The Zone

Benji was caught off guard by her sudden question, many questions flashed through his mind.

Amelia chuckled, watching Benji's expression, she could almost read what he was thinking.

"We have some of them and I'm quite familiar with the energy that they leak out. I sensed it the moment I made the first step into the city." Revealed Amelia with a smug expression.

[Is she for real? They gathered more of them?]

Benji observed her quietly for a while, sorting out his thoughts.

"No, it's not for sale. You are really brave to keep more of those monsters in one place." Commented Benji.

'We don't but he doesn't need to know.' Thought Amelia to herself.

"We have the capability to do that." Answered Amelia frankly.

"Alright, I guess we are done then?"

"Yes, we are." Said Amelia as she stood up.

"Ah I almost forgot to tell you, Germany and Austria are my territories." Said Benji casually.

Amelia halted her steps, turning slowly around.

"What did you just say? You want Germany and Austria?" Asked Amelia flabbergasted.

Benji's expression was indifferent, "You heard me, it wasn't a question, they are my turf. I will announce it later inside the Pillar Space to the others. You can visit me, but I will kill anyone who tries to steal things that are mine. Don't look at me that shocked, Tsar rules over Russia, Miyamoto will soon rule Japan, the Doc is also operating in Europe. Think about your own territory Lilith." Spoke Benji with half-closed eyes.

It was Adam's and his plan to expand through all Germany and Austria. They wanted to take it slowly but the information that Amelia gave them alerted them and they needed to act quickly before it becomes too difficult to expand.

Amelia stared at him like he was a lunatic but she took a step back, thinking about it.

'Solomon is right, the others have already begun to claim the lands...We all have the power to do that...'

She looked up, deep into his eyes.

"Fine, I will take Italy, Spain, and France then. Do you hate us?"

Benji and Adam were surprised at her sudden question.

"Hate you? Why? Because of the little quarrel we had inside the Pillar Space?" Asked Benji a bit confused.

'Pillar Space huh? That name makes sense...'

"You found out that it we are responsible for the Doomsday..."

"Ahh that's what's about..." Exclaimed Benji.

[Hahaha girl if you only knew...] Laughed Adam like a maniac.

Benji smiled at her, "No I don't hate you guys. I don't know what your goals are and I don't want to know them. Just stay away from my turf and I'm fine. I wouldn't even mind if we work together in the future when things have calmed down."

Now it was Amelia's turn to be surprised at his answer.

She smiled too, "To a good cooperation in the future then, Solomon."

Amelia stretched out her delicate hand.

Benji kept smiling like an innocent angel, "To a good cooperation, Lilith."

They both shook hands while smiling at each other. Their smiles were fake and both of them had cunning glints flashing through their eyes.

They both exited the embassy with a good mood, Amelia led her soldiers back, returning from where she came.

Benji needed some time alone to sort things out and told the others that they would meet tomorrow to finish their plans.

Benji entered his house, sitting down on the couch.

He stared up at the white ceiling.

[We gained a lot from her, we know now what we need to do and quickly.] Said Adam.

'Yeah, I'm counting on you brother, you will manage the territory in the future.'

[Hahahaha you know me well, I will be a merciful King!] Laughed Adam.

Benji shook his head laughing too, 'It's time visit the others inside the Pillar Space...'

Just his arrival alone shook the whole space, alarming the others inside the Pillar Space.

All of them opened their eyes, looking towards Benji.

He stood up from his ancient roman couch, facing the others.

"Fellow Kings and Queens, I announce that Germany and Austria are from this day onwards my territory. I will kill anyone who trespasses my border without asking me!"

Benji unleashed the full might of his Force Pressure, oppressing the others except Lilith.

Tsar was surprisingly the first to know what was going on, he unleashed his own overbearing thick unyielding aura.

"Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are my territories! I will also kill anyone who comes uninvited!" Shouted Tsar as he stood up from his throne.

[Boy, he caught quick on it.] Said Adam amused.

"I acknowledge Tsar's territory!" Spoke Benji like a tyrant.

"I acknowledge Solomon's and Tsar's territory! I will rule over France, Spain and Italy!" Spoke Lilith as she stood up, unleashing hundreds of confusing but wondrous illusions.

Tsar nodded, "I don't have any complains about your territories!"

Benji looked down at the confused Miyamoto on the Fourth Pillar, he held two katanas now...

"The world is changing Miyamoto, you decide if you will change with it or stay still..." Said Benji harshly to him.

Miyamoto made up his mind, unleashing his sharp aura.

"I will rule Japan, I will cut anyone down who dares to come!"

"I agree!" Said Benji.

"So do I!" Said Tsar.

"Japan is under Miyamoto!" Spoke Lilith.

Only the tigress and the Doc were left...

A savage and tyrannical aura assaulted suddenly the others.

It came from the tigress that stood up, revealing her incredible size.

"CHINA!" Her strange female voice echoed through the space and inside their minds.

"I agree!" Answered Benji to her claim, he still didn't know what to think about her...

"I agree!" Said Miyamoto.

"Me too!" Shouted Tsar.

"China is under the Tigress Queen!" Said Lilith slowly.

Everyone's gazes turned towards the last person, the Doc.

The Doc lifted the walking stick before slamming it down on his pillar, causing a tremor.

"Scandinavia!" A gloomy and toxic aura erupted from the Doc's body.

"Agreed!" Said Miyamoto first.

"Me too!" Second to agree was Lilith

"I agree!" Said Tsar as the third.

"THIS QUEEN AGREES!" Vibrated the Tigress words through the space.

It was Benji's and Adam's first time hearing the Doc speak.

'What the f*ck? I can't tell if Doc is a man or woman?' Cursed Benji.

[I'm speechless, no wonder he or she doesn't speak...It's too awkward...] Adam was mentally shaking his head.


"Doc! You can keep what you obtained until now, I won't make a fuss about it but...Recall your people from my territory better now, or will end like the other ones!" Threatened Benji the Doc as he focused his whole Force Pressure on the Plague Doctor.

The miniature red sun inside Benji's left eye shone brightly as his dark-red hole inside his right eye pulled the darkness towards him.

He revealed an eerie smile that looked quite disturbing because of the darkness in which his whole body except his eyes and horns were clad in...

The Doc shook violently under the heavy pressure that Benji was putting on him.

"Fine.." Answered the Doc plainly with his strange voice.

The others were surprised that Benji had clashed against the forces from the Doc. They never expected the ever silent Doc to even have an own force.

'That's how Doc knew about Solomon's whereabouts!' Thought the others.

"Good." Answered Benji satisfied as he recalled his Force Pressure.

[Seems like we are done here...] Spoke Adam pleased.

'Yeah, it went smoother than expected.'

[Thank god that greed and ambition exist hahaha!]

Benji was about to return to his body when suddenly a new and unknown voice echoed through the space.

"I will rule Africa!"