Art of Spinnenwolf

Yune, Cainus, and Venomion were surrounded by spiders both large and small. Spinnenwolf stood towering over them all.

Without any warning, the spiders lunged at them. The three guardians fought together once more. The battle was a lot harder than before. The Night Demon now grew passionate for the battle.

Venomion sent out hordes of snakes to counter against the hordes of spiders, but there was only so much that she could do against them. None of the snakes were as big as the large spiders.

Cainus and Yune threw around the yo-yo and hook-chain respectively. They avoided the webs that were spit out by the creatures. Then, Spinnenwolf would jump into the battle flailing it's long legs and shooting black tar-like webs. Throughout the whole fight, the three stood together. They knew that if they got separated, then they would be picked off one at a time.

However, as they were jumping around avoiding all of the hordes of spiders that crawled all over each other, Spinnenwolf shot out a web towards where they were going to land. They landed without realizing that they were now stuck. They tried to struggle, but the black webs were too strong. The spiders rushed at them like prey. They defended themselves with all the fight they could. Venomion had her snakes try to rip apart the webs while Yune tried to cut them with her hook-blade. However, neither of them worked.

As the spiders continued to close in, all they could do was fight on the ground they stood. It was hard and grueling. And all hope for them seemed to be lost.

But then a gunshot was heard. A spider's head blew into a million pieces. And then another shot straight at Spinnenwolf, but the bullet only grazed past it's head.

A girl appeared before the horde of spiders. She smiled at all the chaos that she was witnessing. Spinnenwolf looked over to where the shot was fired from. Yune and Venomion recognized who it was to their surprise. Although, they didn't know whether it was a welcome one or not.

"Hello, boys," Mirey Jyle said as she held a glock in her hand.

Then, an entire militia marched in firing assault rifles. Each one heavily armored with the latest military equipment. And their guns created from Mirey's magic. If they weren't magical guns, then the spiders wouldn't be affected, but because of Mirey, they were able to pierce through them like nothing.

When the bullets came towards Spinnenwolf, it created an armor of hair around it's already thick exoskeleton that protected it from the bullets.

Mirey threw away her glock and conjured two handheld gatling guns. She jumped up in the air and began to fire towards Yune, Cainus, and Venomion. However, none of the bullets were aimed at them. They pierced through the spiders that came towards them and at the webs that trapped them.

She landed beside the three girls all while continuing to fire her weapons pushing the army of spiders back. Then, all of them began to fight once more with new resolve. The soldiers continued to stay in formation and make a path towards Mirey. They threw magical grenades and fired an endless amount of bullets without feeling any fear from the spiders because they feared Mirey more.

"Who is this person?" Cainus asked aloud.

"Mirey Jyle!?" Venomion exclaimed, "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Disappointed?" Mirey replied.

"I knew that my venom just paralyzed you," she replied upon realizing that she didn't kill anybody.

"Sure..." Mirey said sarcastically not believing her.

"Why are you helping us?" Yune asked. It wasn't too long ago that they fought. She even thought that she killed her.

"Lucky for you that you got rid of my daddy. He was a good father, but now that you got rid of him, I feel like I owe you."

"What?" Cainus asked not knowing what they were talking about. Neither Yune nor Venomion understood what Mirey was going on about.

"After you killed my father, I no longer felt required to help the family business of drug dealing. Instead, I was able to follow my own dreams," Mirey continued, "With all my newfound money and power, I stopped the drug and prostitution rings. But that was just a side mission. My dream. My real dream. What I really wanted to do was to finally open up my own bakery!"

"A bakery!?" the three girls exclaimed in disbelief.

Mirey nodded happily. "Yep. At first, I was thinking of ways to kill you two for revenge, but now I've come to realize otherwise. I've come to thank you two."

"Uhhh, you're welcome," Venomion muttered. They were all speechless after hearing that bizarre statement.

And with that last sentence, Mirey conjured an entire tower made up of random floating guns. There were different rifles, snipers, rocket launchers, and pistols all floating around them and her soldiers. And without any thought, began firing everywhere.

Spiders were being destroyed left and right.

However, Spinnenwolf shrieked louder. It spawned even more spiders from itself. They just kept spawning in and rushing forward. There was no end to the bullets or to the spiders.

Yune wanted to create that electrical surge to fight, but had no idea how she managed to in the first place.

The three of them dashed over to the main monster as the spiders were being distracted by Mirey. They suspected that if they defeated Spinnenwolf, the other spiders would stop attacking. The three girls jumped on top of the Night Demon, and it felt it. They were like fleas, the monster thought.

However, even as they were on it, more spiders grew off of it's skin on top of it's back and attacked them. Each one with the same black and white mask.

As they continued their fight, Yune threw in her chains all over the room to try and surround the giant monster. However, the webs continued to stop the chain from bouncing around. Each time a chain was stuck, the only thing Yune could do was make her weapon vanish and reappear in her arms again. The same went for Cainus. Both of them had the same exact problem. As for Venomion, her snakes were getting overrun by the number of spiders.

They all tried so hard, but nothing they did worked. Their weapons were ineffective towards this massive beast. Yune was able to pierce Spinnenwolf's body, but there were so many layers of hair over the exoskeleton.

And then, there were the small spiders. They crawled up the three's legs and bit hard. They swiped them away, but more and more kept coming. There seemed to be an infinite supply of them.

Venomion looked at Yune and Cainus who seemed to be doing most of the work. She couldn't produce as many snakes as the number of spiders increased. The spiders overran and killed all of Mirey's soldiers. No matter how many bullets they went through, there were just too many. Mirey was even getting overwhelmed.

As all hope seemed lost, Venomion gathered all the strength she could muster from within her heart.

"Damn it," Venomion shouted, "I'm not going to die here with all of these bugs. And I'm especially not going to die being called the useless one here."

The ground shook, not because of the spiders', but because of something underneath them. A giant, green serpent stormed from underneath Spinnenwolf to everybody's surprise. It hissed with the might of a thunderstorm. It bit straight into the monster's abdomen and lifted it up. With all the strength that Venomion could muster, she created the biggest snake that she could. Rocks and boulders were being thrown around by the serpent's impact crushing the smaller spiders and knocking them away from the sheer force of the snake. Mirey jumped up and dodged the coming boulders.

Spinnenworld cried out a shriek of pain. The three girls fell off the creature and were falling underneath the giant spider.

Yune and Cainus both exclaimed, "Woah! When could you do that?"

The two of them looked at each other mad that they said the same thing.

Venomion sniffled and replied, "I didn't know I could. All I did was think of a big snake and there it was."

She maintained high spirits, but her body was tiring. Summoning that creature took it's toll to maintain. Soon, the serpent began to vanish into a bright light. They knew that the snake wouldn't last for long, so they had to finish the monster quickly while it was down. Or rather up in the air.

However, while Spinnenwolf was stuck with the serpent's fangs inside it, Yune threw out her chains. She knew that they would get stuck from the webs that surrounded them, so she tried to do the same thing as Venomion. She tried to think about it, and as an image of Eli appeared in her head, the electricity surged through the chains. It's power burned away the webs. It bounced all around the room destroying any spider it touched. And then, the chains wrapped themselves around Spinnenwolf. Yune then remembered Mizu and suddenly shouted like how she would shout her moves like a hero, "Web of Chains Plus Lightning!"

The monster screamed even louder in pain as electricity flowed through it's body like a conductor.

"Electricity? Big Snakes? Looks like everybody is getting new powers. I wonder if I will get any," Cainus said, "Unfortunately, I can't see anything changing about me. Oh well, I'll just do something that I learned how to do before."

Cainus held her yo-yo and then threw it straight at the creature. As the yo-yo body approached Spinnenwolf, it grew larger and larger. Then, the body impacted the creature with enough force to tear down a building. And with haste, Cainus would bring the yo-yo back and forth constantly hitting the creature. As she continued to do this, the creature began to break through the ceiling above them. But she didn't let up. She kept pushing through.

Then, Mirey wanted a piece of the action. She conjured more floating rifles and rode one in the air like a skateboard. They fired straight at it.

"If I can't get any new powers, I'll at least get the final hit!" Cainus yelled with a large smile as the yo-yo repeatedly struck fast and hard. The yo-yo was moving so fast that it looked like there were eight of them striking at the Night Demon.

"We'll see about that," Mirey said as she conjured even more guns and fire faster.

"Yune, I think Cainus found a new rival," Venomion said.

"I see," Yune replied. She felt a little upset that she wasn't considered Cainus' rival, but was happy that they were able to defeat this monster.

Cainus ran up Yune's chains to keep getting closer as she pummeled the creature above her. The electricity underneath Cainus vanished with her footsteps. Yune and Venomion followed right behind her. Mirey conjured more and more guns to fire straight at the Night Demon. She created floating assault rifles for Yune, Venomion, and Cainus to hop aboard. The four of them rode them like skateboards at high speeds as the monster continued to get blasted and pummeled. The other spiders couldn't keep up with Spinnenwolf and as the monster began to fade away, they all turned into black mud.

However, they kept going higher and higher digging themselves upwards like a drill with Spinnenwolf's body as the drill bit. This beat-down lasted for two minutes before they reached the top.