Which era [1]

Seeing the familiar masked man stand before her, Moon Jiwoo felt a rush of anger, and memories began to flood inside her mind. Unable to control herself, she strode towards the man.

Extending her hand towards his shirt's collar, she gripped on to it tightly and vocalized, "Ah! You bastard! It's really good to see you again. Although I could not meet that annoying—"

Before Moon Jiwoo was able to continue further, Minnie spoke out, "Stop, Jiwoo, stop. You fool, did you forget that you are in someone else's body now?"

The realization dawned upon her after Jiwoo heard those words, and releasing her grip on the man's collar, she took a couple of steps back.

The man that stood before her— Han Minhyun— was someone she had gotten married to in her last life, and thinking of the treatment the man made her go through was enough to make her blood boil. 

Recalling about the countless number of times he had insulted her, she had the urge to strike the man.