Innate divine ability

Hmph! Yunxiao sneered and snorted. I hope you can still say the same thing after you become a roasted Dragon! He spread his fingers, his eyes focused, and said in a low voice, " "Tianluo killing field, manifestation of fire, all of you, come out!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A rumbling sound resounded in the sea of fire. Suddenly, a huge figure stood up from the fire and rushed toward Luo Qingyun's fist wind.


The wind from the punch pierced through the background and disappeared.

Luo Qingyun's pupils contracted, and he said coldly, " "It's just an ordinary elemental manifestation. There's nothing special about it!" Looking at Yunxiao's smiling but silent face, he suddenly had a thought. At some point, an ancient fighting will from the void spread out in the sea of fire. It was so strong that it was about to penetrate his body and blow him away.

“嗞! What's going on?"