Pink Crystal Dust

Specks of pink began to slowly emerge in the distorting air over the sea in the distance. From afar, it looked as if thousands of peach blossoms dotted the sky and the sea as both men waited quietly. As time went by, those pink specks grew more in number and their color grew darker. Soon, the whole region was foggy and blurry like a dream.

"It's so strong!" Duan Yue was taken aback. Even though they were far apart, the pink crystal dust could still affect his mind. It was much stronger than the one they met before.

Yunxiao looked calm. His current soul power was already at the level of a fourth-tier alchemist, so he would have no problem in safely traveling through the pink crystal dust.

"Shall we go now?" Duan Yue urged.

"No, we'll wait a bit more," Yunxiao said flatly.