Change in position!

Benji blasted through the sky at a much higher speed than in the past.

He was flying back to Dortmund to change his filthy clothes and expand the operations of Blutsiegel now that they had enough manpower to swallow the whole region.

Adam was constantly growing stronger through the tribute his puppets gave him as they consumed other zombie hordes on their way.

They expanded fast.

Days went by and Benji, Adam and the other Inner Core Members were gathered inside the embassy.

"We have run into some Red Zones here, here and here." Spoke Thomas as he pointed at different spots on the map in front of them.

Red Zones were what they called territories with incredible strong mutated animals or cities infested with mutated zombies.

That's right mutated zombies that eat other zombies and grew stronger.

They were kind of rare but they ran into them recently.

Adam showed them more Red Zones, that his puppets had found and they began to plan how to conquer them.

Benji wanted to consume the Alpha Crystal but Adam convinced him that the time wasn't right as they were expanding. It made sense because they didn't know what kind of thing would happen. Benji suppressed the Alpha Crystal with his Force, turning it into a harmless chicken that could only wait until it was ready to be eaten.

"I will take those two Red Zones, here and here." Said Benji, pointing at two Red Zones in the north of Dortmund.

The others turned silent, they all had noticed his change in the last few days.

Anna and Marc looked at Benji with worry.

They all felt that there was something different about him...

Thomas who was the third in command after Adam and Benji looked at Adam for confirmation.

Adam eyed Benji.

Benji noticed Adam's peculiar gaze, "What?"

Adam sighed, ["Fine I'm sure you can handle them, the rest will split in teams of two and take a Red Zone each. I will go with Roland toward the city Unna to take a better look at those mutated zombies."]

All of them had consumed a lot of crystal horns, growing stronger to the point that even Julia who only had her tracker ability could kill a mutated animal on the same level of the Flaming Lynx.

Everyone departed after they finished discussing the smaller details.

Benji was flying alone through the air.

He didn't need to let his Force out to fly, it was enough to just let it rampage through his body.

His two dim eyes stared at the mountains in the distance.

[There it is.] Commented Adam.

'I can already sense it.'

[...] Adam was still getting used to Benji's new ridiculous sense.

Benji skipped the outer part of the mountains, directly heading towards the center.

He sensed that there was only a single living being inside these mountains.

He landed near a majestic red tree that was over 70 meters tall.

An incredible bloodthirsty aura assaulted him the moment he landed...

Benji stared unfazed at the being that was leaking such a potent killing intent.

A towering figure walked out from behind the majestic tree.

'How did this guy get here?' Thought Benji as he observed the collosal animal.

[Slap me, this is strange, even for a messed up world like ours...] Cursed Adam.

The ground shook whenever the mutated animal moved, and over 20 meters tall elephant presented itself like a king in front of Benji and Adam.

Its momentum was simply overwhelming.

This thing could kill the Flaming Lynx with a single swing of its trunk!

Adam had only one worry at this moment, [Don't destroy everything like the other time, this is a really good spot for us!] Ranted Adam.

'I know, don't worry I got this!' Spat Benji out annoyed at Adam.

They had developed a routine to kill and consume horns in the day and rest beside majestic trees that provided them with the red fog to absorb.

Benji was still unfazed by the colossal elephant in front of him.

The mutated elephant noticed it and became angry how an small ant dared to look at it with such a gaze!

It roared out in anger, making the air itself tremble!

Red spikes made of bone shot out of the body from the elephant.

It did something that neither Adam and Benji expected, it took a leap into the air.

It really jumped at least 50 meters high, starting to rotate in the air.

Benji lifted his head in surprise, "It sure can jump high for its stature..."

The mutated elephant fell down with such a menacing momentum, its bloodthirsty killing intent locking into Benji.

There was also a flash of greed inside its red eyes as it fell.

Benji lifted his left hand, grey colored force erupting from his body.

Just when the colossal elephant was only 10 meters away from squashing him into a bloody mess.

It suddenly stopped falling, staying stuck in the middle of the air.

The colossal elephant was confused at first and then panicked.

It tried everything to break free from the strange destructive power that was rampaging around its massive body.

An evil smirk appeared on Benji's face...

He turned his left hand, causing the mutated elephant to turn too, its large red horn facing him.

Benji grabbed it and kicked its massive head...

Vicious bone-breaking sounds echoed through the mountain followed by a dying shriek that would cause anyone's blood to freeze if they heard it.

A loud booming sound followed right after the shriek and the colossal body crashed into one of the mountains that were over 800 meters away, staying stuck inside the mountain.

Benji was camly holding the large horn...

What caused Adam to almost throw up was that most parts from the brain of the elephant was still stuck to it.

Thanks god it didn't stay that way, the thousands of roots that connected both the brain and the horn dried up quickly.

The brain fell on the ground with a loud thud.


"What is it now?" Asked Benji irritated, he killed the colossal elephant quickly without destroying the area what more could Adam want?

[Nothing dude...nothing...] Sighed Adam in defeat.

"Good, how are the others?"

[They are still on the way.] Answered Adam after checking quickly.

"Okay, where is the next Red Zone?" Asked Benji as he bit into the horn.

Adam told him where to fly and Benji took off after consuming the large horn that was almost as long as himself...

The others did also completed their own missions without any problems.

Except Adam and Roland came back empty handed, they didn't met any of the mutated zombies that were supposed to be in Unna. They searched for them but they seemed to have vanished...

Adam launched a great search, putting over 4000 puppets to sniff out where the mutated zombies went...

They met back in Dortmund before spending the night inside the different territories, absorbing the red fog...

Adam and his puppets found and recruited most of the survivors they met. Most of them were happy with the rules and terms Adam told them through his puppets.

The population in Dortmund reached over 10.000 with every single one of them finishing the evolution.

Food wasn't a problem, the red crystals were delicious and the hunters raided enough food from other cities for those that wanted to eat normal food.

They had also farmers that were responsible for the agriculture. They and the farming lands were protected by the Outer Circle Members of Blutsiegel.

The structure of Blutsiegel was clear. The Inner Core Members conquered and the Outer Circle Members managed them afterward, guaranteeing the safety. They connected other Power plants to Dortmund, thus securing enough electricity for everyone.

Benji was leaning against the majestic tree that was owned by the now dead mutated elephant, absorbing the red fog in the area when a disturbance coming from the Pillar Space alerted them.

It was a new sensation and both of them were curious about it.