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Heng Yuan's expression became strangely blank, and then it gradually changed. Suddenly, a smile brushed his lips, seeming bizarre and cold, startling Yunxiao and Duan Yue.

"Ha, haha!" All of a sudden, he threw his head back and laughed. "Haha, hahaha!"

After laughing for a few minutes, he quieted down. With a bizarre look in his eyes, he glanced at Yunxiao and Duan Yue as he gave a cold snort and said in a hoarse voice, "A sealed Martial Emperor? A fourth-tier alchemist? Har, two ants!"

Yunxiao and Duan Yue's expressions changed drastically, and both of them raised their vigilance to the highest level. But, a look of contempt appeared in Heng Yuan's eyes, and then he turned into a beam of red light and pierced through the rainbow fog into the distance. Wherever he passed, the pink crystal dust retreated and made way for him.