Interrupting them [3]

"What do you mean by those words of yours, Shin Daerin?" Oh Sookyung questioned— confusion present in his voice.

"Oh my! Would you look at the time?" She spoke out, "I forgot that I have an important task to do later on. Oops! Let's catch up later on."

With those words, she turned her back on Oh Sookyung and was about to walk away when she felt her hand being gripped by someone, causing her to halt in her steps.

Surprised by his actions, she looked back and raised one of her eyebrows at him. She then questioned, "What are you trying to do?"

"Who sent you to follow after me, Shin Daerin? Who are you?" he asked— seeming slightly paranoid.

"You really want to know the truth behind it?" Jiwoo vocalised while a small smirk formed upon her face.

"Moon Jiwoo, I am warning you once again. Do not attempt to do anything reckless or I will be personally killing you. Remember that."