Which era [2]

Both of them walked through the streets of the Seoul. A small smile sat on Moon Jiwoo's face while Oh Sookyung had a nonchalant expression upon his features.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Moon Jiwoo questioned, turning her to face him.

"When did you get perceptive enough to notice that?" Sookyung retorted— his lips curving to form a smirk— and his eyes had a teasing glint.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me here? Don't think that I would not be beating you up outside. I have no problem in doing so," Moon Jiwoo warned while staring at him sternly.

Raising both of his hands to together, he spoke out, "Woah! Woah! Calm down! I have no interest in picking a fight with you outside! It was just that I was thinking about that Minhyun guy."

"About him? What is there to think about him?" Jiwoo asked, raising one of her eyebrows.