Interrupting them [2]

With her hand over Sookyung's shoulder, Jiwoo turned her head to look at the male and spoke out, "Omo! You remember my name. Then again, considering how I tend to leave an impression, that is not exactly all that surprising I suppose."

Before Sookyung was able to respond to her, she turned to look at the woman, and a certain object in the woman's hand managed to catch her attention.

Extending her hand towards the woman, she pulled away the card from her hand and brought it closer to her face. Scanning her eyes through the contents of the card, a small smirk formed on Soohyun's face.

"Omo! Isn't this the same type of card you have given me, Thief? So, you basically use the same card to deceive everyone. Lady, a piece of advice for you is to not trust this dude; this is definitely a scam. Even I believed him in the first," Jiwoo voiced out.