Each time when I opened my eyes to the morning light and realized I could see a dark bags under my eyes, the thought of the unexpected encounter with him. I couldn't really breathe again. I tried to slap myself. I don't need to worry about unnecessary things. I have Livius now.
I distracted myself from the fact that another week had past, and Livius still hadn't called and texted me. This upset me. I missed him horribly.
Now, more than ever, I yearned for his carefree babbling and his unhideous laugh. How I desire his warm hand around my cold fingers. I'd half expected him to call right now, but no one answered. Even the texts were unreaded. what's more worst was - his house was empty. The desire to meet him, impossible.
Why Livius is not here? When I needed him the most.
Another week had past, no sign of him. Were he is having a problem in his phone? Did someone kidnapped him? Or is he avoiding me? As much as it hurt me, I don't want to think about any more assumptions.
Even Naomi went back to Catalonia in such a hurry that I didn't get a chance to wave her goodbye.
No Livius. No Naomi.
The worry was shrinking my brain and body.
Sean's fist came down flying on the table with a loud thud.
"That's enough, Sis! You are wasting your brain here. If you are that much worried about your looser boyfriend, why Don't you ask around about his whereabouts to his friends? Don't waste anymore of my efforts in making a breakfast for you. And don't even bother to waste any more food, you did."
I looked up slowly from my cereal, when I noticed, some of them are under my table, half eaten by Luna - she was purring innocently as nothing had happened, and some are swollen by the excess amount of liquid which was lying down relaxed in my bowl, untouched.
What did I do? What I was eating, whole this time? And stared at my ferocious brother, Sean, in shock.
"I was ... Eating," I mumbled while eating slowly, feeling guilt and embarrassed.
My behavior for the past few weeks, I didn't realize, It was such a mess. I should be the one caring for my only family left. I was so stupid.
Sean was scowling.
"Why are you always thinking about the person, who doesn't care about your existence?"
That stung a bit. I'd been careful to avoid all quarrel, that leave me no choice.
My jaw tightened, and I spoke through my teeth. "That's none of your business!"
"Yeah, it is my business! You are my only family left. I don't want anyone to hurt you. What if you suffer again the same pain. I don't want to see you in suffering!" He shouted back angrily.
The sound echoed through the kitchen hallway. As we both are silent now. Yeah, he was right. I was being selfish, ignored the responsibility. Now I feel like myself. I was doing wrong whole this time.
I sighed.
"I'm sorry, Sean." I said sincerely, standing up. I dumped my bowl in the sink. Getting ready to get some fresh air.
He was silent for a while, examining my move.
"I'll go outside for a while," I called over my shoulder as I cover my head with my hoodie.
"I don't want you to apologize." He said more calmly. He was worried. I don't want him to get worried. So I smiled.
"Yeah, don't worry about it."
I was out of the front door, before he could react. I heard him saying, sorry.
It was a spring break in Santa Fe again. No schools, No friends. In the beginning this place was alienated to me. I'd been hunted by many nightmares.
To think why we are even here? It was this place, where I can find the mystery behind my missing parents.
Being outside didn't help as much. The clouds pushed down by the weight of heavy wind. I didn't see any passerby, not a single vehicles. I couldn't hear any birds, either. The silence was bizarre, it was killing me. As I was only being left behind, haunted by the eyes of wind. The thought of being alone outside in an empty street, made a sudden chill to my backbone.
I went straight to the park, luckily some kids were playing. They look jolly and energetic. From afar, I saw some group of teenagers of my age. I didn't recognize them. As I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. I sat on one of the benches, farthest from the swings.
After a few seconds, one of the girl ,among them, her eyes met with mine. I diverted myself and try to look somewhere. But I can hear the maniac laugh from them. I saw one of them pointing towards my direction. This is bad. I thought myself. I start to walk away from that place before something bad happens.
"Hey, there!" One of the girl called as they passed, two of them stop, and other two boys were slowing. The closest, who was tall and slender, she had a beautiful figure. Her golden hair gently waving to the middle of her waist, other two were in a dark shade. The two boys were wearing a loose hoodies covering most of the face, cut-off jeans and pair of mask around their mouth.
I walked more faster towards the corner, as I heard them laughing at a full volume.
"Hey, wait!" One of the boy called and start chasing after me. But I keep my head down and start to run around the corner. I could still hear them. The street was empty. I found myself again on an empty road.
It was getting dark, I realized the clouds were finally returning, making a way for sunsets. With the streak of orange and red, sign of blood. A sudden chill ran across my arms through my chest. I clutch myself to my hoodie. In this situation what worst was - I forgot to bring my cellphone. Looking here and there, I listened carefully to their quiet footsteps. I took a deep breath, and turn another corner.
"I got her, Amy!" The loud shriek voice, one of the hooded boy behind me, made me jumped in shocked, as his iron - grip arms confined me tightly to my upper body from further any movements. I was resisting to get away from him, I heard more footsteps closing the distance between myself. I sucked an air, preparing myself, to scream as loud as I could manage. I took this chance as his grip loosen a bit, with a quick movement, I cast him off with some judo technique of throwing and grappling.
He growled in pain. That serves you.
"Stay away from me!!" I warned them with a shaky voice, my legs still trembling with fear, my body acting own its own in self defense form. But now what. It's so unfair. Five people ganging on me. What did I ever do to them. I didn't even knew who they were?
Just then my mind spoke up. You have two options now.
Option one - Fight back.
Option two - Wait for the knight in shining armor.
"Are you insane!! Fight back?? Are you some thug master? who will ever come to save you in this middle of a lonely street?" My inner thoughts scolded me.
Both the option seems to be dangerous. Leaving me no choice but to use my - Trump card.
Run like the wind.
With no looking back, I ran for my life. I used to be a good athlete during my school days. Only problem was, the two hooded boys chasing after me like a lunatic dog- who looks like, haven't eaten for ages. I took the another corner-- dead end, it was a bad choice.
I was trapped by three gigantic walls. Nowhere to run. Is this my end? No! I don't want to die. I wanted to scream, but my lips and throat all went dry. Just then, a giant shadow with a loud footsteps, was approaching near me. I braced myself.
I am not going to die in vain. I am going to take one of them with me. I thought myself. Breaking the nose, biting their arms, finger through the eye socket, popping them out. Whoever was approaching. I was prepared. I was already, on a verge, to smash that person. But instantaneously, the choking fear of terror vanished, sudden feeling of secure and safe washed over me.
I jumped over him, crying in relief, I could barely see his face. My face covered under his shirt. All wet. I could hear his unstable heartbeat, beating faster same as mine, as he was running too.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
I missed his voice.
I didn't reply. My legs were trembling, lifeless. I was loosing my consciousness. My eyes were heavy. My brain was acting weird. All I could remember was him, holding me tightly, before all went pitch black.
I fainted.
At that moment, I felt utterly safe, totally unconcerned about my situation because he was here with me. Livius.