Dragon bloodline

Luo Qingyun's expression changed drastically, and he laughed in anger,"Haha, what an arrogant kid! Since you want to play to the end, I'll accompany you to the end! You think you can defeat me just because you injured me?"

He took out a jade-green Pearl, and with a ferocious expression, he bit it. His pupils suddenly shrank and turned into a strange dark green color. A strange aura burst out from his body.

Yunxiao's heart trembled, and his eyes widened in horror as he saw Luo Qingyun's body begin to change like the one in the mental prison. Gradually, he turned into a Dragon, but even more bizarre and powerful.

"Demon transformation pill? No, how could there be a demonic core that could transform into a Dragon in this world? What did that kid eat just now?"

"Bang Bang!"

"Bang Bang!"

The sound of a heartbeat came from Luo Qingyun's body, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. Everyone felt shocked.