Art of Dolls

Art piece Jack stood right behind a golden line. Mary walked side to side thinking about what to do. She knew that the real Jack would need her help in facing Annie. She couldn't leave her alone. However, she also had to be smart. She could feel that the fake Jack in front of her was just as strong as the real one. That red armor and flaming machete were out in the open for Mary to see. And she didn't think that she was strong enough to beat her by herself.

"You are similar to that version of Jack. You have those black eyes and mask," The fake Jack said, "But if you try to cross this line, then I will kill you."

Mary then had an idea.

"Really? Well, other Jack, I don't think you can beat me if you're just going to stand there," she said as she pointer her index finger towards Jack.

Mary then shot out one of her claws towards the fake Jack. As it flew fast, Jack was able to deflect it to the side with her blade. The claw vanished into dust as Mary formed another claw around her finger.

"Don't try to act smart. If you try that again, I will think of it as you trying to cross," fake Jack said.

Mary maintained a confident smile and replied, "Really? Well, either way, I still got to get there eventually. I can't leave my friend. Then again, I might just want to fight you. It will be like fighting the real one, right? I am a little angry about being ordered around by Jack to ask around for this Annie girl. I don't plan on letting that girl go, so that I'd have to repeat that experience."

"Do you think you can beat me?" Jack asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But, unlike Yune, I'm not going to stand around thinking about it," Mary said before firing a barrage of her claws.

Jack continued to deflect the claws. Her armor was able to protect her from the ones that made it past, but she made sure that none of them hit her face. The claws were fast, but this version of Jack was able to react.

Mary began dashing around continuously firing her claws. Whenever she would fire one, she would just grow it back within a second.

Jack focused her flames into her machete and shot out a blaze towards Mary. However, Mary was fast. She could easily dodge those. The fire created a smokescreen around them. When the smoke cleared, Jack was gone. Mary looked around in a panic, but Jack was already behind her. She raised her machete up, but as she struck down, Mary blocked the blade with her claws. The ground beneath them cracked from the force.

Mary realized that this Jack fought much more differently than the Jack she knew. This one was more calculating and calm rather than the usual fit of rage.

Mary slashed back at Jack's armor, but it wouldn't get through, however there was one weak spot. The face wasn't covered at all. Jack grabbed Mary by the head and threw her away from line. Mary realigned herself as she was being flung and fired her claws directly at Jack's face, but Jack expected this. She focused her flames on the machete. The blade burned brighter and brighter. Then, with the power of a volcano, swung her blade at the claws burning them away without even touching them. The force pushed Mary back even further.

Mary sighed, "This is going to be more difficult than I thought."

Jack still stood in the way in front of the line.

"You will not be the first guardian that I've killed. You'll probably not be las-" Jack said coldly before she noticed the ground shaking beneath her, "Huh?"

She noticed that the ground beneath her cracked, and before she could react to it, the floor shattered with a force pushing Jack upwards and back. A giant spider-like creature was flung high in the air. Dust and smoke were uplifted. The creature landed on it's back like a dead bug. It turned into black mud and then vanished into a black coin.

Mary was confused at what was going on.

Then, from the hole, four girls popped jumped out. They were covered in smoke.

One of them said, "Cainus, I thought we were digging up. Not down into hell."

"Maybe, we ended up in a radioactive waste dump," she replied.

As the smoke cleared, Mary was able to see them clearly. She didn't know three of them, but there was one who she did recognize.

"Yune!" Mary shouted as she dashed over to them.

Yune was surprised to hear that voice, although it was not unwelcome. "Mary? What are you doing here?" she asked.

Yune and Mary were reunited, but this reunion could have been in better circumstances. The two girls' masks vanished as they faced each other.

The three other girls introduced themselves as Venomion, Cainus, and Mirey. But there wasn't much time for it.

A blaze of fire came towards the group. Yune and Cainus blocked the flame with their chains and threads.

After the fire dispersed, the fake Jack took a step forward.

"Jack?" Yune wondered aloud. But when she looked at her, it didn't feel like the Jack she knew. The first thing that she noticed was that she didn't have black scleras. Also, her body was stitched and scarred. And her posture didn't feel full of anger at all. She was more calm than anything else.

"Not exactly, Yune. That's not Jack," Mary said, "I can't explain it, but it looks like this Annie girl was able to create some kind of replica."

"I am no replica. I am Jack," she replied still with no emotion, "If you wish to fight or go past me, I'll kill you."

"What a strange Light Guardian," Cainus said ignoring Jack.

Yune felt a rush of blood in her as she faced this version of Jack. It wasn't the same, but she still felt like that thing was responsible for Mizu's murder.

"Whatever you are, Jack, do you remember what you did?" Yune asked aloud.

Jack was confused. She didn't know who Yune was or what she was talking about.

Yune continued, "Do you remember killing a sweet young girl? A Light Guardian. My friend. My sister."

"You'll have to be more specific. That doesn't narrow it down at all."

Yune grunted angrily and then yelled, "I know you killed her! I know you killed Mizu! Say it!"

"I don't know. I could have. I don't exactly know all the names, but they're all in my head. Each one."

Yune became frustrated at her. That thing wasn't exactly the Jack that she knew, but it was still her. The same kind of monster, she thought.

"Venomion. Cainus. Mirey. Please leave," Yune said, "I need to fight this alone."

"What? But she's a Light Guardian like us," Venomion exclaimed.

"No," Mirey replied, "I can see it in her dead eyes. That thing is barely human. More like a doll than anything else."

Jack said as a buildup of fire burned around her, "You're right. I am nothing more than a doll. But I am still Jacqueline Unique. If you leave, I will not stop you. If you stay, I will kill you. I won't disobey Annie's orders. Nobody but Jack will pass."

"Well, Yune, I know it's been a while, but I'm not leaving," Mary said as she walked up to her side, "The Jack you know is past her and should be fighting Annie right about now. And I was winning before you got here, anyways."

Then, Venomion stepped up. She didn't plan on leaving Yune, just yet.

"Well, I don't mind helping you out, Chain-Killer Queen. I'm sure you have your reasons."

Cainus also walked forward.

"Sheesh. I don't want anybody to think that I'd run away from a fight. And I don't want you to one-up me."

Mirey sighed and walked up last.

"Good grief. After this fight, I'll say that I've finished thanking you."

The four girls stood side-by-side ready to fight the fake Jack that stood in their way.