Kim Joohyun [1]

"I find myself liking her more and more by each second. Using her as a collateral might make me agree to whatever you have for us," Joohyun stated.

Not being fond of the way he was talking about her, Moon Jiwoo clenched her hand into a tight fist and was contemplating the consequences of swinging that fist, so that she would be able to stop herself from doing anything impulsive. 

"If she wants to, I guess that's fine. In front of her, even I am powerless," Sookyung expressed.

Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened due to surprise upon his words. Although Jiwoo knew that he would not be giving her off to Joohyun—as he did not dare to do that— she thought that he would be at least trying to tease her. 

Seeing him being this respectful managed to elicit a shocked response from Moon Jiwoo, and a small smile made its way onto her face.