Don't get close [2]

The trip was one of the things Moon Jiwoo looked really forward to. Staying enclosed at the castle did not suit her taste, and following Sookyung, she came over to the northern parts of the Underworld.

The entire Underworld was under one king with some places having exceptions, and one of the area at the northern part was counted in that exception.

Their tribe was called to be Noran, and their customs were much different compared to the part under Sookyung's rule. They had their own sets of rules, and the kingdom's regulation had nothing to with them.

From long ago, an agreement was established on how the King will not be doing anything to them as long as the Noran tribe provided them with enough resources— something Jiwoo was not aware of— and did not create trouble for them.

However, the last King's foolish decision caused the relationship between the kingdom and the Noran tribe to turn bumpy.