At that moment, my head feel like disoriented.
I was surrounded by dark again. I didn't like it. I feel like I was floating in a black sea, nothing around me. Just floating more deeper, pitch black. I was completely alone. No sound of my mind. It was like time stood still, leaving me in a bottomless gloom. Was I dying?
The contents of my head swished and rolled.
"What the fuck You're doing here?" Sean shouted angrily to someone. My head feels dizzy.
I started to feel my body, the soft surface underneath me, followed by the soft texture of the smell of my blanket. I was in my room. My fingers tightened around the soft sheets. My eyes felt like glued and heavy.
I heard more voices sounded far away, as they were arguing, and kind of muffled. I finally pried my eyes, to open. The room was dark except the small ray of light coming underneath the door. I don't know if it was night or morning.
"She is my sister! I can take care of her," Sean shouted back again.
I sat up in the bed, my head felt like it was hit by the baseball, when it hit me what had happened last night. Some strange teenagers ganging on up me. Livius coming around, and I fainted.
I have to get out of here and now. I threw the door open and moved slowly down the stairs.
It was Livius and Sean.
Both, were standing in front of the main door, arguing with each other.
Livius who looked, severe. His eyes were careful, reserved. He looked sad and wallowing.
"Hi," I said softly, breaking the tense atmosphere.
Sean, who frowned. His eyes went flat, blocking the path of Livius to enter, inside the house.
"Hi, Can we have a moment?" Livius pleaded.
"Stay back, Sis!" Sean warned.
"Hey, calm down! I just need to have some word with her," Livius ordered, while glancing towards me.
"Sean, please leave us alone." I begged him. He didn't flinch at all. He was stubborn. I don't bother to say any words, leaving quietly from the front door.
Sean caught my arm with a shivering hand.
"Please, sister. I'm begging. He will hurt you again."
His dark eyes were glistening with tears. A lump filled my throat.
"Sean, let me go" I pulled my hand.
"I don't like the way things are going!" He shouted, while slamming the door.
I sighed.
The sky was clear, leaving only - me and him. I wanted to ask about many things. Why didn't he was saying anything?
I turned around, to see his eyes were unreadable, his face, expression less.
After a long moment, Livius caught my hand and held it to his face.
"How are you feeling? Are you okay? I probably should have informed you before." He whispered.
"Don't worry about me," I choked on, while stopping my burning tears.
He twisted his head to look at me. His eyes were rimmed in red.
He pressed his palm against my cheek, so that, my face was trapped between his burning hands.
"Erika," he whispered.
I was frozen with a sudden chill.
I stared back at him. He was my comfort, my safest place.
Keeping his eyes on mine, Livius began to bend his face towards me. I could feel his warm breeze of breathe on me. Before he could kiss me. I pushed him gently to his surprise. His eyes went wide, in shocked. He felt guilt. We stood motionless in an awkward position.
"Come for a walk with me," he suggested with a pain voice, taking my hand.
I didn't answer, I couldn't resist. All I could think was. I needed an explanation. He pulled me along the side of the yard.
"Okay, let's talk," I commanded.
He took a deep breath.
"My parents, they are divorcing."
I took a deep breath, too. This was unexpected. I never thought. I was prepared but I still had to ask.
"What happened?"
"My mother caught my dad having an affair, red-handed, with one of his mistress. She was having her doubts but she didn't wanted to believe it. She tried to kill him and is being, kept in, under the custody of corps. Her condition is worsening. I need to stay with her. Could you give me some more time to handle this?"
His answer confused me. What happened to his Mom? What Happened to his family? Everything he just said was hard to digest, but slowly I engulfed it. I stared at him, trying to understand.
He stared back coldly.
Is he really my Livius?
I realized I'd misunderstood something and asked him again.
"Is this mean, you won't see me anymore?" I whispered.
"I mean, I won't be staying with my dad. I'm leaving. Can you handle my absence? Can you still love me? If we parted our ways?" He said each word clearly.
I shook my head back and forth, trying to clear my mind. It took a few seconds before I could speak.
"How long will it take to come back?" I asked calmly.
" I don't know" he said looking down, in pain.
Hah. Is this a joke.
There was a pause as I repeated the words in my head a few times. Trying to solve it orderly.
First, he didn't texted, never received my call.
Second, he is leaving.
Third, now he don't know, when he will come back again.
Is he trying to pull a prank on me?
I stared, uncomprehending, into his eyes. He stared back apologetically. I can see his hard and clear deep eyes, which was fill up with bottomless grievance.
"That changes the things from now on" I was surprised by how calm I was.
"Of course, I'll always Love you.. I can't replace you with anyone else into my heart. Just the thing is, everything right now, isn't going well. I'm sorry for dragging you." He said while avoiding the eye contact.
"Don't," My voice trickling like an acid.
"Are you willing to wait for me? Erika." He turned his eyes towards me with a hard stare. He waited patiently.
I opened my mouth to say something, then close it again. Nothing was coming out.
"I don't know - I can give you two months," I forced myself to say. My whole body went numb.
He nodded.
"I'll wait here, at the same place," I ordered.
He nodded again silently. He seemed to relax just a little.
"When you're leaving?" I asked, my voice choked.
"Tonight, I came to bid you a farewell" he said.
My knees started trembling, with the sudden biting wind.
I tried to breathe normally.
The flashback of my past wound, thrust opened up, like the flood gate opened.
Livius was leaving me like, him.
Rai. My first love.
It was hard to opened up again, for the second time, life seems meaningless again. It was over.
I wasn't paying attention enough to notice that, it's starting to get cold. I unwrapped my arms to cover my face. The sky was completely filled with thunder and lightening. The rain continued to pour down, washing away my tears. I couldn't feel the cold water smashing my cheek. I tripped over something, as it was numb. It didn't matter.
He was already gone.
I shivered, not from cold.
I stayed there down, for long hours, my vision getting blurry when I saw the dim glow of light reflecting off in the distance.
"Erika?" A new voice asked. I looked up to see a familiar face, a middle-aged man, my neighbor.
"Mr Gerald?" I mumbled.
"Are you hurt? Why you're lying down?" He asked, pulling me slowly.
"Can you walk?" He asked again thoughtfully.
I nodded.
A few minutes later, we were right in front of my house. Mr Gerald struggled to his feet. He pulled me walk, while knocking the door.
I heard loud footsteps coming down, it wasn't until my legs gave up, and I stumbled down, before the door flew open. I saw a pair of hands around my waist, trying to block me from falling
Before I could say anything. I stumbled and pushed back, horrified, with what I just saw. It was a worst nightmare standing in front of me. I felt a sudden goosebumps and terror, that my feet froze. I wanted to run away right now.
"What's wrong?" Mr Gerald questioned me.
My mouth was sealed. I wanted to speak but my mouth was completely dry.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I m here." the person standing in front of me, pulled me tightly into a hug.
Mr Gerald, didn't find anything wrong, and left.
"What's wrong sister!"
I heard Sean's voice boomed across the kitchen, as he rushes to my side. I clutched him tightly, not letting him go. As I was gasping for breathe. His eyes were serious and worried.
"Is it because of that looser?" He growled. I didn't reply.
"Don't force her, Sean! Look at her, she needs a rest. As your guardian, I should be taking care both - you and your sister. You should go back to your room. I will take care of Erika."
Sean didn't said anything. Nodded. He left to his room.
I was shivering.
Uncle tan, smiled, as his one arm extended towards me. His hand touched my forehead, and his fingers pressed against my wrist. I froze under his hand.
"What happened to you? Erika", he whispered.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten about me, Sweetheart. Seems like I have to remind you again, how precious you're to me" He leaned in towards me, playing with my hair.
I wanted to throw up.
"I've waited enough for you, let's finish what we have started, isn't?" He continued with a malicious smile. I imagined him saying, before fainting into the darkness again.
This secret - about me and him.
The day of extreme fear was going to began with this Uninvited guest, Uncle Tan.