Shocking Discovery (2)

Benji was hovering above a city with a complicated expression.

There were zombies everywhere on the streets, no matter where he looked at.

[Not every city is lucky as Dortmund, I can confirm that there are no survivors in Hagen.] Confirmed Adam.

Benji sighed, he felt a bit sad for all these people.

[You don't have to, they will serve us well.] Said Adam.

'How many can you turn into puppets?' Asked Benji to distract himself.

Adam sneered at his question, [I have been training like crazy, assimilating fragments and gaining new ways to use my Radiant Mindlord ability. Your question is unnecessary, I will take them all!] Said Adam with confidence.

'Are you for real? Look how many there are!'

[So? Lean back, let me take over and enjoy the show!]

Benji scratched his head, he did as Adam said, letting Adam take over the body as he retreated, observing what Adam wanted to do.

[Our body has really changed a lot...] Muttered Adam as he stretched in the air.

A deep red ray shot out from his left eye towards the sky.

The ray stopped in the sky, beginning to gather and growing larger.

It took Adam three minutes to finish what he was planning to do.

Benji who was like a bystander inside his own body looked at the sky in awe.

'What is that?'

Adam smiled triumphantly, [This my dear brother is the Radiant Mindsun, a new skill perfect for this situation.]

High in the sky was a miniature sun that shone brightly, radiating deep red rays of light that fell all over Hagen.

The whole city was bathed in red light that pushed the normal light away.

'A red city...' Commented Benji as he observed the spectacle.

The small radiant sun in the sky didn't last long, it diminished slowly until completely vanishing.


Benji noticed a lot of movement on the streets of Hagen.

Hordes of zombies were marching through the streets like an army.

Benji started to mentally sweat, there were just too many zombies, flooding the whole city.

'Oh my god, how many did you enslave?'

[Hahahahaha every single one, over 180.000!] Adam laughed like a maniac, stretching his arms wide as he descended slowly.

The zombies on the ground went down to kneel in front of them.

[I'm finished here, I will inform Blutsiegel to raid Hagen to fill our stocks, they don't need to know about this.] Said Adam as he handed Benji back the control over the body.

'I get you, it's better to keep some secrets.'

[Exactly.] Adam winked mentally at Benji.

Benji gulped as he watched such a staggering amount of zombies kneeling in front of him.

[Essen is our next destination, I will let them kill and consume other zombies around here to strengthen them.]

'Alright, damn that was very impressive!' Admitted Benji, he couldn't take off his eyes from the army in front of him.

[It's quite draining but I can do it two more times before running out of juice.] Said Adam while Benji was already heading towards Essen.

Benji flew through the sky at a neck-breaking speed, causing booming sounds as he passed the vicinity.

He used the highway to navigate through the region, quickly approaching Essen!

Benji saw a sign that informed that he was only 20 km away from the city.

He used more Force to accelerate, blasting faster forward.

Benji could already see Essen his good mood disappeared slowly, he flew towards the city until he stopped completely, floating in the air.

[What's wrong?] Asked Adam surprised.

Benji didn't know why but there was something about the city...

He looked down at his arm, rolling up the sleeves.

His hair stood up and his skin had goosebumps, an uncomfortable feeling spread through his body.

'I'm not sure...can you feel it?' Asked Benji in return.

[I don't feel anything...] Answered Adam who paid now more attention.

'It's like my body is warning me that something dangerous lies ahead of us...' Explained Benji to Adam.


'Let's check it out, we can flee if it's too much.'

[Okay, be careful my Inner Eyes doesn't detect anything strange.]

Benji agreed as he continued flying towards Essen.

The uncomfortable feeling grew stronger when he finally entered the city.

[What the hell happened here?!] Shouted Adam agitated.

Benji didn't say anything, he only stared at what was in front of him.

Essen looked from afar well but now that he had entered the city could he see clearly in which state the city really was...

He took out a cigarette and lit it up, he really needed one right now...

Benji smoked a bit, sorting out his emotions and thoughts.

"Is this really Essen?"

[What's left of it...] Adam didn't hide his shock.

Benji looked around as he floated towards the Center Essen.

There wasn't a single building left that was at least half destroyed. The streets were devastated, many deep cracks ran through the whole city.

This view made Benji and Adam think that this was a real depiction of true destruction!

'An earthquake?' Speculated Benji out of the blue.

[Can an earthquake erase every single life? I can't detect any life through my Inner Eye, not even zombies!] Said Adam alarmed.

Benji breathed out a cloud of smoke, 'Not even one single zombie is left?'

[Not inside the range of my Inner Eye, here take a look for yourself.]

Adam shared his broad vision with Benji who only found destruction, the intensity of the destruction became more grave closer to Center Essen.

[I guess Gina isn't anymore...] Commented Adam suddenly.

'Ah! Right, Gina lived here! How could I forget that!' Spoke Benji, a tad ashamed of his bad memory.

Gina was one of the ex-girlfriends he had after leaving the German Force. They were in a relationship for 7 months until Gina broke up because Benji's growing depression.

She lived here in Essen...

[I would never forget that supreme croatian butt!]



'You can still crack jokes even now?'

[Yep, there is nothing here from what I have observed.]

'I want to search around thoroughly, we might find some clues about what happened here.' Said Benji determined. The uncomfortable feeling never went away after he entered Essen...

[Fine by me, I'm curious too.]

Benji flew around the city for a while searching for clues...

But there was nothing there beside pure destruction everywhere.

He wanted to give up when Adam found something that shocked him.

[Oh my god...head to the will sh*t into your pants...] Said Adam with a shaky voice.

Benji frowned, flying towards North Essen.

The destruction there was on a whole another level, there was not a single building left. Only rubbles and long, deep cracks all over the ground.

'Where is your clue?'

Adam directed him towards the place he was observing with his Inner Eye.

The cigarette fell down to the ground when Benji arrived at the spot Adam pointed out.

Benji floated in the air, his eyes widened and mouth wide open...

There was a massive hole, at least 100 times bigger than the crater Benji created when he fought against the Flaming Lynx.

The massive hole seemed to be the epicenter from which the wave of destruction originated from, sending a big city like Essen to oblivion.

That alone wasn't what shocked Adam and Benji.

What really shocked them were the deep footprints outside the hole, heading away from Essen.

The size of those footprints that didn't look human...the first thing that came to their mind was Godzilla!

The footprints were way too massive to belong to any known living being!

[F*ck me!!!]