Shocking Discovery (3)

Both looked down at the hole, they couldn't see the end of it, everything was dark...

Benji descended, landing beside the massive deep footprints outside the hole.

He sensed his body reacting to something.

The was still a bit of aura lingering around, Adam was now able to sense it too.

The aura was weird, it was unlike any aura they had felt before.

Both of them tried to describe it but it was impossible...

'What is capable of this?'

[I think we know the answer. Essen was like Dortmund a big city with over 500.000 people living here. There is a high chance that this is the result when an Alpha Crystal is left alone to do whatever they do. It's only a speculation but I can't think of another reason.]

Benji took a deep breath, what Adam said made sense.

'So a gigantic monster popped out from the Alpha Crystal and destroyed the whole f*cking city?'

[I don't know for sure but it is the most likely thing, I don't want to face that thing. We would get killed instantly the way we are now.]

Benji wanted to answer when his body began to tremble without him being able to do control it.

Both black horns on his forehead acted up, black veins began to pop out all around his body with the two horns being the main source.

Both Benji and Adam lost the control.

A bit of the lingering weird aura was absorbed by the two horns, rampaging through his body and mind.

Their vision was overthrown and Benji found himself inside a weird space.

It wasn't the Pillar Space but an entirely other space that had never seen before.

A huge storm was going on around him, with an endless ocean made of grey energy rampaging, creating, fueling and destroying everything.

Benji was flabbergasted by the catastrophic event unfolding around him.

Violent explosions happened every second, destroying everything again and again.

The sky above was red, a massive red sun hung high above everything.

Its red rays clashing against the apocalyptic storm and the endless grey rampaging ocean, trying to control it, just to fail again and again.

Silver dots like stars were floating around the red sun like little planets...

Benji observed the chaotic dance of destruction for a while. He felt for some reason that the space was familiar, he just couldn't tell why...

[I remember you telling me that you felt like you touched upon something when you entered The Zone...This place gives off the same vibe as you back then.]

Benji heard his own voice coming from behind him, he knew who it was and turned around, only to get shocked again.

Behind him stood another him, the other he was around 2 meters tall. The most shocking thing was the single horn on the left side of the forehead. It was massive long, black and curved upwards.

There was another peculiar thing that was different. His other self had a bright red left eye, that was identical with the massive red sun inside this space. The right eye was missing, leaving it hollow.


Adam smiled at him, [Don't look at me like this, you look yourself pretty strange too.]

Benji lifted his hands, touching his face...

He also had a long curved horn on the right side of his forehead and his left eye was missing...

'We are like an almost identical reflection...'

[Yes, do you have an idea where we are?] Asked Adam with a big smile on his face.

'No.' Admitted Benji as he stared back at all the chaos happening around them.

[Let me give you a hint.] Adam pointed at the massive red sun high above everything, [I believe that that's the manifestation of my Radiant Mindlord ability.] Spoke Adam.

Benji looked up at the giant red sun above everything. He felt like enlightenment poured down on him.

'It's so obvious now that I think about it...If the giant sun is the manifestation of your power then...' Benji looked down on the rampaging grey ocean beneath them.

[Bingo, It looks like luck is on our side, can you feel it?] Asked Adam.

Benji closed his eye.

He was fine despite being surrounded by an apocalyptic storm that destroyed everything in its path...

He felt it!

'It's calling me...'

Adam's smile became bigger, [The same goes for me...]

He lifted his head, flying up towards the giant red sun above everything.

Benji observed him until Adam stopped near the giant sun.

Adam closed his eye and relaxed.

He let himself drift along the silver dots that floated around the giant sun.

Adam experienced many things and new information kept flooding his mind, letting him think that it might break him...

Benji knew what to do, he descended until he was right above the endless grey ocean.

He closed his eye, letting himself drift on the surface of the rampaging ocean.

A strong pressure engulfed him.

Strange overbearing pulling forces invaded his body, causing to feel a pain like he had never experienced.

He thought that he would get ripped apart but it never happened.

Both didn't know how much time passed but they kept drifting.

A single of the silver dots entered Adam's head through his horn.

Benji descended a bit deeper into the endless grey ocean, his whole body barely being soaked inside the grey energy.

The two of them digested everything that the strange space gave them until they sensed that they reached a limit. It didn't only strengthen them it also influenced their minds and guided them in an abstruse way.

Both opened their eyes at the same time, finding themselves back outside the bottomless hole in Essen.

Benji looked the same but his aura had changed.

It was like he experienced a complete rebirth after being baptized by the endless, rampaging grey ocean.

Adam was the same, the power he obtained was many times better than everything he digested before.

The red sun inside his mindscape became more real and stable...

Benji's Force had also changed, not the amount but it was thicker, the difference to before was massive.

The Force surged and slightly grey colored Force erupted from his body.

An earthquake went through the area, the ground 500 meters caved in under the pressure of his Force!

The air around them began to vibrate, almost starting to break apart.

[Now I know...]

'Me too, we finished the evolution becoming complete but our mindset blocked us from the right path...'

[You have changed...] Noticed Adam as he sensed the destructive Force inside Benji rampaging.

'So have you...' Answered Benji as he sensed Adam's frightening energy.

Benji recalled his Force back, causing the area to return how it was.

Both of his eyes looked changed, his left eye that has always been bright was dim now, almost black like it had died. His right eye that was had a dark-black hole pupil was now grey with a single black dot in the middle. The red color had completely vanished.

The two noticed that their clothes were drenched in red blood...

[Our body expelled all the red blood, we distanced further from being human...]

'That's fine, it was holding us back, we aren't human anymore.'

[I accept it, doesn't mean that we should change our way of doing things tho.]

'Of course, we might change to an inhuman point but we will never change at our core.'

[Well spoken!]

Benji smiled faintly, staring towards the sky into the distance.

He lifted his hands, a bit of the grey force surging.

Four explosions happened in the sky.


'You never look above you with your Inner Eye, there were 4 drones.'

[Ah! Damn that Lilith!] Adam became embarrassed because he really never checked above them, he always looked at the ground.

'We all make mistakes, you are smarter than me but I got you this time hahaha.' Laughed benji in glee at Adam's blunder.

[F*ck you hahaha.] Adam laughed too, he felt relieved that Benji laughed. He had sensed something profoundly evil inside that space when he absorbed the silver dot, and it came from the deepest part of the endless grey ocean, it worried him...

['I hope it's nothing...']