The Zone (2)

"I will rule Africa!"

Everyone reacted shocked, their heads turned down towards the source from where the new unknown voice came from.

There was a skinny man clad in darkness sitting on the Throne of the Seventh Pillar!

He had a single black horn on his forehead, his eye...They were almost completely black with only two red dots forming the pupils.

"Who are you?" Asked Miyamoto the newcomer.

"The Seventh Ruler, Akinfenwa." Answered the skinny man.

His voice was deep and relaxed.

The others were still shocked.

How did he suddenly appear here? If he was the Seventh Pillar why wasn't there any reaction from the Pillar when he arrived?

Those questions floated inside the minds of the others.

[Strange, he doesn't have any aura like us, I would mistake him for a regular human if he wasn't here!] Noticed Adam.

Benji noticed it too after hearing Adam's words.

The skinny newcomer didn't leak any kind of aura, he wouldn't be noticed by the others if he didn't have talked...

Tsar sneered, "You have quite a big appetite, claiming a whole continent as your territory!"

Akinfenwa looked up at Tsar, only grinning.

"Does anyone disagree?" Asked Akinfenwa relaxed.

Benji pondered over it, he really didn't care if the newcomer ruled Africa...

"I agree!" Spoke Benji first.

Lilith exclaimed shocked, "Solomon?!"

Benji simply shrugged, "I don't care, he can have Africa."

"THIS QUEEN AGREES!" The female voice from the Tigress vibrated through the space.

Lilith staggered backwards, sitting back inside her throne.

"You! We are talking about a whole continent!" Protested Lilith.

Miyamoto shrugged too, "I don't see any problem with it, I also agree."

Tsar also went back to sit down on his throne, "Fine, you can rule that sh*thole." Sneered Tsar.

"Okay." Agreed the Doc too.

Lilith was still frowning but sighed in the end, "Whatever, Africa is yours..."

'For now!' Lilith wasn't the only one with that thought...

[Well damn me, that was a major reveal, I'm curious what his power is...]

Benji thought the same, 'We will find out at another time, we have work to do.'

"Well, everything is concluded now. I wish you all good luck with managing your territory." Said Benji before returning to his body.

Adam and Benji spent many hours talking about their plans.

[Germany and Austria will be a big chunk to take, we first need to focus on our surroundings. We need to clean up our backyard before aiming for more.] Said Adam.

'Yeah we will conquer the surrounding forest and use them to strengthen our people. The plan is to have every resident complete their evolution.'

[Yes, the Inner Core Members can train inside the forest as they absorb the red fog inside it, our puppets are constantly absorbing the fog, keeping improving.]

'That's good to hear, we will go with that.'

Benji lied down on his bed, closing his eyes. He entered the waiting state until Adam called him.

He opened his eyes, observing the sun rays illuminating his bedroom.

'Strange, my body got stronger, it's only minuscule but I can still sense it...'

[Hm ok, time to work!]

Benji gathered the Inner Core Members, departing from Dortmund.

They entered a greater forest southern from Dortmund.

Adam had already sent out puppets to scout everything, marking their targets.

This forest was different from the others, it had a greater amount of animals that coexisted together.

They reacted as expected towards their intrusion inside their territory.

The group fought against the brutal mutated animals with everything they had.

Benji held purposefully back to let the others improve their skills and gain more fighting experience.

Julia the Tracker was the weakest from all but it was because of that, that her swordplay improved faster than the others. She couldn't rely on her powers to fight against the mutated animals.

The mutated animals were deers, squirrels, cats, dogs, and some birds.

It doesn't sound impressive but they were all strong and vicious.

They were many times bigger than they should be.

Benji did also notice that all of their horns grew out from their foreheads.

There was no exception.

Adam also told him that the same happened inside the Pillar Space, the others had their black horns also on their foreheads even though they had them on another spot of her bodies.

Adam guessed that it had probably something to do with them finishing their evolution.

They gathered many red crystal horns that they handed over to puppets that took them back to Dortmund.

An engeraged hiss echoed through the forest after they fought their way towards the center of the forest.

"This is the Endboss huh?" Spoke Thomas as he licked his lips.

The others looked towards the big Mutated Lynx.

It was over one meter tall and 2 meters long, it had sharp claws and a pair of red bloodthirsty eyes.

Violent flames came out from its body, moving quickly all over its body, forming some kind of fire armor.

The group felt the heat hitting them despite standing over 200 meters.

Thomas squinted his eyes, he sensed that the Lynx they were facing had stronger flames than himself.

"Can I have its horn?" Asked Thomas, he felt a strange attraction towards it.

Adam who was directly controlling Cain's body nodded.

The others wanted to fight against it but Benji butted in.

"I will go first and test it, this Flaming Lynx should be stronger than the others." Said Benji as he walked alone towards the Flaming Lynx.

The others relaxed, they had trained with Benji for some time and he didn't gain the nickname "The Devil" for nothing.

They were anticipating an epic clash between the two.

His force surged as he smiled cockily at the Flaming Lynx.

Everyone heard an explosion coming from the spot on which the Flaming Lynx stood, it had vanished, leaving the ground scorched.

The next thing they saw was a figure send flying like a cannonball through the forest, crashing through trees.

Their head turned automatically where Benji stood, there stood now the Flaming Lynx, licking its claws with an arrogant expression on its face.

The first reaction of the others was shock, then disbelief until Adam facepalmed himself.

The others cracked when they saw Benji coming back with black lines all over his face.

His clothes were messed up, red and black blood was leaking from the wound on his chest.

[Bruh...That was embarrassing.] Mocked Adam.

'Shut up!' Cursed Benji.

The others were laughing at him but they felt lucky that it didn't happen to any of them. They knew how strong and sturdy Benji's body was.

The fact that the Flaming Lynx could injure him with the first attack made them realize that they would probably don't stand a chance against it.

Benji stared at the Flaming Lynx and it stared back at him.

'F*ck, it was way too quick!' Thought Benji as he felt the sensation of the burning pain coming from the claw wound on his chest.

His left eye came to live, shooting a red ray towards the Flaming Lynx.

It was even faster than it, entering its eyes.

The Flaming Lynx shook its head in confusion, suddenly the red crystalic leaves from the majestic tree began to sway violently.

A strange wave of red fog rushed towards the Flaming Lynx, entering its body.

Particles of red light were expelled from its body, causing the Flaming Lynx to recover...

[What?!] Exclaimed Adam.

He wasn't the only one, everyone reacted the same. It was the first time seeing a tree doing such a thing.

The Flaming Lynx opened its mouth, making strange hissing sounds.

Angelina looked at the others, "Is it laughing at us?"

Their eyes bulged when they realized that she was right, the Flaming Lynx was really making fun of them.

[My ability won't help you here with the tree helping it, be careful that thing is smart.] Warned Adam.

'I got this...' Answered Benji seriously.

He drew his long sword from his back, the force inside his body erupting.

Benji created a strong Pulling Force above the Flaming Lynx, catching it off guards as it flew up into the air.

A booming sound echoed through the area as Benji kicked the ground hard, speeding towards the defenseless Flaming Lynx while drawing one of his swords.

He spun in the air, gathering more momentum before slashing at its belly, aiming to cut it in half.