Chapter 846-number one in the world?

The people of Red Moon City were all shocked. He had actually imitated ning keyue's song of one sword subduing the soul and used his saber as a sword to perform the song of subduing the soul!

Ning keyue was also shocked. Although Yunxiao's saber momentum was much weaker than her Song of Soul subduing, the spirit of it was somewhat similar, and there was a faint sense of subduing the soul spreading.

The moves could be imitated, but how could the martial essence of that sword be so easily learned?

And under that blade, the power of the natural order emerged. Just as everyone was at a loss, three Maha ancient characters appeared on the blade again. It was the soul attack method recorded on the Dragon Bone bead!

As the saber slashed down, the giant corpse puppet descended from the sky. The shape of a saber condensed on its body, and the surroundings were an ocean of Saber Light, instantly suppressing Yun Xiang!