Chapter 11: Rachel's Journal

Mickey and Skye arrives at the school seeing Billy with wet pants holding a blue book and Marcus just at the side of the entrance, they went out and approaches the two, Marcus noticing the two starts to call out Skye asking her is she knows Rachel Jewel.

Marcus: "Skye!"

Skye: "What Marcus?" she answers annoyed by the fact he is even talking to her.

Marcus: "I'm gonna ask you a question, I know this is gonna sound incredibly stupid but-"

Skye: "Yeah, you always do those kind of questions all the time anyway."

Marcus: 'Ughh look this is serious okay! Your best friend, name her, go!"

Skye: "Rachel" she answers quickly as though that wasn't even a challenge

Marcus: "Okay so you know her too!"

Billy: "Yeah I told you that already."

Mickey: "Wait so you know her?" she points to Marcus

Marcus: "Of course, she's my girlfriend! But no one else seems to know! Wait you know her too!"

Mickey: "Yeah I work with her-"

Marcus: "What's your name again?"

Mickey: "Really? It's Mickey"

Marcus: "Oh yeah!"

Skye: "So only the four of us know who Rachel is, Oh Billy! I went to the bridge where you said Rachel was and I found these heels that might have been Rachel's."

Billy: "Were they like gold heels?"

Skye: "Yeah! But there's this like weird dead skin in them, that's all that i could find, I came here if you guys found anything else about Rachel's disappearance."

Marcus: "Well looks like our friend here has a book from her."

Billy: "I think this might be her journal?" Skye starts to menacingly look at Billy's direction.

Skye: "What are you doing with Rachel's journal?"

Marcus: "That's what i was gonna ask when this squirrel showed up!"

Mickey: "A squirrel?"

Billy: "Yeah he was talking to a squirrel and squeezed it but then got bitten by it-"

Skye: "Billy! Focus!"

Billy: "Okay! anyway, I let her borrowed my camera and then she returned it in my bag and i also found this with it and i think it hers, i can kind of see some writing in there and it looks like her handwriting but it's locked."

Skye: "Can i see it?" Billy hands her the journal

Billy: "It has a combination lock, maybe you guys would know?"

Skye: "What are numbers that are important to Rachel?"

Marcus: "okay this is gonna sound really weird, but when i saw her and talked to her yesterday before she speaked she liked... blurted out a number." Skye all of a sudden starts to fiddle with the lock and listens to Marcus for a number.

Skye: "What number as it?"

Marcus: "uhh... i think it was 1 i believe"

Skye: "Okay"

Mickey: "She did the same thing when we talked, I thought she was just calling me a 0, it wouldn't be the first time that i heard that."

Skye: "Okay so this happened to me too."

Marcus: "What?"

Skye: "I thought she just acting all crazy, she said the number 9." she looks at the combination lock and tries a bunch of combos.

Billy: "She says a lot of number to me because... of math"

Skye: "I mean has she said specific numbers to you? there are only 3 slots here. You know maybe it's 9 1 0 i don't have-" the latch opens, shocked when the numbers inputted worked she looked at the three and begins to open the journal.

Skye: "That was it! That unlocked her journal!"

Billy: "Is there any sign, about where she is?"

Skye: "There's a bunch of polaroids here."

Mickey and Marcus: "What's on it?"

Skye: "One is a picture of Marcus... gross." Marcus rolls his eyes and gets close to skye to look at the journal

Skye: "There is this picture of a car? I don't know who's this is though."

Mickey: "Wait, That's my dads car!"

Skye: "Why would Rachel have a picture of your dad's car in her journal?" she raises her eyebrow at her questioning Mickey.

Mickey: "I have no idea-"

Skye: "I mean the picture of Marcus makes sense... but why..."

Mickey: "We were talking at the theater and she got really interested about my dad but i though it was because of- you know, her dad... they're just drunks, and she started asking questions which i just thought she was being nice." as she say this Skye looks through the contents of the journal finding interesting entries written by Rachel

Skye: "Okay i'm just looking through this... her first journal entry was january fifth 1986... let me see if there is... woah there are some more photos over here."

Marcus: "What are these?"

Skye: "One of them is the gold heels that i found at the bridge, and i don't know what this one is it's like an alleyway or some sort" she shows the second picture to the group and once Billy saw it he remembers what it was.

Billy: "That's right where Rachel's father works! That's behind the law office!"

Skye: "There's a page ripped out where the photos were she wrote something disturbing 'the dreams are getting worse and worse, I can see reflections of people with mohawks and no face, but then it stops-"

Billy: "Uhhh I saw people with mohawks and they had zippers on their faces! But they were still able to talk."

Mickey: "Well that's freaky"

Skye: "The next page says 'I'm a goner, If my time in this planet is coming to an end I'm gonna lose my virginity who actually gives a shit about me." she looks at Marcus and he starts to look down and backs away from the group then leans on the wall

Skye: "uhh it continues ' I'm sorry for getting you all involved be careful stay safe ' and then the last page is ripped out and that's it, that's the last thing in her journal"

Billy: "She gave us numbers to open this journal, this must be for us! she wants us to-" as he says this around the corner a lone individual starts to approach them and it is none other than Sammy Reilly.

Sammy: "Hey uh..."

Skye: "What do you want Sammy!?" she yells showing her distaste to him. Sammy stammering trying to find his words, eventually speaks.

Sammy: "I- uh- I saw Rachel last night... she-"

Marcus: "So you know Rachel too?"

Sammy: "Sh-sh- She's dead isn't she?"

Skye: "Wait what did you see?"

Sammy: "I- I saw her body got taken... I don't know why but I'm fucking scared!"

Marcus: "Hey, she talked to you yesterday, what did she say to you?"

Sammy: "She didn't say anything she just handed me this!" he shows the group a piece of ripped paper that has scribbles in it.

Skye: "Wait that's a piece of her journal!"

Marcus: "Give it here Sammy" he takes the piece and gives it to Skye where she places it into the journal

Sammy: "The fuck is this piece of paper! What the fuck is going on! I woke up this morning and I was covered in some weird shit! It smelled so gross and sticky and stuff and my room was all-"

Billy: "Hey man! Get a hold of yourself! We all went through the same thing it's fine!"

Marcus: "Yeah we went through it too"

Billy: "We're past that, we got bigger fish to fry!" as he says this Mickey fiddling with her pockets nervously notices a piece of paper sitting inside her pockets much to her surprise, it is the exact same paper but only another piece of it.

Mickey: "Wait guys! check your pocket i think i have a piece of paper just like sammy's" the three of the group Skye, Billy, and Marcus check for their pockets when Skye and Billy found the remaining two last pieces to complete the missing ripped page.

Skye: "Oh my gosh your're right, these are the missing from her journal, wait these were the one that are ripped out!"

Marcus: "Quick put them together maybe they'll match up"

Mickey: "I didn't like what was on my piece"

Sammy: "Guys what the fuck is going on!? Is Rachel dead!? I talked to my dad this morning and was like Rachel who!? and then-"

Skye, Billy, and Marcus: "Sammy! Shut up" " Shut up Sammy!" "Fucking shut up!" they say as they were putting together the pieces of the page. once they were done it showed a grotesque drawn figure seeming to look human but unsure by how shriveled of the skin is and at the bottom of it is written The Gorgon.

Mickey: "What is that?"

Marcus: "It some sort of thing called... the gorgon? what the hell is this-"

Sammy: "What the fuck is a gorgon!"

Marcus: "I don't know man, but it some drawing?"

Billy: "Gorgon? isn't that some type of being or something?"

Mickey: "I don't think that's... this kind"

Marcus: "Do you guys think... Rachel drew that?"

Skye: "That looks like it matches the page that is ripped out of her journal so maybe?"

Billy: "Why would she give us these clues?... She must be still alive! Maybe she needs our help to find her?"

Mickey: "Or this is the one that killed her"

Skye: "We don't know that she's gone for real Mickey!" she says aggressively

Skye: "Listen i don't want to talk about, as if Rachel is dead, we all know that she is alive, she left us this note, she needs help, I could feel her, as crazy as that sounds so I know she is alive." as she says this she's flipping through the pages seeming to make her point when she notices she missed a photo taped to a page written with an entry.

Skye: "Wait, there's another polaroid here it's a picture of the town, and an entry... it says ' the debt will be collected in March 5th ' March 5th?"

Billy: "March 5th is today, she... was the debt?"

Mickey: "What kind of debt would be a person"

Skye: "Guys i found another disturbing page from Rachel's journal uhh it says ' Tonight when i was walking around from that girl from work Mickey's dad was following me or something and pulled up next to me and handed me a pair of gold heels, it seriously freaked me out, he said that it would fit me and that he would see me soon, I asked Mickey today what her dad does and she said he worked for Synchroneity, why is he following me? he is still following me, I can't remember what happened, I remember getting in an elevator and standing inside with this photo in my pocket ' the one in this page i'm assuming"

Mickey: "Look I don't know what this has to do with my dad, but this doesn't sound like him"

Skye: "Mickey... where was your dad last night?"

Mickey: "He probably drunk somewhere he doesn't just go up to girls and pull up at the side of the road, he's done some bad things, but that's not my dad"

Skye: "Why would Rachel lie Mickey... I'm not trying to accuse your dad of anything, oy you, but I don't really know you... but i know Rachel, and i trust whatever she says over anything that you would say"

Mickey: "What you wanna ask my dad? Let's go ask my dad, good luck waking him up" she says aggressively

Skye: "good let's go in my jeep, let's all go"

Billy: "Are we gonna skip school?"

as tension rises between the two girls, the group didn't notice a tall man carrying a briefcase standing next to them, they've seen this man all around town wandering wherever he goes, people just assume he is some sort of average joe a business man like no other, sometimes people would see him walking, sometimes riding the bus, but always on his way somewhere, people just never really know where that destination may be, as Skye begins to turn she bumps into the man and abruptly stops, confused she looks down and see the man with an outstretched hand with a piece of paper, as she grabs it and pulls it up to her face, the paper reveals " You've been summoned " and within that instant, before any of the group reacts, a hole opened up in the earth underneath Skye Hawkins, as she falls, her body sliding down the ground, the hole walloping her up and immediately closing shut.