about it.

Amelia nodded unwilling.

"It's my turn to ask now." Said Amelia.

Benji lifted his head, staring into her unique eyes.

"What do you want to know?" He had a hunch bu still asked.

Amelia leaned forward, "I want to know what you did. You caused a storm inside that strange space..."

[Just like we thought...]

'Should I tell her?' Asked Benji unsure.

[Hmm, I don't see any problem telling her most of it. She helped us a lot by sharing all the information. They are only lagging behind us, they would find out anyway with more time passing.]

'I think so too.'

Benji took out the red crystal horn, putting it on the table.

Amelia looked at it, "This..."

"This is a horn that I gained from killing mutated animals in the forest. I will explain it to you, you guys are only halfway through the evolution to become a new race. This horn helps everyone complete the evolution." Explained Benji.

Amelia observed the horn, she knew about it from the images...

"Normal people would only need to consume one of them but we are different from the others, we need to consume a couple of hundred to complete our transformation. I will give you friendly advice, don't underestimate the mutated animals it could cost you your life." Continued Benji.

Amelia looked back at him, "Are they that strong?"

Benji nodded seriously, "Yes they are, what's scary is that they can absorb elemental attacks to either send a counter or strengthen themselves. Well that's for the animals I have met so far, I don't know what others can do."

Amelia pondered over what he just told her, 'Even he struggled against mutated animals...'

Benji brought her back from her thoughts, "Anything else you want to know?"

She shook her head, "No, that's enough. Thank you for the information but..." She revealed a cunning smile, "Would you sell me the Alpha Crystal in your possession?"

