Chapter 10: A Squirrel?

Skye and Mickey both gets inside of the jeep wrangler and make their way to the school, as Billy Baker arrives at the front of the school skidding his skateboard to stop, he makes his way to the side of the front entrance and hunkers down beside the wall and reaches for his backpack, he sighs from exhaustion, tired from all the confusing encounters from people, he goes to unzip the bag to look for the diary, when strays of light starts to emit at the bottom of his bag, a blinding blue light reflects itself on his face, mesmerized he goes to reach his hand inside the bag and finds a hand grasping back with a soft touch, caressing his, much to his surprise, he was shocked, lets go and pulls back his hand, unfortunately as the fear overcomes him, the intense feeling that he feels right now is more than he can handle, as he feels a warmth pass down at the side of his left leg. Marcus Bennett passing by, he spots Billy sitting at the side of the school, he sees Billy with a blue book and his polaroid camera taking a picture of the book. Marcus approaches Billy intimidating him wondering what happened to him and why he has this blue book he's holding.

Marcus: "Hey coma boy!"

Billy: "Oh hey, uh... the water fountain was leaking."

Marcus: "That some pretty yellow water fountain."

Billy: "Yeah... I peed my pants okay! Have you seen Rachel?"

Marcus: "That's who I was looking for, so you know her? What you got there Billy?"pointing to the book.

Billy: "Um... I think it's her diary, don't freak out! she borrowed my camera and then she gave it back to me and this was left with it."

Marcus: "Wait so let me get this straight, Rachel is missing and nobody seems to know who she is but you know who she is and you have her diary? You want to tell me what's going on here coma boy!" he approaches billy closer and closer reaching for his shirt and pulls him up.

Billy: "I'm so glad that you know who Rachel is, because everyone that i've talked to pretends like she doesn't exist, I mean why are they pretending? is everyone in on her kidnapping? I was on my paper route when I saw her in the bridge, she was wearing a robe and she was smoking marijuana and then she got like taken by some stuff, like this light showed up and then she got pulled inside!" Marcus puts him down, confused by what Billy said.

Marcus: "That's the exact same thing I saw, what kind of prank are you pulling? Are you like a part of av club, is this like some special effects thing you did?"

Billy: "No uh... Skye Hawkins, she believes me and she remembers Rachel too!"

Marcus: "Skye Hawkins talked to you?" he says accusingly seeming its unbelievable considering Skye's personality of being to school for anybody.

Billy: "I ran to Rachel's house to look for her and then Skye was also there." as he say this Marcus starts to hear a strange voice from somewhere.

Voice: "Hey why are you picking on the little guy?"

Marcus: "What? Who's there!?"

Voice: "Why you being such a douche bag."

Marcus: "Mallory is that you!?" he turns and look around, Billy confused when he doesn't hear anyone else talking. as Marcus looks around he doesn't see anyone no individual standing near them other than a small squirrel he looks at it and wonders if he was the one that talked.

Squirrel: "Yeah me! The fuck you looking at?"

Marcus: "What the hell?"

Squirrel: "hey don't be picking on the little kid, coma boy has been through a lot" Marcus very confused tries to ignore the talking squirrel.

Marcus: "Okay, what are you doing? I helped you out yesterday! Why are you making fun of me!? Why are you pulling these pranks!? What is this whole set up you got going on!? is this some crazy like last witch type of thing that you do!?"

Squirrel: "Woah! Woah! Chill Bro, damn man."

Marcus: "Okay stop this, Stop This!" he points to the squirrel.

Billy: "Listen Marcus, I just peed my own pants because i thought there was a hand that touched me from my backpack." the squirrel starts to move in front of Marcus's foot and put its two paws above his shoes.

Squirrel: "Look man I'm missing some nuts, have you seen my nuts anywhere?" Marcus continues to ignore the squirrel and faces Billy.

Marcus: "This is not cool bro, it's not cool." Billy starts to notice the squirrel when Marcus is starting to point it out multiple times.

Billy: "I- I can't control squirrels, I don't know what you think i can do, but it looks like you got a little friend there."

Squirrel: "That coma boy can't control no damn squirrels."

Marcus: "Okay you know what-" he shoos away the squirrel, trying to shake it off his shoe.

Squirrel: "Hey! Whoa! Woah! Wooooaaaah!"

Marcus: "Get out of here!" he says to the squirrel

Squirrel: "Hey woah chill man, no need to be like that."

Marcus: "I don't know what's going on-"

Billy: "Me neither-"

Squirrel: "You want to find this Rachel girl right?" Marcus abruptly stops and makes Billy to be quiet

when the squirrel mentions Rachel, he faces the squirrel and waits for more information.

Squirrel: "I got a whole network, words gotten round, girl go missing, people starts asking questions, you looking for info?" Marcus moves closer and closer at the squirrel staring intently, much to Billy's surprise.

Billy: "Marcus... what are you gonna do to that squirrel-"

Marcus: "Shushhhhhhh!" silencing Billy

Squirrel: "Don't worry about coma boy, let's just have a conversation, me and you." Marcus quickly grabs the squirrel tightly.

Marcus: "What are you talking about!? What do you know!?"

Squirrel: "Woah! Woah! Woaaah!" the squirrel defends himself by biting Marcus's hand as his index finger is now bleeding from the bite, when the squirrel got free it escapes and runs around the corner, while this was happening Billy took the chance to take a photo of the squirrel biting Marcus's hand and Marcus screaming.

Marcus: "OWWW! Stupid squirrel!"

Squirrel: "This aint the last you heard of me Fuck Face!!!"

Marcus: "Ughh I hate squirrels. By the way, give me that fucking picture"

Billy: "Uhhh it hasn't developed yet. I have to shake it first"

Marcus: "Give Me The Picture!"

Billy: "Alright, alright i'll give you the picture"

He hands the photo to Marcus but instead of ripping the photo Marcus used the photo instead as a cloth for his bitten hand and covers his wound with the photo.