Chapter 845-Nine Heavens Embracing the Moon

Ning keyue was shocked. A trump card that was stronger than six ninth-tier armaments? that was undoubtedly the moon eye! Her hands were covered in sweat. If Yunxiao had used his eye sorcery on the spot, even she would not have been able to save him!

Jiang Churan chuckled and said, " I'm also very curious. This kid's eyes seem to be struggling. It seems the situation isn't going to be as one-sided as we expected."

In the arena, the halberd slashed down from the sky. Yunxiao's face changed several times. He was distracted for a moment and could not Dodge in time. He stepped out with his body technique, but his chest was still cut open, revealing the red flesh and blood.

"Hmph, only this much strength? It seems like the battle will end earlier than I expected!"

RUO Xiang grinned hideously as he spun the halberd in his hand and struck out one after another. Under the continuous attacks, Yunxiao was overwhelmed and in danger.