Shocking Discovery

Adam and the others had already left the center of the forest.

They could still hear the loud explosions coming from the center.

"Will Benji be alright?" Asked Julia unsure.

"You should worry about the Flaming Lynx, it's done for!" Answered Jan as he shuddered.

Adam was watching the fight through his Inner Eye, starting to sweat.

["You don't need to worry, but brace yourself what is about to come!"] Spoke Adam as he clung onto a tree.

The others were confused but did the same, holding onto trees...

Powerful shockwaves reached them soon...

They would have been send flying if they didn't hold onto the trees that were resisting the shockwaves...

A burst of air and red fog hit them, following right after the shockwaves.

All of them cursed as they were holding onto the trees.

They thanked god that it was quickly over, making their way back towards the center.

The once mystical area that they found when they arrived earlier, had turned into a battlefield.

The earth wall was practically nonexistent, a deep and wide crater could be seen there instead now...

Even the majestic tree that was over 50 meters tall looked like it had seen better days.

Its roots moved across the earth like snakes, drilling back into the ground after being rooted.

The leaves swayed hard, absorbing the little of what was left from the red fog, to recover itself...

They stopped at the edge of the crater looking down.

Benji stood there silently without moving, the disfigured corpse of the Flaming Lynx that didn't even had its head left!

Thomas gulped hard when he saw the result, "Remind me to never piss off Benji."

The others nodded slowly, making a mental note to never mess with Benji.

Adam stared at him with worry, [Benji?]

Benji finally moved, throwing something long towards the group.

Everyone looked at the thing with wide-opened eyes, it was Thomas who caught it with both hands.

Thomas stared at it in wonder, he lifted the long red crystal horn up.

Everyone stared at it, even feeling envious at Thomas for getting such a valuable crystal...

Benji turned around, walking up the crater to the group.

His clothes were totally shredded apart, his face revealed how exhausted he was.

Benji sat down when he reached the group, taking deep breaths.

He noticed how everybody's eyes were on him.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest here. Fix this mess Angelina and be careful with the corpse, we are gonna take it back home." Ordered Benji, clearly exhausted.

Angelina moved quickly, controlling the earth in the area to fill the crater as she transported the corpse of the Flaming Lynx towards them.

"Help me up." Ordered Benji again.

Jan and Thomas didn't dare to slack, helping him to stand up.

Benji walked slowly to the majestic tree, Adam followed him as he signaled the others to wait for them.

Both of them sat down again, leaning against the big black trunk of the majestic tree.

It shook briefly before calming down, allowing them to rest against it.

[You entered The Zone...] Spoke Adam slowly.

'Yes.' Admitted Benji.

[How was it? How do you feel?]

Benji shook his head, 'I'm not sure, I feel like I touched upon something incredible, as if I took a drop away from an endless ocean. I can't describe it any better. It wasn't like the other times...This time was different.' Explained Benji as they both absorbed the red fog around them into their horns.

Benji entered The Zone the first time when he was playing football. It was a strange state in which the world seemed to slow down and his concentration reaching its peak.

Benji couldn't control it but the trigger to enter The Zone was to be under stress of being intensely focused on something...

Adam began to think, [I have an advantage over you because I can improve my Radiant Mindlord ability by assimilating the floating fragments inside our mind. I have been slacking because I was too busy with scheming...]

Benji patted his shoulder, 'It's fine...'

[No it isn't, I was helpless in this fight and even the fights before. I'm wasting our gift. I will change that and focus on improving!] Said Adam determined.

They rested for two hours before departing to the next target.

The other forest didn't have mutated animals at the same level as the Flaming Lynx.

They still acted carefully, killing the mutated animals thus conquering most of the targets.

Adam and Benji decided to head back to Dortmund when it began to turn night.

There were still 6 more targets left around Dortmund, but they were pretty satisfied with the harvest.

Thomas was the luckiest, from them. His powers grew by leap and bounds after he consumed the long horn from the Flaming Lynx. His flames became overbearing hot and he could create explosions like the Flaming Lynx. It caused the others to keep kicking his butt out of jealousy.

The puppets had their hands fully with transporting and sharing the horns with the people of Dortmund.

The group consumed themselves quite a lot of horns, growing stronger.

Adam received a report from Roland that stunned him.

He shared its contents with Benji.

They had transformed all the children successfully without any problems.

What was shocking was the rate in which the children awakened powers.

The most common was Physical Enhancement followed by Fire, Earth and Electricity powers.

There were also some children that awakened rather unusual powers like invisibility and shapeshifting.

'We need to groom them, they are the future!' Spoke Benji excited.

[We will adjust our plans accordingly, they will be recruited later into Blutsiegel. Haha a pity that their bodies can't absorb the amount that adults can, I guess that's what is called keeping the balance huh?] Said Adam happily.

Some days passed and everywhere could people be seen walking through the streets of Dortmund with red horns on their foreheads.

Marc and Anna joined the Inner Core Members of Blutsiegel after they completed their evolution and expressed their desire to go out and hunt too.

The mood in Dortmund was very good. There was enough food for everyone and many found a new joy in going out to hunt weaker mutated animals and zombies.

Blutsiegel regulated who was allowed to go out and hunt. Adam had his puppets work 24/7 on scouting where to find mutated animals and other zombies.

[We need more puppets.] Commented Adam as Benji was putting on his military trench coat.

'I noticed it, that's why we will get to Essen and Hagen to get more there.'

[Good, I have been training a lot the past days. There are many fragments that I can't still touch. You will be surprised what I can do now!] Announced Adam with confidence.

'I'm looking forward to it.' Said Benji as he lit up a cigarette.